Search results

  1. ornery

    Finally! Been a month now, retired to Western Cape, SA! Living my best life!

    Finally! Been a month now, retired to Western Cape, SA! Living my best life!
  2. ornery

    Flight booking services

    Shawn at Gracy Long story short. I was seriously incapacitated 2 years ago while on a hunt with clients. We have a private farm in SA. I basically couldn’t walk. Wife was beside herself, she called them, they babysat me back to the US. Amazing customer service! Bruce Mdluli treated me like...
  3. ornery

    DSC and SCI 2023- Who's going?

    Finally got my health back....kinda, sorta with AZDAVE !
  4. ornery

    List of Countries Red Listed for travel to South Africa

    Good luck finding ANY insurance company that will cover pandemic for travellers.
  5. ornery

    For Sale Brand New Swarovski Z5 2.4-12x50

    I feel this one....damn dude is too short. Vortex same problem. Shame.
  6. ornery

    Considerations for rifle selection you should consider for hunting/SHTF rifle

    I don't post very often, but I'd just like to say that this thread has gone right down the crapper,,,,,.02 cents.
  7. 200gr ELD Range Shots

    200gr ELD Range Shots

    My Pre 64 Winchester M 70 loves the 200gr ELD.......that big black dot is 3 rounds at 300YDS on this 8 inch gong. I love my rifle. 67.5 grains of 4831.
  8. ornery

    The .300 H&H

    My Pre 64 Winchester M 70 loves the 200gr ELD.......that big black dot is 3 rounds at 300YDS on this 8 inch gong. I love my rifle. 67.5 grains of 4831.
  9. ornery

    Hi fellas!

    welcome aboard.....................!
  10. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Price dropped to $825 !!!!!plus shipping
  11. ornery

    Remington 700 8MM Remington Magnum

    SOLD. Thanks to all of you who replied. Best darned board on the net.
  12. ornery

    Remington 700 8MM Remington Magnum

    Hi guys, like it says...i took this Remington 700 in 8mm Rem Mag in and it needs a home. Has a Nikon fixed 4 mounted on it and it has a big bag of brass and new Hornady dies with it! (The pen is to give you an idea of the amount of brass) $695.00 and you pay the actual shipping. I can send...
  13. ornery

    Off Again!

    Kudu, Gemsbok or Beast, warthog, impala, ??? Culls or whatever, just going!!!!!Heck sold off most of my gun collection...STILL don't care. You can only shoot one at a time anyway! Ferdi is a great guy and we're leaving things flexible as possible. Still can't afford the big stuff, but...
  14. ornery

    Off Again!

    Well.....headed out for SA in 9 days. Taking my best buddy for his first trip! A week of sightseeing and a week with Ferdi. I'll post pics when we're back. Man I love Africa!
  15. ornery

    Accuracy problems with CZ550 in .375 H&H

    Speaking professionally, with all of the above work completed, Brick is correct on the next step. One of the most difficult ponds I have had to dive into is operator error. There are rifles that some of us shoot well and others do not. Is it a "hogback" stock or a straight one? I shoot the...
  16. ornery

    Guns and Ammo that may save your Wallet and the Ass Attached to it

    Good, solid write-up. Well done.
  17. ornery

    Lockable container for ammo

    I bought one of these. Shopped it around and found it in orange cheap. Locks tight, waterproof, reasonably priced.
  18. ornery

    Browning x-bolt vs. winchester m70 ultimate shadow?

    Winchester. The new FN built rifle is one of the most "out of the box" accurate rifles I have seen in recent memory. CRF, good trigger, good customer service. I have been logging customer experiences on this rifle for about 5 years now. I recommend it. The Browning....light weight, light...
  19. ornery

    4457's / ITN's / EIN's / CBP / Airtravel.........I'm done

    oh didn't got me......:rolleyes:
  20. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    For those that of the #1 without the scope.
  21. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Can post one for you on Monday
  22. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Still available
  23. ornery

    Some "cull hunt" questions.....

    I hunt culls. It's really the only thing I can afford to hunt. Can't afford trophy fees or heads to mount. The air fare and trip costs take years for me to save up. Not complaining in any way here. I am grateful for the opportunity to hunt Africa and for the many friends I have acquired there...
  24. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    I posted above that the scope is all ready sold. The rifle is a good deal at that price. Cheers!
  25. ornery

    New USA requirements in addition to the form 4457

    NRA/ILA has had a blurb/press release that has been going out on FB. Every time the thing pops up o my page I make a comment about where the info came from and how it can effect a gun owner. Lots of guys saying "who cares, I don't go out of the US" they just don't get it...even when you jog...
  26. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Still available ...
  27. ornery

    New USA requirements in addition to the form 4457

    Just got off the phone with Customs in Tucson. Heading over in a few months with a buddy. They say they haven't heard a word about needing an ITN number. Sounded ridiculous to them. Said they would check on it.
  28. ornery

    New USA requirements in addition to the form 4457

    Okay, I'm just a poorly educated old gunsmith, but enough is enough. Let's get organized, if we ain't already. I got rope (just kiddin' sort of) Knowing what I know of the guys that hunt overseas, most are well educated and of reasonable means. We , through all of the already named...
  29. ornery

    New USA requirements in addition to the form 4457

    Does anybody get this? I've been in the gun business 36 years. My Dad about 60....more bull crap.....more control...I just get sadder for my children. Solves nothing and puts another bureaucrat into our lives. Some other mutt on the government cheese. Rant over :)
  30. ornery

    John Rigby & Co. Gunroom Manager, David Miles

    Cheers and welcome to AH!
  31. ornery

    Talley 30mm QD Rings

    Sold.... how many days left???
  32. ornery

    Talley 30mm QD Rings

    New set of Talley QD rings matte finish...for a CZ 550 / Brno ZKK 602. I buy them wholesale for my shop so I'll let them go for less than that......$85.00 mailed USPS. Went with a 1 inch Leupold so never used them. Just passing along a bargain to the board.
  33. ornery

    SCI Announces Introductory Member Offer, New Option for Renewing Members

    Went ahead and did it. Sure glad my sweetie doesn't check my c/c bills :(
  34. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Bump...still looking for an offer :>
  35. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    I asked the owner if he wanted to trade for the hunt, (it's his personal rifle) and he said he just needs the cash for another project...sorry. The rifle is now without the scope, sold that. He says he will take $900 plus shipping for it. I will take all offers to him....cheers mates!
  36. ornery Hunting Caps

    Sorry I missed you guys, Jerome. Arizona Dave brought my regards. If you're counting I "need" 2 hats and "want" 4. Let me know when they're ready. Cheers and warmest regards, Bill
  37. ornery Hunting Caps

    Are you bringing any to SCI? I'll take a couple either way.
  38. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Thanks CA
  39. ornery

    Ruger Tropical 458 Win Mag w/Vortex Scope

    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around much. Just real busy moving to Arizona Dave's area, new shop, wife in and out (healthy) of the hospital. Just been really busy. I've got a #1 Tropical 458 with a Vortex Crossfire 1.5 x 4 x 32 scope. Rifle has a few nicks and light use, but in excellent...
  40. ornery Hunting Caps

  41. ornery Hunting Caps

    Hi Jerome & the rest of you guys! been extremely busy in the shop so not much time for the web. Any word on AH caps or did I miss something.... Cheers all....Bill
  42. ornery

    Minor issue or life Threatening Problem???

    hgr2, post a couple of pics of the mag loaded or pm me and I'll try to help...Bill
  43. ornery

    375 H&H Ammo Sale

    Sorry....used to be a cop once and thought that's what it implied :oops: Sorry
  44. ornery

    375 H&H Ammo Sale

    I hear you pardner. Do Adam 12 stand for what I think it do?
  45. ornery

    Important Firsts in Life

    First "good" car.......1964 Chevy ElCamino ( Gosh I loved that car.) First gun I ever bought.....I grew up in a gun shop. Old man wouldn't let us have a deal on ANYTHING. So I went down to the sporting goods retailer on the corner and bought my first from the other guy!! :LOL: Springfield pump...
  46. ornery

    375 H&H Ammo Sale

    I had a gift from a satisfied customer last Aimpoint 1x4 30mm. I put in some Talley rings and as soon as I get over this bloody cold I'll go give it a try. The law is wrong. Doesn't matter what we, as the minority, think. As far as the general public is concerned, the PC crowd is...
  47. ornery

    Advice and Ideas on Extended Trip

    b u m p....:)
  48. ornery

    AH Upgrade! (Comments & some Q&A)

    Very cool...I'll admit I was a bit worried as well! Glad we're back in business here! Thanks Jerome! Awesome job!