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  1. H

    Question / 1923 (TV show)...

    I appreciate the details provided regarding his Double Rifle (by knowledgeable AH Members) is much more interesting then the entire show — except for some of the Nude scenes. I still watched every episode but the excessive violence, cruelty, sexual assaults, and general “bad luck” that guy &...
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    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Philip Glass I have spoken to Two PHs so far and expressed my concern but both reassured me the .375 H&H was fine (apparently used more often then I thought) as long as my shot placement is good….lots more research to do and appreciate the helpful posts received so far.
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    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    I met @BeeMaa and his Wife - very nice people and I’ve been able to shoot Sporting Clays with them a couple times…..Good Folks here on AH
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    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    @Bandera - while this gun is clearly used I’m not sure the ‘turn ring’ on the cylinder is a good indicator - I’ve Never seen any revolver “blued” without a visible ‘turn line’ and even New Unfired revolvers develop one as soon as the hammer is cocked a few times and the cylinder rotates around...
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    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Uintaelkhunter - appreciate the feedback, I’m fine with a “basic” Camp but for my WIfe — need to book more of a “Luxury” Camp…otherwise she may Not enjoy the Safari as much as I want her too. This will be somewhat of a “compromise Hunt” —- a Good Hunt for Me and a Great Vacation for her — I...
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    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @gcbailey - interesting and Now I guess I’ll need to try it !
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    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @BGHNTR416 - how often are Hunters “checked” for possession of Lead ammo? And how do they check you - ask to see your ammo? Pull the bullet from your deer and inspect it? Must be very difficult to enforce that law
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    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    @mattdeere1 whats the barrel length ? Looks around 5” but can’t tell. Do you have the original matching Box? I have a Super Black Hawk in .44mag w/7 1/2” barrel purchased ANIB years ago and also intended to Hunt with it — but have still never fired it. I agree it’s a very safe style handgun...
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    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @Doug Hamilton - you might be right that these bullets were invented looking to create a ‘Lead Free’ hunting bullet but regardless of intent - result was an excellent controlled expansion & deep penetrating bullet that is very consistent. Because the bullet is copper and lighter then lead I...
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    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @Doug Hamilton - maybe Not more lethal but do you think some of the All Copper TSX bullets combine penetration AND controlled expansion “Better” then lead partition & bonded type bullets? I’ve found them to be very accurate out of the rifles I’ve used them in and penetration very consistent —-...
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    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    @Rare Breed - thanks for quick info. Are you also familiar with “Sango Dadiso”? Saw and read from their website. I think they operate a fairly new camp near Sango Wildlife Conservancy and do both Hunting & tourist—-Non hunting safaris….not sure how that works? Or if they only hunt on special...
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    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    Looking for info and price range for an elephant hunt in Zim for Management Bull (Non exportable). Price range would be helpful (including daily rate & observer rate) as this trip would be near (or possibly above) the Top of my budget. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time if the early estimated...
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    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    Thank you for your insight
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    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    @PANTHER TRACKERS - thank you for providing some context and detailed answers to my questions. What do you consider “a small Leopard”? I would consider any Leopard under 120 lbs Small and Not “trophy size”, a mature male 140-150 lbs would be a Trophy to Me and any Leopard 160-170 lbs or above...
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    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @gcbailey - well I “guess” Hendrick’s is Gin? Although at only 80 proof it’s 60% WATER….but people like it so it must taste OK?
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    Browning Love?

    @MS 9x56 - for mine it was Not a heavy trigger pull just “endless travel” before it broke. I sent one back to Browning for the trigger to be adjusted and after 2 months they returned it, DID NOTHING, and wrote “trigger is IN SPEC”. I guess “spec” is “crap”. But I easily got use to it and shot...
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    Browning Love?

    @Sideshow - I have same model BLR made in 1993 but in .223 and it has a different clip design — very secure the way it “snaps in” and has Never dropped out.
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    Browning Love?

    @jb1069 - I have a Browning ABolt Medallion .270 LH purchased in 2000 and topped w/Leupold VIII 3.5-10 40mm scope…it’s been very accurate (MOA or slightly better out to 200 yrds) with several factory 130 & 140gr loads). It is also lightweight and has a good trigger (better than average). I also...
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    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    @mark-hunter …I would think that a drink from that Snake-in-a-Bottle might give you a “good Buzz” if it’s preserved with a little Formaldehyde !!
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    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    @PANTHER TRACKERS - when a “small or female cat” is bayed on the ground can your Hunter refuse to shoot it? If so, how do you handle that - is his hunt over? Does he pay extra for you to find and bay another Leopard? I know that any Leopard would be considered a Trophy by some but I would Not...
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    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    @Mekaniks - a friend killed a long Black Mamba (11 feet) in SA and had it mounted in SA then shipped into US with thew rest of his trophies — no issues..this was about 10 years ago. It is in a glass display case, it was a well done piece of work and while I don’t consider shooting any snake...
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    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    @Philip Glass - i wonder how often hounds “switch off” to another Leopard track during a chase? It happens with all other hound hunts if they bump & cut another “hot track”? I was concerned with that on my Cougar hunts and made it clearly understood to my Guide I was Not shooting just any cat...
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    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    @Philip Glass - I love hunting with dogs and think a dog “adds” to the enjoyment of the hunt. I’ve hunted rabbits/beagles, bears/hounds, Lynx/hounds, Cougar/hounds, quail/pointers etc.. I’ve never hunted deer with hounds but know in some States it is a time honored tradition and I think it...
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    .270win and lead free ammunition

    @Slim01 - were You reading old articles written by “Elmer Keith” ? If you can shoot a .270 win Accurately and use well constructed bullets…why would there be any problems?
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    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    @CZDiesel - you know much more about Ammunition manufacturing then Me — but doubt you’re an expert on Baby Formula too and Not on Automobile manufacturing either — anything made by Humans can get screwed up and the “ways” that can happen are ENDLESS (including deliberate actions taken by a...
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    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    @CZDiesel - I get your point, (and Your details & reasons for making it) - you seem to be taking this personally and attacking vs discussing or debating? I didn’t see anything in previous Posts to turn this into an argument - either way I’ve enjoyed reading some of the experiences of others and...
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    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    @CZDiesel - I agree with some of your points but when you think about how effective Corporate & Government controls are - think about Medications, Baby Formula, automobile manufacturers and everything else that “somehow” got screwed up during the manufacturing process and resulted in a...
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    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    @Hunter-Habib there really is NO MORE “Remington” - Not as a Company anyway, only the Name continues to exist. Any positive qualities that use to be associated with the Remington name has been replaced with “concerns” especially with their Firearms. No one would buy a Remington firearm...
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    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    @Hunter-Habib - guess we know why Remington went Out-of-Business….quality just continued to deteriorate and a Neighbor of mine that worked at the Illion NY factory said he would “never buy a Remington gun made after the 1980s”
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    Selling My Tikka

    @Rob404 - Nice wood for a Tikka and much better then my Tikka .22-250 but could you explain that target? It Looks like a 6”+ group and that’s Not good at only 200 yrds. I like Tikka rifles for the value and they usually cut corners on the wood (except yours is Nice) and also the metal finish...
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    Which scope for 243 AI?

    @roklok @Bob Nelson 35Whelen - That was a good video, you could Sell a lot of .243’s showing that video——-but NOT TO “Bob” !!
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    Rough Camping & Survival Tips

    @observe - that’s an impressive piece of craftsmanship and painstakingly made….Not sure it could catch a Fish but I admire the work, just the time it would take me to “make that” - I’d starve to death !
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    Recoil reducers

    @BeeMaa - I’ve also used recoil reducer - a “Dead Mule” in .470 NE double rifle —- and Mercury reducer in 12 ga Beneli shotgun….both were effective. The Dead Mule was better and I don’t think it used mercury (spring). I know some double rifles will have TWO recoil reducers implanted in the...
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    Rough Camping & Survival Tips

    @observe - if that Flip-top-hook is All I have between me and starvation….I’m dead! Might look good on a paper drawing but very skeptical it would work —- like a wooden “Spear” for Grizzly Bear
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    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    @Jack Stevens - ok, kidding here a bit but: of all the highly opinionated phrases that get Posted “Nuff said” must be the most Obnoxious…or tied for 1st !! (Plus I never really know the point trying to be made??)
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    Last Chance For CITES Brown Bear Hunt!

    Got it - thanks
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    Last Chance For CITES Brown Bear Hunt!

    @HUNTROMANIA: Thanks for the quick reply but you did Not answer any of my Specific questions: 1). How many Hunters have you had on “3 Day Bear Hunts” over the past Two years? 2). Of those Hunters on “3 day bear hunts” over the last 2 years - How many Killed Bear? Now, if you are saying that...
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    Last Chance For CITES Brown Bear Hunt!

    @Cleathorn did you hunt Fall or Spring? Do you prefer one season over another? There appeared to be corn cobs in one of the photos - is baiting allowed and effective? The hides look good and I like the chocolate color
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    Last Chance For CITES Brown Bear Hunt!

    @HUNTROMANIA - with only “3 hunting days” could you please provide a little more detail regarding Success Rate? ie: in the past TWO Seasons - How many of Your Hunters hunted Brown Bear for only 3 days? Of those Hunters - how many killed bear? Thank you for this and any other information...
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    New member from Northern Virginia

    @Sundance - welcome aboard ! As a VIRGINA “transplant” myself - I Think you will enjoy the posts and learn a lot, no matter what questions you have it’s likely someone on this forum has the Answer - or will point you in the right direction to get one.
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    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    @buffybr - YOU are a very “kind & considerate” person - to even be thinking about those Cubs when you had NO choice and HAD TO kill that “charging” Sow….Not something that would’ve been in the front of my mind, I would’ve been rattled for awhile at having been charged by a Bear with “Bad...
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    22-250 and 243 for "small" plains game

    ERROR —- I meant this about the .22-250…..NOT .25-06
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    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    @DIRTYHARRYBALLISTICS - The weight & recoil of the S&W .460 XVR & .500 almost redefine these firearms from Handguns to “Hand Cannons” - too heavy to be drawn & fired quickly by most handgun shooters, unlikely to recover from recoil to get a “2nd shot” on target, and forget firing it with One...
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    22-250 and 243 for "small" plains game

    @BenKK - when you write about the .25-06 that you “think it would be WONDERFUL for impala, warthogs, baboons, Kudu”….but add “ONLY in a situation I could take my time, get set up nicely, and pick my shot UNhurried” —that doesn’t exactly sound like “Wonderful” to me —- more like “Might work” if...
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @Safari Dave - I don’t think anyone born before 1970 would be surprised by this.
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @Bob Nelson 35Whelen - I might be slow but I GET IT …. I REALLY DO, you don’t care for the .243 but are receptive to its slightly bigger TRANS Cartridge .25-06 !! It’s still a .243 but has a BEARD and is NOT wearing a DRESS.
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    Range issues

    @Ontario Hunter - without being there my “guess” is that You are unaware of how strongly and abrasive you might have come off during your “conversation” with Coach & Head Honcho’s Daughter. Even if you were completely correct - your “delivery” appears to have been more “challenging” then that...
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    22-250 and 243 for "small" plains game

    @DelRock83 - I do a lot of Coyote & Fox shooting with a .22-250 and it is MORE then needed for both - hits Fox like a grenade and almost as hard on Coyote. I’ve killed 35-40 Coyote with the .22-250 using either 50 gr Hornady Superformance @ 4000 fps or 55 gr Winchester ballistic tip @3850. Most...
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    Upgrade Trigger or leave as is?

    @jpr9954 - unless there is something about the “trigger pull” you Don’t like ie: too heavy?, Not crisp?, has ‘creep’? Etc.. I would Not change it — just to change it. Some factory triggers are very good - even if just by “luck”. Measuring the ‘trigger pull weight’ is fine but if it already...
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @Bob Nelson 35Whelen - Bob I’m getting concerned with your posts about “fast 25…”. It seems your are spending a lot of time “flirting” with a .25 caliber and while they may be fast - they are of Low-Moral-Character. Do you realize that .25 is only 1/100th of an INCH away from a .243 ?? The...