Recent content by HankBuck

  1. H

    Question / 1923 (TV show)...

    I appreciate the details provided regarding his Double Rifle (by knowledgeable AH Members) is much more interesting then the entire show — except for some of the Nude scenes. I still watched every episode but the excessive violence, cruelty, sexual assaults, and general “bad luck” that guy &...
  2. H

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Philip Glass I have spoken to Two PHs so far and expressed my concern but both reassured me the .375 H&H was fine (apparently used more often then I thought) as long as my shot placement is good….lots more research to do and appreciate the helpful posts received so far.
  3. H

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    I met @BeeMaa and his Wife - very nice people and I’ve been able to shoot Sporting Clays with them a couple times…..Good Folks here on AH
  4. H

    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    @Bandera - while this gun is clearly used I’m not sure the ‘turn ring’ on the cylinder is a good indicator - I’ve Never seen any revolver “blued” without a visible ‘turn line’ and even New Unfired revolvers develop one as soon as the hammer is cocked a few times and the cylinder rotates around...
  5. H

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Uintaelkhunter - appreciate the feedback, I’m fine with a “basic” Camp but for my WIfe — need to book more of a “Luxury” Camp…otherwise she may Not enjoy the Safari as much as I want her too. This will be somewhat of a “compromise Hunt” —- a Good Hunt for Me and a Great Vacation for her — I...
  6. H

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @gcbailey - interesting and Now I guess I’ll need to try it !
  7. H

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @BGHNTR416 - how often are Hunters “checked” for possession of Lead ammo? And how do they check you - ask to see your ammo? Pull the bullet from your deer and inspect it? Must be very difficult to enforce that law
  8. H

    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    @mattdeere1 whats the barrel length ? Looks around 5” but can’t tell. Do you have the original matching Box? I have a Super Black Hawk in .44mag w/7 1/2” barrel purchased ANIB years ago and also intended to Hunt with it — but have still never fired it. I agree it’s a very safe style handgun...
  9. H

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @Doug Hamilton - you might be right that these bullets were invented looking to create a ‘Lead Free’ hunting bullet but regardless of intent - result was an excellent controlled expansion & deep penetrating bullet that is very consistent. Because the bullet is copper and lighter then lead I...
  10. H

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @Doug Hamilton - maybe Not more lethal but do you think some of the All Copper TSX bullets combine penetration AND controlled expansion “Better” then lead partition & bonded type bullets? I’ve found them to be very accurate out of the rifles I’ve used them in and penetration very consistent —-...
  11. H

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Rare Breed - thanks for quick info. Are you also familiar with “Sango Dadiso”? Saw and read from their website. I think they operate a fairly new camp near Sango Wildlife Conservancy and do both Hunting & tourist—-Non hunting safaris….not sure how that works? Or if they only hunt on special...
  12. H

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    Looking for info and price range for an elephant hunt in Zim for Management Bull (Non exportable). Price range would be helpful (including daily rate & observer rate) as this trip would be near (or possibly above) the Top of my budget. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time if the early estimated...
  13. H

    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    Thank you for your insight
  14. H

    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    @PANTHER TRACKERS - thank you for providing some context and detailed answers to my questions. What do you consider “a small Leopard”? I would consider any Leopard under 120 lbs Small and Not “trophy size”, a mature male 140-150 lbs would be a Trophy to Me and any Leopard 160-170 lbs or above...
  15. H

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @gcbailey - well I “guess” Hendrick’s is Gin? Although at only 80 proof it’s 60% WATER….but people like it so it must taste OK?