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  1. TwoTracks

    Dangerous, Non Dangerous Game

    Holy smokes. Nothing a slice of Birthday Cheesecake won’t make better! :D
  2. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: 10 Day Buffalo/Plains Game Safari With KMG Hunting Safaris July 15

    Congratulations! The old 375 and the old Flex still getting the job done. I love it.
  3. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thank you John. I am very grateful for you taking the time to talk to me about your hunt. It was nice to hear about your experiences and that conversation made me very comfortable to book with KMG. Funny you bring up Alan Jackson. Old Alan fell out of graces with us and had to be put...
  4. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thank you again for such a wonderful trip. I really enjoyed myself and am ecstatic with the animals. This year, if @CAustin and I work (loiter and drive off potential clients) your both again, we will require churros or nachos for payment. Probably better to just shoo us out of there though.
  5. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: First African Hunt Cape Buffalo With My Bow

    Great job! I love the way the old bull is worn smooth. Very nice shooting and way to stay patient.
  6. TwoTracks

    Head north

    You sir, get bonus points for the use of the word sachet. A highly underutilized word. Trout fishing, log fires….. sounds like a great trip. Now I need to go and dig up a Ruark book for this weekend.
  7. TwoTracks

    Masai shield being eaten by bugs

    We have to use mount medix in our area. I buy the stuff by the gallon and spray all the mounts that have fur once a year. It’s the same tiny moths that eat wool that attack and eat the hair follicles in taxidermy. The little SOBs ate a few of my small animal mounts before I figured it out...
  8. TwoTracks

    Full Body Bushbuck taken w KMG Hunting Safaris

    I love those tough little guys. The terriers of the African antelope. Beautiful Mount.
  9. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Yes sir, I remember the posts and animals from your hunt. A bunch of us have had great hunts with KMG.
  10. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Oh excellent. I’m looking forward to hearing how your hunt goes. Good luck.
  11. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. I've really enjoyed the forum. Hopefully this report has entertained some folks and may motivate others to book with KMG or take that first hunt.
  12. Eastern Cape South Africa

    Eastern Cape South Africa

  13. Kudu Eastern Cape South Africa

    Kudu Eastern Cape South Africa

  14. Springbok Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Springbok Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  15. Black Wildebeest Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Black Wildebeest Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  16. Black Wildebeest Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Black Wildebeest Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  17. Baboon Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Baboon Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  18. Kudu Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Kudu Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  19. Kudu Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Kudu Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  20. Kudu & Caracal Hunting Eastern Cape South Africa

    Kudu & Caracal Hunting Eastern Cape South Africa

  21. Hunting Eastern Cape South Africa

    Hunting Eastern Cape South Africa

  22. Warthog Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Warthog Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  23. Warthog Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Warthog Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  24. Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  25. Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  26. Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Nyala Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  27. Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  28. Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  29. CB8FA481-25F6-4685-82EC-17456B629BF2.jpeg


  30. Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Eastern Cape South Africa

  31. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thanks shootist. Hopefully I kept a high standard for us NM chaps.
  32. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thanks Pheroze. Out of respect for you and your son, we cut a strand of barbed wire one afternoon. Pretty much for payback. It needed cutting.
  33. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Conclusion To make this short and sweet: Do it. Find a way to take that first trip. Do not hesitate to book with KMG. I am very grateful for Marius, Nick, Themba, LD, the entire KMG crew, the core group that assisted me every day, and all of the AH members that have shared their...
  34. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    After checking in at the Airlink ticket counter, I had to go upstairs to pay for the excess baggage fees. After paying the fees, the gentlemen gave me the boarding pass. After arrival in JNB, I collected the baggage and rifles and signed the rifle log in that area. I had a couple hours to kill...
  35. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Travel Home After completing the final paperwork with Marius, Nick and I loaded up the Hi-Lux. A stop at the skinning shed for a few pictures, and we were on our way. We dropped Themba off at his house and picked up Lucky-D for the ride into East London. The guys helped me lug my gear into the...
  36. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Day-8 6,213 steps, 3.1 miles After a long day and very late night on Day-7, we attempted to sleep in late. Around lunch, I decided it was best to rest a little, reflect, pack, and spend time with people around camp. The evening before, the “K” in KMG came to camp and brought the house dog. I...
  37. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Later that evening, we visited with a local bushpig expert. We sat around the fire, talked hunting, dogs and life. It was a nice evening. We were hopeful that a boar would come into bait that night, but only sows and little pigs. Once again, South Africans are so generous and hospitable...
  38. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Thank you Bruce. It really was a great trip.
  39. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    After a successful morning hunt, we headed into Queenstown for a couple of errands and to eat lunch. We had a very good lunch and visited the local gun store. On the drive home we took the scenic route for a little neighborhood appreciation.
  40. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    After pictures of the wildebeest, we started looking a mature springbok. This proved to be a little trickier than I first thought. We could find plenty of ewes but not many rams. Then when we did find a ram, those jokers weren’t hanging around long enough for us to get a good look at them...
  41. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Day-7 9,386 steps, 4.6 miles The 4 of us headed to a large game farm that has good numbers of black wildebeest and springbok. We picked up a local tracker and made our way onto a large flat ridge. Within 10 minutes, two nice black wildebeest were spotted. One appeared to be very old and had...
  42. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Having two great animals for the day, we headed back to camp. Once back at the skinning shed, I got a little snoopy and dug out a few of my animals. While taking these pictures, I was blown away with how great the trip had gone so far.
  43. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    While at the farm, we borrowed a few of the workers to help retrieve the kudu. Getting to the kudu proved to be challenging. The terrain was very steep, had several cliffs and was thick with vines and vegetation. Nick’s terriers did an awesome job of leading the party straight to the bull...
  44. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Day-6 12,571 steps, 6.4 miles The 4 of us headed to a family run cattle farm in search of Kudu. We were very blessed to have one of the owners accompany us for the day. He is also a PH and was an enormous help. I am very grateful for his expertise and his family’s hospitality. We quickly...
  45. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    While setting the warthog up for pictures, a baboon started to bark at us. We all turned to see a lone male baboon sitting on a boulder. He must have figured he had enough distance between us to not feel in danger. Photo ops quickly turned into spotting scope and range finder ops. By this...
  46. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    Day-5 11,694 steps, 5.8 miles We headed to a large cattle farm. This giant property has produced many good kudu bulls over the years, and we hoped it would produce again. After picking up a local tracker and dropping Themba off at a high vantage point, we glassed several kudu bulls that tempted...
  47. TwoTracks

    SOUTH AFRICA: TwoTracks-KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt 2022

    The pack out was another unexpected highlight. Themba had to go back to the truck to get his superhero cape. When he returned, he made the bushbuck into a backpack and strapped it on! Themba humped the white-tail sized ram out of the valley, like he was giving a kid a piggyback ride. One of my...