Search results

  1. R

    .404 Jeffrey - New Load Performance

    I like the 380 Nortfork softs at a mere 2200 fps. Then again, I am recoil sensitive. :)
  2. R

    DSC Update from the CEO

    GRB is rough on all fronts. My daughter has a couple volleyball tournaments there each year and everything around GRB is painful to me. I know absolutely nothing about event planning, but the Atlanta move made no sense to me (or many others). I'm still unclear (to me) as to what is truly...
  3. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Well, looks like face is .590. My memory was rusty. My digital calipers max out at 6”, but I pilfered these measurements from @JD Noblin on one of his old listings and looks like measurements are the same.
  4. R

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    Yes sir. D'Arcy Echols built it and it is a fine rifle!
  5. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Bolt face is .585 and GMA trigger. I am out of town, but can more information to you tomorrow.
  6. R

    Who made this synthetic stock for RSM .458 Lott ???

    The way the stock “compresses” with proper torque specs is also consistent with their stocks.
  7. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    That just may work. :-). Man, I thought this action would have gone quickly.
  8. R

    Who made this synthetic stock for RSM .458 Lott ???

    Check out MG Arms in Houston (Spring), TX. I see shades of their stock in the pictures.
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    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Yeah, I think there are better options for you on that one. Thanks much.
  10. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    The Rigby ammo I have is 3.63". Looks like right around 3.75 would be about the greatest OAL.
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    New Granite Mountain Arms 550 Magnum Left-hand Now Completed

    Think roughly the energy of 600 NE. 8200-8300 ft/pounds or 11,000J. I bought quite a few 650 gr. CEB raptors, which should be awesome, but have not loaded any yet. I have just shot the more mundane 700 gr.
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    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    Excellent. I was just taking a break and was wondering what I was missing:) Congrats on the buffalo. Will check back later.
  13. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Bump for the lefties making it to their battle stations.
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    Swarovski Z8 I, 34mm tube

    There are still some 30 mm around. Look at mounting options for 34mm for your rifle(s). Look at the S&B Exos 1-8 as well.
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    Swarovski Z8 I, 34mm tube

    I think 1” scopes are slightly more aesthetically pleasing on DGRs than 30 mm, but given limitations, especially for illuminated reticles, most of mine are 30 mm. I don’t believe I have actually seen 34 mm mounted yet (on a DGR). I have not checked lately, and perhaps the market is catching up...
  16. R

    I always wanted a Big Bore by Sterling Davenport - a 500 Jeffery custom

    The .475 A&M was admittedly one that I was scared of. A year or so ago I had somebody offer me one at an unbelievable price. I passed. :-). If rusty memory serves me right, the third rifle (or something like that) failed and injured somebody. Kind of like horses; if one scares you, don’t...
  17. R

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Cobb. Tommy Lee Jones’ greatest movie nobody has seen. :)
  18. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Because I am right handed. :) Should’ve paid more attention when I bought it. . Picture was somehow mirrored. :-) I was going to have a .450 Rigby built for a buddy of mine and then he came across one.
  19. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Dang it. I will go take a picture with my screen name and date as well.
  20. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Lefty manufactured for .416 Rigby. Pictures tell the story. Double square bridge action that holds 4 down. Factory GMA fully adjustable trigger. $3000 picked up in Austin, TX. I do travel to Houston, DFW, San Antonio and places in between. I will ship if your FFL accepts transfers from...
  21. R

    I always wanted a Big Bore by Sterling Davenport - a 500 Jeffery custom

    I think it would leave a mark. :-).
  22. R

    Nepal - Blue Sheep Hunt - Fall 2026

    Man, that sounds awesome. If I was offered the same for free in 2026 I’m still not certain I would physically be able to pull it off. :-). Good luck with your training and have an awesome trip!
  23. R

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Stuuuuumpy! Good work. The south may not rise again young man, but . .
  24. R

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Here is an obscure one. . . “Know ye that a prince and a great man has fallen this day.”
  25. R

    Winchester Pre-64 Model 70 Supergrade African 458 (1956)

    Were any of those for the original 1226? I bet all were newer "supergrades".
  26. R

    WANTED!! Looking for a used Schmidt Bender Exos 1-8x.

    Absolutely. I just hope Schmidt & Bender does not go to the 34 mm tube like others. If it goes that way, I will buy a couple more Exos !
  27. R

    Winchester Pre-64 Model 70 Supergrade African 458 (1956)

    Admittedly, and embarrassingly, I missed the third crossbolt. Just saw the other obvious butchering. Again, set realistic expectations with the estate. My evaluation has gone lower. Significantly lower. :-)
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    Winchester Model 70 Safari Drop Belly Stock (McMillan) RH

    Me too. Mark has done me right for decades on numerous projects.
  29. R

    Winchester Pre-64 Model 70 Supergrade African 458 (1956)

    Agreed. Collector value is in unmolested state.. This has been butchered and set reasonable expectations with the estate. Likely 9-10K original. Butchered value is likely 4-6K.
  30. R

    Let's see your bolt knob checkering - looking for ideas.

    I prefer checkering as well. I don't want something that will take the hide off, but do prefer some texture. Some beautiful examples here.
  31. R

    Need 375 ruger brass

    Oooof. That sucks! Hate to hear. Seems prevalent in these want to buy scenarios. Sickening.
  32. R

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Believe me, Cabela's/Bass Pro has offered up better deals than this on Travelers. Ooooof. :)
  33. R

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    God bless Rush.
  34. R

    Buffalo trophy lost in Africa-would you do this..........

    Have free reins. Sounds like you have a lot of pictures (and likely at least rough measurements). A good taxidermist with fiberglass, bondo etc. can recreate him fairly close.
  35. R

    Boots for sandy soil

    Yes sir. Think I bought mine on Amazon. I really like the Chuck’s in the boulders too. I hate getting into the big rocks, but did better with Chuck’s than stiff boots.
  36. R

    Boots for sandy soil

    Amen! I have posted pics before, but Chuck’s with puncture proof/resistant insoles are my go to. Unless really cold or terrible thorns, I cannot think of better ( for me anyways).
  37. R

    For Sale NIKON Monarch African scope 1-4x20

    I searched through the stash. One left, but not illuminated. A solid 1” illuminated would be a great scope for many applications. Good luck on the search. Report back if you find one!
  38. R

    For Sale NIKON Monarch African scope 1-4x20

    Well I be a striped butt monkey! Good luck on the quest!
  39. R

    Nyati shoulder mount

    Great work! Looks great. Kudos for not calling this on a dugga boy. Not only a great taxidermist, but a fast learner. :-).
  40. R

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Doh! Well, that likely establishes it was fitting of the “good gun deals this week” classification.
  41. R

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Oh my goodness. That is a great price. However, I hate it when people do not list LOP!
  42. R

    For Sale NIKON Monarch African scope 1-4x20

    Same here. I have several and did not know about the illumination option. That would be a heck of a scope!
  43. R

    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    I have been on horses and mules in the dark and there was no question who was in charge . . . they were! Gave them their head and prayed. :-). They knew the mountain better than I did! Glad Neil made it out without being injured worse!
  44. R

    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    No sir. Left shoulder and all was good. Miserable, but good. :-).
  45. R

    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    Nothing like that! Good luck with the recovery! Oooof. I did dislocate my non-shooting shoulder last trip over when the bakkie almost flipped and I ended up on the ground. That was not fun, but was back at 'em in an hour or so. The saving grace is when a shoulder is relatively easily...
  46. R

    Rigby's Big Game vs Heym Express

    Nothing to do with that. California "Rigby" ended around 2010 or so. From memory, the big game came on the scene around 2014.
  47. R

    IN SEARCH OF! Want to buy!

    I could do the bare rifle for say $4K. I have the brake they all came with in the safe and thread protector is on the rifle now. I will see if I can find the screenshot for the ONLY one I have seen sold on the secondary market (happened to be .375 as well) several years ago and it sold for...
  48. R

    IN SEARCH OF! Want to buy!

    Charlie, looks like you have a plan and truly want the matching pair. Cool if you can track it down! Here is a picture of my LAW/Bansner is .375. I’ve ordered this in 2014/15 and arrived about a year later. This was in the period where Mark was not producing rifles of his own and he assured...