Search results

  1. Roan

    Fitting Merkel front sight - advice needed

    On mine I knocked out the bead and just turned pice of ivory to make a bigger bead and inserted in the original sight. Maybe try that.
  2. Roan

    Modern SXS

    I have a Beretta Parallelo. Not twin triggered or multi chocked though but I shoot everything with it here is SA. From clays to Geese and rabbits. Love that gun.
  3. Roan

    Trophy - The Film

    Just ordered my copy! Thanks for the headsup!
  4. Roan

    Heym, Rigby or Mauser?

    I have a M98 magnum Mauser. Great rifle. But if have to buy now I would go Heym it is just a beautiful rifle. From the ones I have seen the Heyms have a better grade wood as standard. Mauser and Rigby are going to charge you for wood upgrade to match Heym. Imo. Cant go wrong with any of those 3.
  5. Roan

    Trophy - The Film

    Hahahaha. I am always keen on people joining me to hunt. Pack your bags bring your copy and let me know when you land.;)
  6. Roan

    Trophy - The Film

    Itunes is world wide but for some reason we don’t get all the same content as US. Will keep looking.
  7. Roan

    Trophy - The Film

    Nope. Amazon prime doesnt work on SA address. Netflix SA doesn’t even have it on amd neither does iTunes SA. Will keep trying.
  8. Roan

    Trophy - The Film

    Anyone know how we can see Trophy in South Africa?
  9. Roan

    For Sale BRNO 602 .458 Lott Custom For Cheap

    Bargain. Over here in SA the action alone would be double that price easily.
  10. Roan

    For Sale 470 NE Norma African PH Ammunition

    This is for the couple South Africans on here. I have 5 boxes of softs and 10 boxes of solids. R1200 per box
  11. Roan

    For Sale 6.5 X54 MSCH M 1903 Butterknife

    My swarrie het selfde een behalwe nog met original Hensholdt scope. Great geweertjie.
  12. Roan

    Huntable non-indigenous, introduced species in RSA or Namibia?

    Do you know who has Puku?? Would be interested. Cheers
  13. Ruger No1 in 6.5x55 Rifle

    Ruger No1 in 6.5x55 Rifle

  14. Roan

    New Ruger African 6.5x55 from Lipsey's

    Not a African but a Ruger No1 in 6.5x55 Shoots like a dream going to use it next week on a couple of unsuspecting Sringbuck.
  15. Roan

    3 MOA Trijicon RMR With CZ 550 QD Mount

    Hi Matt If it’s still available I will take it if you willing to send it to SA. Cheers
  16. Roan

    3 MOA Trijicon RMR With CZ 550 QD Mount

    Hi Matt If it’s still available I will take it if you willing to send it to SA. Cheers
  17. Roan

    470 bonded arrived

    Damn... I see a sore shoulder in your future!
  18. Roan

    Finally bit the bullet

    Nice Rifle!! Looks like Safari Outdoor here in South Africa.
  19. Roan

    Taxidermy Lion

    Custos Taxidermy. He does about 10 Lions a month for export to Europe and China email:
  20. Roan

    Rigby 350 Magnum

    Thanks for all the feedback!! I didn't jump on this rifle quick enough and it was sold. Kicking myself!!
  21. Roan

    New .275 Rigby

    Congratulations!!! I have ordered one as well just waiting for it to arrive.
  22. Roan

    Rigby 350 Magnum

    Forgot about Stewards! Think Bertrams make cases. But yea not gonna be cheap tobget them here.
  23. Roan

    Rigby 350 Magnum

    Thanks for all the info guys. My biggest concern after the price is the availability of reloading components. Priced at around $6500.
  24. Roan

    Rigby 350 Magnum

    Hi Guys I can buy a pre war Rigby in 350 Magnum. Anyone have some info on the caliber?
  25. Roan

    Is this the same trophy Hartebeest?

    Nice Beestie. Same horns for sure.
  26. Roan

    Hello from South Africa

    Welcome from one Boertjie to another.
  27. Roan

    Mother's Day? Seriously?

    HAHAHAHA... Nutters.
  28. Roan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kemp African Safaris

    Good luck with the hunt and enjoy! Red Duiker are my nemesis! I hope you get a good one! Would love to see pics of the Red Duiker and Sharps when you get them!
  29. Roan

    Can anybody help to indicate value of this rifle?

    Hi. Not a super collectible rifle. Here in SA could get maybe R 10k. Also not a popular cal here in SA. Keep it and shoot it.
  30. Roan

    Are these rounds any good?

    Used them once in my 375hh on Eland. Cant say I was overly impressed with them. All the peddles broke off on both bullets I recovered.
  31. Roan

    Shooting Sticks

    Those work like a BOMB! Took a wildebeest at 250 meters just behind the ear off a quad stick a week ago.
  32. Reedbuck South Africa Hunting

    Reedbuck South Africa Hunting

  33. Roan

    Reedbuck Pictures

    Took this guy the past weekend in Freestate.
  34. Roan

    Big Buffalo Bull Hunt

    Super Buff! If we didn't have such a crap currency I would have loved to give him a go.
  35. Roan

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Potentially very sad news indeed.
  36. Roan

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    I know everyone wants to speculate about what happened but just remember that his wife is on this post as well and I am sure she has more than enough things going through her mind without us adding to it. Just something to be aware off.
  37. Roan

    Hunting Black Sable or multi animals

    Sable all the way!!
  38. Klipspringer Hunt

    Klipspringer Hunt

  39. Roan

    Merkel SxS??

    You take a pic of it? Send Merkel a mail and ask them WTF?
  40. Roan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Running Review Of Limpopo Safaris

    Nice Stag! Love the Wire Haired Foxy in the pic! great dogs!
  41. Roan

    Sorted & Proven Boddington Kudu For Sale Houston

    If you want to go through the trouble I will take these off your hands. Stay strong.
  42. Roan

    What is the draw of a Ruger#1?

    Latest victim of my No1 in 270win.
  43. Roan

    Ode To A Dog

    1 000 000 Likes
  44. Roan

    Rhino solid shank projectiles

    Since you in Aus cant you get Woodleigh fairly easily?
  45. Roan


    Are these guys equivalent to a 100 pound tusker or can you find them with a little bit of looking? What would a standard one look like?
  46. Roan

    Rhino solid shank projectiles

    I was always a big fan of Rhinos. But lately the quality and consistency has gone down and the prices up. Had a couple of boxes of 416 and not one of the projectiles looked the same. Must admit though that they do hit hard. Of the SA made bullets Peregrine has much better QC and it shows...
  47. Roan

    Ode To A Dog

    Same stupid wind here I suppose. These guys creep so deep into your heart.
  48. Roan

    Ode To A Dog

    Sorry to hear. I too lost my bud a while back. Know what you feeling.
  49. Roan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Buffalo Hunt In Pongola Game Reserve KZN RSA

    Great story! Pongola is a special place. Side note, Your buddy Deck sounds like the kind of guy every bloke wants as a bud.
  50. Roan

    Hunter Hosting

    good question. I think if I invite a Foreign friend to hunt here without compensation and only plains game I might be able to host them. Not too sure though, the outfitter guys will know better.