Recent content by steve white

  1. S

    Please post a pic of Winchester 760

    760 does not have random diff spherical couldn't pay me to load with an unknown combination. You are only talking about one pound....and maybe your left hand.
  2. S

    Where to move to?

    You would think there would be a revolution against the leftist governments, but then, that's why they always try to disarm you first. Is EU going to just cave to these problems without a fight? What does UK think they are going to eat without farmers??!!
  3. S


    They would have been just as well off risking their lives while trying to overthrow Putin.
  4. S


    Not sure I trust/put confidence in the Atlantic in any case.
  5. S


    Pity the intellectuals who actually learn from history--they are still doomed/frustrated to watch the rest of the uninformed population repeat it.
  6. S


    Maybe the Obama years were the most corrupt, just better at hiding it....
  7. S

    Help, I've got to cut back...

    Why would I consider a fixation on AH a problem, since I devour every days' entries to the exclusion of Facebook, chores, and hobbies--even working out? It takes so long to get through 4-5 daily pages of Politics, and all the rest, that fishing time is getting compromised, hand loading...
  8. S

    300 H&H

    Beautiful rifle, and look at the neck on that brute! Congratulations!
  9. S

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    For shooting paper or ringing long range bells, yes. Cost consideration is tied to volume. For hunting, it is as irrelevant to me as the priority or cost of premium bullets--there is little volume involved in the equation. But if I really liked a double or a drilling for the fit, wood and...
  10. S

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Good binoculars, if I have the sense to make use of them. I don't have the game spotting ability of Bemaa's wife, until I lift the binos. The only whitetail deer I have successfully stalked would have in no way been accomplished without them. Super early and late--no contest. More important than...
  11. S


    Well, now you've opened a can of worms. Farmers should not be able to do just whatever they want with regard to glyphosate. Consuming it can cause gut permeability all by its self with no other factors involved--with mammoth cascading health problems. Anything GMO to provide "self pesticide"...
  12. S

    Single Shot Saturday - Show us your Single Shots!

    That's so pretty I don't think even @Bob Nelson 35Whelen could poke fun at it being a 243!
  13. S

    Single Shot Saturday - Show us your Single Shots!

    There have been some drop dead gorgeous single shots portrayed thus single of mention is not nearly so glamorous. Like me, my youngest brother started hunting with a single shot Winchester shotgun. It's what we could afford at the time. He killed his first three point whitetail with it...
  14. S

    George Foreman RIP

    Yep, and his girls were all named derivatives of "George" as well. lol Unfortunately, his age is also on par with other people who engaged in high contact sports...they all shortened their lifespans. RIP
  15. S


    Could use some clarification on statements like, "align with China and the EU"...excuse me, but how are those two entities related to the best interests of Canada. EU, sure. existential threat looming in the future, plus a doomed by demographic falling star. Then, "Elon putting career...