Recent content by DLSJR

  1. DLSJR

    375 H&H Bullet for all Game

    No, we did not experience any pressure issues. But, 70 grains of Reloader 15 is not a hot load so that helps. IIRC, max is a grain or two higher. Same thing with my .416. I’ve shot as much as 81 grains of Reloader 15, but find 79 grains more pleasant to shoot, so that’s what all .416...
  2. DLSJR

    375 H&H Bullet for all Game

    I’ve found that it’s pretty easy to get different bullets of 300 grains to all group well together, if shooting the same load for all. The load we shoot in my and my son’s .375 H&H’s is 70.0 grains of Reloader 15, Federal 215 primer and various 300 grain bullets. We’ve got TSX, Bearclaw, A...
  3. DLSJR

    All The Original Perfect Shot II Artwork For Sale

    Kevin, Thank You, for all you’ve done for the African Hunter community and the wildlife we pursue. I wish you all the best in retirement.
  4. DLSJR

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    And Mike thinks you’re a really great guy too. Tells me we should meet someday when I’m up there duck hunting.
  5. DLSJR

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    I’m leaving in less than 2 months for a buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe. Taking my .416 & .375.
  6. DLSJR

    Hunts not often talked about

    Two hunts come to mind above all others… In 1980 I enjoyed a great hunt in Alaska when I was 22 years old. It was a 15-day Alaska Range Dall Sheep & Grizzly hunt by horseback in September. It turned into a grand adventure, riding through wilderness that was filled with sheep, moose, caribou...
  7. DLSJR

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    I prefer 2 rifles and usually take my .416 and .338. In your case I’d take the 404 and 9.3. Or just take the 404 and call it good. I haven’t hunted the communal lands, but did hunt Deka (which is not far away) once, a long time ago. My .458 was along most of the time as we regularly were...
  8. DLSJR

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    The PH’s I’ve hunted with carried the following: Roy Vincent 460 Weatherby, Weatherby Mark V Cecil Riggs 458 Winchester. Model 70 Richard Bell-Cross. 458 Winchester. Model 70 Tom Dames. 470 NE. Don’t recall which double, 375 Weatherby, Model 70 Alan Vincent 450 Ackley. Mauser 98. Also a...
  9. DLSJR

    Any love for the federal terminal ascent?

    I’ve had great results with Barnes Vor TX ammo, except for some .375 H&H ammo where the very first found we attempted to shoot was a dud. Faulty primer in factory ammo. Fortunately, it was when shooting at paper, not a buffalo.
  10. DLSJR

    Pelican Air

    The Pelican Air has become the only case I use, besides my Tuffpak gun case. It’s fantastic. Big enough, nearly indestructible, goes great as baggage in a Cessna Caravan and very difficult for bad guys at the airport to break into. I’ve never done anything beyond just filling it up, locking...
  11. DLSJR

    AGENT: Booking Zimbabwe Through Joe Bario?

    I’ve never understood why anyone would book a hunt in Zimbabwe with a non-Zimbabwean PH. With the way the law is, it makes no sense to include a non-Zimbabwean on a Zim hunt.
  12. DLSJR

    Brothers in Blood Lion documentary

    This is an excellent documentary, well worth watching. I highly recommend it.
  13. DLSJR


    Just get a 375 H&H, 30-06, 12 gauge and a 22 rim fire and be done with it. Those will handle anything you might want or need to shoot.
  14. DLSJR


    Interesting! I’ll be going through Jo’burg in 2 months, on my way to Zimbabwe; hope this doesn’t escalate to where it’s tough for Americans to get through South Africa. But, I’m glad to see our new administration making it clear that the bullshit tolerated over the last 4 years is no longer...
  15. DLSJR

    Dangerous game safari info

    Alan Vincent, owner of Vincent Safaris. He mainly hunts Tanzania these days but lives in Bulawayo and does Zimbabwean hunts also, especially before he leaves for Tanzania in mid June each year. He’s been a licensed PH in Zimbabwe for 34 years, since he was 18 years old. This will be my 4th...