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  1. akeate

    Taxidermist tipping

    I don't know you. I really do cheer for small business. And someone who is driven and works hard has my respect. Maybe I railroaded this topic. Throwing someone a tip for taxidermy doesnt seem to be the norm but on a job well done it certainly seems to be appreciated......
  2. akeate

    Taxidermist tipping

    I have no doubt you bust your tail and do amazing work. But you proved my exact "lie" in your post. You said that you will lose money on 1 cape when his other 8 capes are good. It's your business model. You are willing to lose to keep the customer and gain on the others. If all 8 capes...
  3. akeate

    Taxidermist tipping

    Nothing is free. Nothing. What is basically being said by Wildlife is that he makes enough money on his base price to allow him to pay for the repairs without an additional surcharge. Now it is very possible that wildlife's passion for taxidermy allows him to work for a very low wage. On...
  4. akeate

    A New Hunting Show - looking for input

    Outdoor TV is all paid. You pay for your slot and then hope that you can sell ad space and gain sponsors that can cover the cost. The real benefit to a hunting show is the ability to gain credibility in the eyes of the hunting community and become an agent where you earn commissions on every...
  5. akeate

    Courtney Selous Boots from African Sporting Creations

    So Sealous. Anyone have another opinion on the Impi or the others? Or are they just a leather variation with the same model?
  6. akeate

    What's your favorite plains game to hunt in Africa and why?

    Lion. By far. Being on the ground and finding a fresh kill is sure knowledge that you aren't the only apex predator in the bush. Having said that, Springbok is my favorite PG. Accurate shooting at distance and watching those little guys run is just a ton of fun.
  7. akeate

    SAPS permit - What happens if you don't bring the exact amount of ammo for each caliber?

    Technically the US has a southern border. Sorry. Couldn't help myself.
  8. akeate

    Taxidermist tipping

    I just gave this speech this morning at work. Set expectations and stick to them. Change the rules or allow exceptions to the rules and you will fight that battle every time. Start tipping taxidermists and pretty soon that'll be part of the normal business model.
  9. akeate

    Courtney Selous Boots from African Sporting Creations

    Headed to the Kalahari in July. Been looking at some Courteney boots. I hear great things but I keep looking at the price tag. Kinda silly that i do when I pull the trigger on 40 .375 rounds at a time. Ha
  10. akeate

    Taxidermist tipping

    Never have tipped a taxidermist.
  11. akeate

    What Rifle to bring on your hunt

    Nosler. 'Nuff said. Ha
  12. akeate

    Buffalo in a herd

    No PH I know will risk hitting another. Wounded buffalo aren't exactly known for kindness
  13. akeate

    Shooting Sticks

    I second something that was posted somewhere else. Watch your right elbow. Don't let it fly away. Tuck it away.
  14. akeate

    What is the draw of a Ruger#1?

    Gotta love YouTube for educational videos.
  15. akeate

    Hornady DGX not performing......

    I used to like Hornady bullets. Now I pretty much shoot Nosler partitions...... and a solid is a solid in my book.
  16. akeate

    Hello from windy wyoming

    I'm in Rock Springs all the time. Have a business there. Where are You? Wyoming hunting is great. And then you have Africa. Whole nother level. Welcome sir
  17. akeate

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    That is an ominous last sentence. I hate to speculate but I make my money in the real world reading between the lines. This doesn't read well.
  18. akeate

    Couple of days to go

    At least your hitch is almost over. Shoot straight and have fun :)
  19. akeate

    Who is your favorite hunting outfitter in South Africa or Namibia?

    This question is the equivalent of asking if the US should build a wall at a work dinner party. Let the fireworks begin.
  20. akeate


    2 years ago. Hunted the Hippo in the picture over New Year. Took a Giraffe as well covered with ticks. I didn't check hard enough. Tick caught me between my toes. Came home and got sick as a dog. I told them it was tick bite fever and my doctor laughed. Ran my blood work and he...
  21. akeate

    WANTED: East Cape OR Largest Possible Ranch/Concession Hunt In South Africa

    I just read all the outfitter replies. I was more than impressed. They worked together, complimented each other and helped direct him the right direction. I'm impressed by all the outfitters who responded. Kudos guys. Or should I say kudus.....
  22. akeate

    New from Idaho

    Dogs or spotlight..... you will get it done. I have faith:)
  23. akeate

    SUV vs. Eland

    WTF....... That's crazy
  24. akeate

    New from Idaho

    Yes. That is very reasonable and a win for all involved. It took me 12 trips to get a caracal...... bahaha
  25. akeate

    Big Buffalo Bull Hunt

    How big of a fenced area for the hunt? I won't be able to do this hunt myself but I am sure it will help others in making a decision.
  26. akeate

    New from Idaho

    That's a tough price list. Day fees are reasonable. But if your auction was cheap enough and you average the animals it might work out to be similar. Just a thought. And I second Ridgewalker. You will be an addict like the rest of us :) And
  27. akeate

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Thank you Salome. At this point is there any assistance we can provide the family?
  28. akeate

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    And I'm sure he wants to hear from all of us a little more often, especially on behalf of others. I love this forum.
  29. akeate

    Only 4 weeks to go before Namibia

    Gemsbok hair isn't as much hair as it straw. Impala is amazing and Springbok is classic along with zebra. Shoot straight.
  30. akeate

    Flights in September?

    Miserable flight but it's heaven when you get there and your so exhausted from the adrenaline dump on the way home you don't care.
  31. akeate

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Smart move on money. Neutralize any potential pitfalls. In business we always say if someone doesn't need access to the bank, don't give it to them. Help honest people remain honest. Don't tempt..... well done guys. Now bring the man home.
  32. akeate

    Has anyone ever had a hunt interrupted by a predator?

    Was hunting wolves in Idaho when it was legal. Found some elk in a ravine between two fingers. Decent herd of 50 or so elk. They all come to attention and then bolt down the ravine. Thinking I might get a wolf that scared them off I set up. About 10 minutes later a mountain lion walks by...
  33. akeate

    Searcy Double 470NE

    The longer this hangs out there the more I want it........ I am a HUGE fan of this gun and am shocked it's still around.
  34. akeate

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Fees? Fees? This thread is turning towards fees? I'm sorry. A comment about fees at a moment like this makes my blood boil. I don't post much here and try to follow everything but a man's life hangs in the balance and has a wife and small children and we are going to get sidetracked by the...
  35. akeate

    Safety in South Africa 2017

    I have never felt threatened in S.A.. I have been held up at rusty AK gunpoint in Nigeria, dodged rebels in Sierra Leone as they invaded Freetown with gunshots everywhere and driven on 2 flat tires to get to the next town in Ghana. But South Africa? I'm not going to shanty town and hanging...
  36. akeate

    Passed on this gentleman - Leopards Valley Safaris 2017 Photos

    Now those are some killer bosses.....
  37. akeate

    Passed on this gentleman - Leopards Valley Safaris 2017 Photos

    Can someone say springbok backstraps for dinner? What a great ram.....
  38. akeate

    Passed on this gentleman - Leopards Valley Safaris 2017 Photos

    My very humble opinion is the boss. The boss doesn't seem to be really hard. A hard worn boss is a good indication of a mature animal. This buff looks big but doesn't have the look of a mature bull. Again just my humble observation......
  39. akeate

    What does good taxidermy look like?

    I have had all my work done in RSA. 2 different shops. While they aren't perfect, my Sable/Zebra pedestal mount won best large mount at the JHB hunting show. Unfortunately the taxidermist that did it is now out of business...... he was a taxidermist who could do good work but couldn't run...
  40. akeate

    African Hunting Safari For Two

    What about changing WHAT is donated for SCI and DU? Dont play the low day fee high trophy fee game. Dont play the minimum troohies taken game. For example, if an outfitter is really to give of his time and substance to a particular cause let them do just that. Let him just donate his days...
  41. akeate

    Cape Buffalo/Spotted Hyena Combo Hunt 2018

    I want a full mount hyena in the worst way. I am 21 days into hunting hyena over bait and no luck so far. I feel like I'm Leopard hunting .....
  42. akeate

    Mark Sullivan shows us how to handle a Double Rifle

    Wait..... is that a .375? A shot from 20 yards? Who knew.....
  43. akeate

    Mark Sullivan shows us how to handle a Double Rifle

    I don't think anyone is arguing that Mark can shoot. There is no doubt about that. It's the way he goes about shooting that most have issues with. I would never want to have Mark Sullivan teaching my 13 year old about hunting or handling a rifle. Having hunted buffalo quite a bit myself...
  44. akeate

    Mark Sullivan shows us how to handle a Double Rifle

    This is a great video. I would love to spend 10 days in the bush with this guy. I would find it to be great comic relief. On a more serious note, I saw this guy at an outdoor expo in Salt Lake a year or so ago. He had 5 guys gathered around at all times. The fact that people hunt with...
  45. akeate

    Bargain Sabatti 470 NE Double Rifle Like Brand New

    Is this rifle still available? Pm me if you are still looking to sell this rifle. Thanks.
  46. akeate

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunt Safari

    Day #1 Hunting And so a plan was made. I would go with Riaan and Jakes and try to start on the springbok in all 4 colors. Ross would go with Frankie, our other PH and South African Rugby 7's captain, and try to nab a Gemsbok. And so we went in different directions. Africa is a special place...
  47. akeate

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunt Safari

    So on to the good stuff. I left Salt Lake City on the 23rd of July headed to Jo'burg. Armed with Ambien, I climbed back into the flying tin can that would hold me captive for the next 20 odd hours or so. I'm 6'5, I don't fit in those seats. All the economy comfort seats were taken on the 200...
  48. akeate

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunt Safari

    And here she is finished...... Riaan vd Merwe is awesome. Thank you again Riaan.
  49. akeate

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunt Safari

    So I just got back Tuesday from my latest trip to South Africa. As always it was amazing. I will write a much longer report later but here are some pics. Jakes vd Merwe is my PH and Outfitter. The last pic is the lioness I took last year. Riaan at African Artistry and the owner of Tosca did...