Recent content by Kevin Peacocke

  1. Kevin Peacocke

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    I have the exact same No1 in 30-06 and it shoots well. I had one in 375 H&H and it wasn't bad on recoil.
  2. Kevin Peacocke

    Classic and Collectible Car and Motorcycle Thread

    One of the best looking cars ever built, what year is it? I also love the BMW 2800 and 3.0S sedans, pure elegance.
  3. Kevin Peacocke

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    Look at how the light brings out the grain on that No1! And what a spectacular bull.
  4. Kevin Peacocke

    ZIMBABWE: Has Anyone Been On Safari With Victoria Falls Safari Services

    If the late Lon and Liesl who now runs the outfit use Mike then that would be good enough a recommendation for me. I visited Lon just before he passed away snd I believe I met Mike that evening, he had just guided a client on a successful leopard hunt.
  5. Kevin Peacocke

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    Rook, I may get roasted for this, but I honestly prefer the lines of the No1 to the Model10. The thought of a 375 Flanged No1 is appealing. If that were to become a reality I would go to town on it, get a grade 9 stock, oxide colouring and a red recoil pad. Or if I could find it this Holland...
  6. Kevin Peacocke

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    7x20 Swarovski pocket binos. Of course there would always be an Opinel No7 carbone in the opposite pocket, but that is taken for granted.
  7. Kevin Peacocke

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    I shot my first buffalo with my Ruger No1 Tropical in 375H&H. It was fitted with a Leica Magnus 1-6.3x24i, a very nice set up. I wasn't concerned about the speed of the second shot, it was more using a single shot that appealed to me. It is just so correct. Now I use a double rifle for buffalo...
  8. Kevin Peacocke

    Classic and Collectible Car and Motorcycle Thread

    No CZ, I sold it to a collector here in Zimbabwe, to fund the Land Rovers.
  9. Kevin Peacocke

    Classic and Collectible Car and Motorcycle Thread

    I loved my MGA's, but now into series 1 Land Rovers as you know.
  10. Kevin Peacocke

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    All of my ammo is self loaded, but even then the cost is of virtually no consequence relative to the pleasure of shooting. I chose 30-06 in Ruger No1 more because it was what I could get, but if one in 275 Rigby was lying next to it I would have taken that irrespective of ammo cost. I chose...
  11. Kevin Peacocke

    Member Category Assignment

    If you post interesting factual stuff about guns and hunts you advance to the next level. If you post nonsense on the politics thread you go back down.
  12. Kevin Peacocke

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    The search is part of the fun.