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  1. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    I'm still looking for the right one. Patience.
  2. DaneNav

    What Line Of Work Are You In

    Ships Navigator/Dynamic Positioning operator. Former night captain/OIM/Chief Mate but due to the low oil prices I am happy to be working. Did some army reserve time, professional musician time, trade time as apprentice pipe fitter and high pressure pipe welder. Then I started offshore and here...
  3. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    Thanks for the lead on the stock. I'll try them. Dane
  4. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    Hi guys, I found out that this 1987 602 that unblocking at has a crack in the fire stock. If I purchase I'm thinking a stock replacement is in order. Correct? If so I need your help to find the correct stock and set up. What would you do? These 602's are getting hard to find.
  5. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    I'm hearing similar values via friends. Is there any quality difference between this 1987 build and an older one, let's also consider a new 550.
  6. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    Ok, so I have found a BRNO ZKK602 in Canada made in 87. 60 rounds down the tube. No rear peep sight. What kind of price is fair for this rifle?
  7. DaneNav

    Looking For An Inexpensive Old Beat Up .375 Rifle

    For those in the know, and sorry Albert for the slight hijack of your thread, How well does the Whitworth compare to the BRNO?
  8. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    Hopefully a Canadian has one set aside that will allow it to see the range and Africa.
  9. DaneNav

    BRNO ZKK 602 .375H&H Hunt

    Well I've begun the Hunt for a .375H&H. I'd like to get the BRNO ZKK 602. I know I can find a CZ 550 new without too much effort. However this is a hunt. A hunt for something is always a lot more fun than seeing it and taking it. I have heard that the Whithrow Express is a great find as well but...
  10. DaneNav

    Need help with research...

    - When did you first get into hunting? When I was young, around 10 yrs old. I got out of it around 14 yrs old and returned to it at about age 37. - Do you enjoy it, and if so what is the best part? Personally I find stocking the animals the best part of the hunt with the lead up to the correct...
  11. DaneNav

    KLM begins flights to Windhoek in October

    I'm here in Angola now. No the airport is not what we are used to elsewhere but if it's a quick stopover flight, they may not ask you to deplane. There are no ramps to and from the gates, they have stinky busses. Airport is not the greatest but it's better than Lagos and a million times better...
  12. DaneNav

    The journey begins!

    Congrats to you, great looking animals.
  13. DaneNav


    Eland is for sure the next on the list. We are thinking Namibia for 2018. bd
  14. DaneNav


    Thanks gents. Although I get to take the trophies home, in all honesty had I the choice between the meat and the trophy, I might take the meat. It was amazing.
  15. DaneNav


    We hunted around Hoedspruit with Stuart Pringle and Tinus Lindeque. I was successful with 6 animals. Kudu Impala Zebra Blue Wildebeast Last three animals were harvested at 08:30, 09:30, and 10:30 the same morning. Bushbuck And finally the Nyala Last two animals harvested the...
  16. DaneNav


    hello from Nova Scotia. I had my chance to hunt Africa this past July. Wish I had of know about the site prior to the trip. I'm excited once again about the animals I hunted, excited about getting back there. DaneNav