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  1. F

    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    As promised... a new rifle is born
  2. F

    .404 Jeffery - a long awaited call...

    There she is
  3. F

    .404 Jeffery - a long awaited call...

    Well, not taking prisoners isn't that bad for a DG rifle :)
  4. F

    .404 Jeffery - a long awaited call...

    I still can't believe it, but my gunsmith gave me a call today. The new built .404 Jeffery seems to be ready for our first date tomorrow... The Barnes TSX bullets also arrived today, so it hopefully won't take long to test out the new beauty. I guess her name will be "Helena", just because all...
  5. F

    Is a Rigby worth it?

    Guys, if you are looking for a Dumoulin system, there is one available in Germany right now. It's "only" a standard system, but nevertheless worth a look, if you are interested in Dumoulin Mauser 98 systems...
  6. F

    Is a Rigby worth it?

    Well - that's the same question that tormented me too :D I had a long conversation with a gunsmith, who is a friend of mine. We talked about this topic nearly an hour. And like many other users already wrote ==> there are two correct answers "Yes" and "No". Said that - I have to admit two...
  7. F

    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    Thank you for your reply Scott. Yes please, it would be great to get some advice regarding nice spots in Moz :)
  8. F

    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    Thank you for your answer Dave. I heard a lot of really strange stories about buffalo hunting in SA from some friends. So that is not an option for me to be honest. Stalking for hours should not be a problem, that's what we have to do in Austria as well e.g. for Chamois or Boar But of course...
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    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    Thank you all for this warm welcome messages. To answer the question above. I am reloading my ammo and my gunsmith as well :)
  10. F

    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    Hi mark Thanks for your answer. Heading for a buffalo the first time you are in Africa is quite untypical, that's right. In fact I would like to combine both, like my father did many years ago :) He started with an Impala for the kitchen on the first day, a warthog, managed to hunt for a...
  11. F

    Another new Guy who is looking forward to Africa

    Hi to all As you might guess according to the thread title I haven't been to Africa yet. My father hunted in Africa several times (while I was definately to young to join him). I already started planning my first trip to Africa - hopefully to hunt for an old dagga boy. Hopefully I can make it...