Recent content by RR 314

  1. R

    .404 Jeffrey - New Load Performance

    I like the 380 Nortfork softs at a mere 2200 fps. Then again, I am recoil sensitive. :)
  2. R

    DSC Update from the CEO

    GRB is rough on all fronts. My daughter has a couple volleyball tournaments there each year and everything around GRB is painful to me. I know absolutely nothing about event planning, but the Atlanta move made no sense to me (or many others). I'm still unclear (to me) as to what is truly...
  3. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Well, looks like face is .590. My memory was rusty. My digital calipers max out at 6”, but I pilfered these measurements from @JD Noblin on one of his old listings and looks like measurements are the same.
  4. R

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    Yes sir. D'Arcy Echols built it and it is a fine rifle!
  5. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Bolt face is .585 and GMA trigger. I am out of town, but can more information to you tomorrow.
  6. R

    Who made this synthetic stock for RSM .458 Lott ???

    The way the stock “compresses” with proper torque specs is also consistent with their stocks.
  7. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    That just may work. :-). Man, I thought this action would have gone quickly.
  8. R

    Who made this synthetic stock for RSM .458 Lott ???

    Check out MG Arms in Houston (Spring), TX. I see shades of their stock in the pictures.
  9. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Yeah, I think there are better options for you on that one. Thanks much.
  10. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    The Rigby ammo I have is 3.63". Looks like right around 3.75 would be about the greatest OAL.
  11. R

    New Granite Mountain Arms 550 Magnum Left-hand Now Completed

    Think roughly the energy of 600 NE. 8200-8300 ft/pounds or 11,000J. I bought quite a few 650 gr. CEB raptors, which should be awesome, but have not loaded any yet. I have just shot the more mundane 700 gr.
  12. R

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    Excellent. I was just taking a break and was wondering what I was missing:) Congrats on the buffalo. Will check back later.
  13. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Bump for the lefties making it to their battle stations.
  14. R

    Swarovski Z8 I, 34mm tube

    There are still some 30 mm around. Look at mounting options for 34mm for your rifle(s). Look at the S&B Exos 1-8 as well.