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  1. Kevin Peacocke


    I think Trump has just made his election chances harder. He needs the middle ground, not his base, they are already there.
  2. Kevin Peacocke

    450/400 3" double as a stopping rifle?

    Great answer, thanks.
  3. Kevin Peacocke

    450/400 3" double as a stopping rifle?

    Hello All, does anyone here have experience of a 450/400 3" double as a stopping rifle on Buffalo? Up to the job, or not?
  4. Kevin Peacocke

    Where Would You Shoot This Buffalo?

    Red dot. Heart and both lungs.
  5. Kevin Peacocke

    Heym 88B 500NE

    Well done on your double @Skshyk it is beautiful. I have a Heym 89b in 450/400 and started off trying to shoot it with just open sights, but soon realized that a red dot was necessary to get acceptable accuracy with my eyes. I started the quest for a base for a Kahles sight I had, imported a...
  6. Kevin Peacocke

    Trade 470 Double Rifle for a Rolex?

    OH, I find your comment unnecessary and distasteful. I have a Rolex and a double rifle, I 'play' with neither, but cherish both. The former was given to me by my four daughters after we put them all through university, not without sacrifice. The latter I saved for and sold another rifle to...
  7. Kevin Peacocke


    Something else happened under Biden that is not only dangerous today, but the effects of which could last a very long time and be disastrous. That is the acceleration and strengthening of the woke movement. This threatens the very fabric of normal Wertern civilisation, for example the threats to...
  8. Kevin Peacocke

    Rigby Big Game .375H&H

    Nice wood.
  9. Kevin Peacocke

    What is considered a reasonable trophy size Warthog?

    That is a great warthog, nice and old.
  10. Kevin Peacocke


    And even in the first four years enormous damage has been done. The US is in a weaker position on the world stage than it was four years ago. On that metric alone the Biden presidency has been a monumental failure. It doesn't require a doctorate analysis, it is glaringly obvious.
  11. Kevin Peacocke

    Kigelia cream is now in the US

    Hello All, a huge thank you to @Altitude sickness for having taken a batch of the kigelia cream back to the USA. Several of you wanted same, there are 10 testers and five larger pots. Please can I ask you to get in touch with altitude sickness directly to make a plan to get yours. Remember you...
  12. Kevin Peacocke

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Raclet, gorgonzola, Copa ham and sourdough - not King Charles himself could eat a finer breakfast.
  13. Kevin Peacocke

    Safari Season 2024 Has Started - Where We Going?

    Our big hunt happens in late October is the Save and it will be three Buffalo, eland, and heaps of impala. This will be with our Carruthers hunting group. Hopefully the first Buffalo with my Heym double. Then the kitft tiger tournament is the fist week of October and we will be entering four...
  14. Kevin Peacocke

    Safari Season 2024 Has Started - Where We Going?

    Well done taking your family Bill
  15. Kevin Peacocke


    The Democrats thoroughly out-smarted and out-maneuvered the Republicans in 2020, for which Ronna McDaniel takes a major part of the blame. Blow me down if the Republicans didn't keep her on for 2022! Talk about dumb, she and her strategy were so bad it almost looked like she was a Democrat...
  16. Kevin Peacocke


    It is almost beyond comprehension that the supposedly smart Democrats did not see this coming, for Pete's sake they were hiding him in the bunker before the 2020 election. Obviously they engineered for a weak and pliable Joe to rubber stamp their (Obama's?) agenda and that was intended to go on...
  17. Kevin Peacocke

    Merkel 500 ne

    Sounds like a dasign flaw. Sell it with full disclosure and buy a Heym.
  18. Kevin Peacocke


    At least Stamer can talk and doesn't wear nappies, so there is a tiny silver lining.
  19. Kevin Peacocke

    The Draw of the Sporting Double Rifle

    That is a gorgeous old bull, well done. Did he run far?
  20. Kevin Peacocke

    Rigby Tagged Courteney Safari UK 12 Like New $250

    I don't know what it is, but the look of Courteneys boots gives me goose bumps. I just want to pick up a file and go.
  21. Kevin Peacocke

    Wanted Venison Meat In Bulk South Africa

    This can only be good for the South African game/hunting industry.
  22. Kevin Peacocke


    For once fear mongering by the Republicans may work to their advantage. The world is in a mess, there are two wars happening and many flash points heating up dangerously. The strategy the Democrats are playing of 'I made a mess of my 90 minutes, but look at my record' does nothing to cool the...
  23. Kevin Peacocke

    Perfect Safari or Tropical Hunting Shirt

    I find that synthetic shirts feel slimy, very off-putting. The most comfortable shirts I have are the Westley Richards safari ones in brushed Italian cotton. They are a bit thicker and therefore warm, but great for a cool morning. I also don't lile a limp floppy shirt, the WR ones keep their...
  24. Kevin Peacocke

    Ruger No1 400H&H

    Please send pictures.
  25. Kevin Peacocke


    I have a feeling Kamala is going to fight tooth and nail to stay in.
  26. Kevin Peacocke

    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Congratulations Para45! Be sure to get that Buffalo and something nice for Mrs Para for being so supportive.
  27. Kevin Peacocke


    I believe you are correct in that the Democrats will use every angle to prevent Trump from winning because I truly see him as an existential threat against the USA. I also think they would have a good chance of pulling it off if Rona MacDaniel was still heading the RNC. But I can guarantee that...
  28. Kevin Peacocke

    Red Dot Only for Buffalo

    Function, fit, form, figure
  29. Kevin Peacocke

    2024 Double Rifle MSRP's?

    Just for interest, Safari and Outdoor Rivonia Johannesburg have a Chapuis 450/400 and a 470 in stock right now.
  30. Kevin Peacocke


    Yes, it is an irrational time. The conservative youth will need to be far more involved and vocal, the old age is over.
  31. Kevin Peacocke


    Well after that fiasco the world should be afraid. This is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth? At a time when Israel and Hezbolah are on the verge, Russia is altering nuclear posture, China is circling Taiwan and Iran is on the brink of a nuke. You Democrats should be ashamed of...
  32. Kevin Peacocke

    MOZAMBIQUE: 'Twas The Night Before Safari - Mozambique 2024

    It is so sensible to include layover buffers on a long multi-connection flight. Hope the rifles appear soon.
  33. Kevin Peacocke

    Red Dot Only for Buffalo

    Forget the dot, that is one gorgeous Heym!
  34. Kevin Peacocke

    Red Dot Only for Buffalo

    Very useful info, thank you NS
  35. Kevin Peacocke

    Favorite Reticle

    German #4 with illuminated dot, as on my Leica Magnus
  36. Kevin Peacocke

    Which Buffalo Would You shoot?

    Neither of them looks too old to me, so if it came down to it the one on the left. But I would rather hold out for an older boy.
  37. Kevin Peacocke

    Starting from scratch

    Trust has many facets, to me in a PH they would include: 1. His/her bush competence, so you get to find what you are after. 2. His/her field craft to be able to read situations to keep you out of potential trouble. 3. His/her leadership qualities to not only make sure you have a great social...
  38. Kevin Peacocke

    First Safari - I’ll hunt plains game - What caliber?

    30-06. I am in the Eastern Cape now, shots can be far.
  39. Kevin Peacocke

    Can Someone Help Me Judge The Size Of This Croc

    His snout hasn't rounded yet, se he is young. I would say a 10 or 11ft specimen.
  40. Kevin Peacocke

    Any Other Interests???

    Pretty hopeless I think, apparently you can pick out bits between the bones in a cooked fish.
  41. Kevin Peacocke

    Any Other Interests???

    Never tried canning, but we do pickle them. I wonder if I can get a canning kit locally?
  42. Kevin Peacocke

    Blaser R93 Safari

    That is a good looking rifle Jack and just oozes safari. I too like the sling.
  43. Kevin Peacocke


    I have the same problem, using 4kg dumb bells works well for my arms and general chest strength. For my upcomming buffalo hunt in October I will add squats and sit-ups.
  44. Kevin Peacocke


    I have found sense and wisdom across the social, class and education level spectrum. I have also found absolute stupidity across the same range too. I also came from poverty and made a conscious decision to become educated and worked hard to do it. Why? Because I believe it is our human duty to...
  45. Kevin Peacocke

    10 Weeks & Counting to First Safari!!!

    A trip of a lifetime - no, do it over and over! All the very best @ftrovato
  46. Kevin Peacocke

    A good old buffalo

    I would be very interested to know the answer to this too.
  47. Kevin Peacocke

    What's up with todays' gun shops?

    There are plenty of gun stores in South Africa and although there are a good number of black gun tactical shops there are as many traditional ones that will even stock double rifles. To make ends meet they will invariably stock outdoor and hunting stuff too. The larger ones have a a little...
  48. Kevin Peacocke


    I can hunt all day in semi-flat bush as hot as you wish, but add some hills and things slow down a lot. My toughest hunt ever was a stag in the Scottish highlands. For me the secret is to shed weight, then even a few old injuries can cope.