Recent content by Nhoro

  1. Nhoro

    Recoil reducers

    Mercury reducers are simply an expensive weight. They use fake science to sell them. I used lead in some old 458 cases and an appropriate sized drill to add weight. A good recoil pad with nice rounded corners is also good. Some pads are oddly shaped with sharp corners and they leave a mark. Also...
  2. Nhoro

    CZ550 MAGNUM, 458WM Situation

    I think all of the above posters are right, the long Win mag throat allows an almost Lott length to chamber.@badboymelvin can give you some COAL for longer win mag loads. Maybe drop him a PM.
  3. Nhoro

    Booking Zimbabwe Through Joe Bario ??

    And when you find one, check back on this thread or start a new one. I know quite a few of them and many others on this site will advise.
  4. Nhoro

    Omay leopard? Correct choice???

    Dalton and York can be trusted. Nothing is 100 % and I am sure they gave you a fair idea. Zimbabwe has many areas of high concentration of leopard and good operators with good areas have a good chance. Areas like Nuanetsi and others have leopard densities that are among the highest in the world...
  5. Nhoro


    Wood splits down the grain. So crossbolts go across wood grain and hold it together to prevent splitting. As others have said, glass bedding also helps. Particularly weak areas like magazine and trigger are worse because more wood is removed so those areas. They arecommonly reinforced with...
  6. Nhoro

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Regardless of the non- scientific nature of the video, I was surprised by the lack of stability after maybe 6 inches of penetration through soft gelatin and plastic. Nothing like an elephant skull. And I observed the bullet was more stable on entry and noticeably yawning and wobbling on exit...
  7. Nhoro

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Hi all, just watched this video posted by Garand Thumb on YouTube. Pretty amazed at how much the bullet was beginning to yaw and maybe tumble after a fairly short trip through ballistics gel and plastic bones.
  8. Nhoro

    FN Commercial Mauser problem

    I suggest heating the metal before you try any removal. A commercial clothes iron or soldering iron works or else heating a flat iron bar and heating the magazine plate will loosen any epoxy. Then you can use lamp black ( soot from a candle) on the action and fit it in the stock to see where it...
  9. Nhoro

    Scope Reliability

    In my time filming hunts, I saw 2 PH rifles hired to clients have scope problems. One was a leupold on a 300 h&h. It had been on the same rifle for years- 5 or 6 years. It was dropped on the hunt and then would not zero after that. Next was a Swarovski on a 375 h&h hired to clients. It was...
  10. Nhoro

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    Download the Hornady Ballistics app and see what your trajectory is. My 458 lott with correct velocity input is 0.79 inches high at 60 yards with a 100m zero. That is the biggest deviation from the line of sight and it is negligible. The trajectory falls off pretty quick after that, already 0.9...
  11. Nhoro

    Anyone actually weigh their firearms to compare to advertised weights?

    My CZ 550 in 458 win mag is 9.6 lbs. It was right on 9 lbs and I added some lead to the butt to bring it up to 9.6. That is with open sights and empty magazine. It is a nice rifle to shoot as far as 458 lott goes. CZ uses the same barrel profile so I know the 375 is heavier.
  12. Nhoro

    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    To see such heresy in the hallowed pages of our favourite forum.... Next you will be attacking Blaser rifles! The optics world seems to have gone into fashion rather than function. And the current fashion is long range shooting complete with high bc bullets, new long range cartridges etc. I...
  13. Nhoro

    Safari without Sling?

    I have carried my 10 lb Cz 550 in one or the other hand at the balance point for years. I have started using a sling when guiding children's camps etc because it is easier to control the muzzle and leaves my hands free for using binos etc. Also carried a camera while filming hunts at about 6...
  14. Nhoro

    Installation of 2nd recoil lug? Advice

    Weakest point of your stock in recoil is between the magazine and recoil lug and second is magazine to trigger. The wood is two strips either side of the magazine box and recoil flexes them out and splits the wood- either in the centre or at each corner. A front barrel recoil lug doesn't really...
  15. Nhoro

    How to reverse a BRNO safety?

    As an added bonus, the winchester type locks the firing pin. The Brno and Cz lock the trigger. So you get an added margin of safety with the win type.