Recent content by ornery

  1. ornery

    Finally! Been a month now, retired to Western Cape, SA! Living my best life!

    Finally! Been a month now, retired to Western Cape, SA! Living my best life!
  2. ornery

    Flight booking services

    Shawn at Gracy Long story short. I was seriously incapacitated 2 years ago while on a hunt with clients. We have a private farm in SA. I basically couldn’t walk. Wife was beside herself, she called them, they babysat me back to the US. Amazing customer service! Bruce Mdluli treated me like...
  3. ornery

    DSC and SCI 2023- Who's going?

    Finally got my health back....kinda, sorta with AZDAVE !
  4. ornery

    List of Countries Red Listed for travel to South Africa

    Good luck finding ANY insurance company that will cover pandemic for travellers.
  5. ornery

    For Sale Brand New Swarovski Z5 2.4-12x50

    I feel this one....damn dude is too short. Vortex same problem. Shame.
  6. ornery

    Considerations for rifle selection you should consider for hunting/SHTF rifle

    I don't post very often, but I'd just like to say that this thread has gone right down the crapper,,,,,.02 cents.
  7. 200gr ELD Range Shots

    200gr ELD Range Shots

    My Pre 64 Winchester M 70 loves the 200gr ELD.......that big black dot is 3 rounds at 300YDS on this 8 inch gong. I love my rifle. 67.5 grains of 4831.
  8. ornery

    The .300 H&H

    My Pre 64 Winchester M 70 loves the 200gr ELD.......that big black dot is 3 rounds at 300YDS on this 8 inch gong. I love my rifle. 67.5 grains of 4831.
  9. ornery

    Hi fellas!

    welcome aboard.....................!
  10. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Price dropped to $825 !!!!!plus shipping
  11. ornery

    Remington 700 8MM Remington Magnum

    SOLD. Thanks to all of you who replied. Best darned board on the net.
  12. ornery

    Remington 700 8MM Remington Magnum

    Hi guys, like it says...i took this Remington 700 in 8mm Rem Mag in and it needs a home. Has a Nikon fixed 4 mounted on it and it has a big bag of brass and new Hornady dies with it! (The pen is to give you an idea of the amount of brass) $695.00 and you pay the actual shipping. I can send...
  13. ornery

    Off Again!

    Kudu, Gemsbok or Beast, warthog, impala, ??? Culls or whatever, just going!!!!!Heck sold off most of my gun collection...STILL don't care. You can only shoot one at a time anyway! Ferdi is a great guy and we're leaving things flexible as possible. Still can't afford the big stuff, but...
  14. ornery

    Off Again!

    Well.....headed out for SA in 9 days. Taking my best buddy for his first trip! A week of sightseeing and a week with Ferdi. I'll post pics when we're back. Man I love Africa!
  15. ornery

    Accuracy problems with CZ550 in .375 H&H

    Speaking professionally, with all of the above work completed, Brick is correct on the next step. One of the most difficult ponds I have had to dive into is operator error. There are rifles that some of us shoot well and others do not. Is it a "hogback" stock or a straight one? I shoot the...