Search results

  1. DLSJR

    375 H&H Bullet for all Game

    No, we did not experience any pressure issues. But, 70 grains of Reloader 15 is not a hot load so that helps. IIRC, max is a grain or two higher. Same thing with my .416. I’ve shot as much as 81 grains of Reloader 15, but find 79 grains more pleasant to shoot, so that’s what all .416...
  2. DLSJR

    375 H&H Bullet for all Game

    I’ve found that it’s pretty easy to get different bullets of 300 grains to all group well together, if shooting the same load for all. The load we shoot in my and my son’s .375 H&H’s is 70.0 grains of Reloader 15, Federal 215 primer and various 300 grain bullets. We’ve got TSX, Bearclaw, A...
  3. DLSJR

    All The Original Perfect Shot II Artwork For Sale

    Kevin, Thank You, for all you’ve done for the African Hunter community and the wildlife we pursue. I wish you all the best in retirement.
  4. DLSJR

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    And Mike thinks you’re a really great guy too. Tells me we should meet someday when I’m up there duck hunting.
  5. DLSJR

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    I’m leaving in less than 2 months for a buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe. Taking my .416 & .375.
  6. DLSJR

    Hunts not often talked about

    Two hunts come to mind above all others… In 1980 I enjoyed a great hunt in Alaska when I was 22 years old. It was a 15-day Alaska Range Dall Sheep & Grizzly hunt by horseback in September. It turned into a grand adventure, riding through wilderness that was filled with sheep, moose, caribou...
  7. DLSJR

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    I prefer 2 rifles and usually take my .416 and .338. In your case I’d take the 404 and 9.3. Or just take the 404 and call it good. I haven’t hunted the communal lands, but did hunt Deka (which is not far away) once, a long time ago. My .458 was along most of the time as we regularly were...
  8. DLSJR

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    The PH’s I’ve hunted with carried the following: Roy Vincent 460 Weatherby, Weatherby Mark V Cecil Riggs 458 Winchester. Model 70 Richard Bell-Cross. 458 Winchester. Model 70 Tom Dames. 470 NE. Don’t recall which double, 375 Weatherby, Model 70 Alan Vincent 450 Ackley. Mauser 98. Also a...
  9. DLSJR

    Any love for the federal terminal ascent?

    I’ve had great results with Barnes Vor TX ammo, except for some .375 H&H ammo where the very first found we attempted to shoot was a dud. Faulty primer in factory ammo. Fortunately, it was when shooting at paper, not a buffalo.
  10. DLSJR

    Pelican Air

    The Pelican Air has become the only case I use, besides my Tuffpak gun case. It’s fantastic. Big enough, nearly indestructible, goes great as baggage in a Cessna Caravan and very difficult for bad guys at the airport to break into. I’ve never done anything beyond just filling it up, locking...
  11. DLSJR

    AGENT: Booking Zimbabwe Through Joe Bario?

    I’ve never understood why anyone would book a hunt in Zimbabwe with a non-Zimbabwean PH. With the way the law is, it makes no sense to include a non-Zimbabwean on a Zim hunt.
  12. DLSJR

    Brothers in Blood Lion documentary

    This is an excellent documentary, well worth watching. I highly recommend it.
  13. DLSJR


    Just get a 375 H&H, 30-06, 12 gauge and a 22 rim fire and be done with it. Those will handle anything you might want or need to shoot.
  14. DLSJR


    Interesting! I’ll be going through Jo’burg in 2 months, on my way to Zimbabwe; hope this doesn’t escalate to where it’s tough for Americans to get through South Africa. But, I’m glad to see our new administration making it clear that the bullshit tolerated over the last 4 years is no longer...
  15. DLSJR

    Dangerous game safari info

    Alan Vincent, owner of Vincent Safaris. He mainly hunts Tanzania these days but lives in Bulawayo and does Zimbabwean hunts also, especially before he leaves for Tanzania in mid June each year. He’s been a licensed PH in Zimbabwe for 34 years, since he was 18 years old. This will be my 4th...
  16. DLSJR

    Dangerous game safari info

    You’ve gotten lots of great advice on where to go and that you’d be better served hunting buffalo before elephants. Having shot both, I certainly agree that you should probably hunt buffalo before elephant. Elephants bring an intensity that is hard to match with any other animal. I think...
  17. DLSJR

    The Penetration Capability of the 416 Rigby

    Not a scientific test at all, but illustrative of the straight line penetration ability of a .416 400 grain Cutting Edge solid. I was shooting my .416 Hoffman at nearly 2,400 fps, so balistically the same as .416 Rigby. This Cutting Edge solid was recovered from a hippo bull I shot quartering...
  18. DLSJR

    Tonight is going to be a very long night

    This is fantastic news! As our dogs get older we all have to face these moments. Just yesterday I took my 10 1/2 year old yellow lab on a pheasant hunt at a game bird club. He had a great day, covered about 5 miles in the hills, including a long uphill run after a bird I’d hit but which...
  19. DLSJR


    Nearly all the plains game I’ve shot has been with either my .338 win mag and 225 grain bullets, TTSX, Bearclaws or Nosler Partitions. Or 270 with 150 grain Partitions ot TTSX. I’d happily shoot any plains game with a 30-06 and quality 180-200 grain bullet or a 375 and 300 grain bullet. I...
  20. DLSJR

    Omay leopard? Correct choice???

    I’ve always thought the same about moon phase, but then killed a really good Tom during a ‘Super Moon’, so I guess I don’t think moon phase is as important as I used to. But if I was booking a dedicated leopard hunt, I do agree that I’d try to book it during the two weeks when moon is darker...
  21. DLSJR

    AGENT: Booking Zimbabwe Through Joe Bario?

    Stick to a known operator, whether a PH, Safari Operator or booking agent. There are plenty of good ones who frequent these pages. And…. I’ve never even heard of this purported booking agent or company. I’d never book through someone who isn’t an experienced and well known industry...
  22. DLSJR

    What’s your hunting bucket list

    What about the other five major spiral horns? There may only be four spiral horn species in South Africa, but there are Nine major spiral horns across Africa. Even more if you count all the bush bucks and eland variants.
  23. DLSJR

    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    There is a lot more to the story, some of it pretty funny, but it’d be way too long.
  24. DLSJR

    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    In 2018, I was on final day of a Sitatunga hunt along the Kafue River in Zambia. My PH, Richard Bell-Cross, and I were glassing a small marsh just as it was getting light enough to see shapes moving around. Suddenly, Richard whispered ‘Poachers’ and I could see two human silhouettes walking...
  25. DLSJR

    Save Valley Conservancy

    Yes, that link provides the map I have saved. Sango is actually the biggest property and I’m told has the nicest lodge accommodation, though most of the properties are very nice with good hunting. There are the resident PH’s like Guy Whittal, the Duckworths and some others, but also some...
  26. DLSJR

    Save Valley Conservancy

    If I remember correctly, the Savé is approximately 750,000 acres, comprised of eight or nine adjoining properties. The biggest ones are Humani/Guy Whittal and Mokore/The Duckworths. Sango is one of the finest operations within the conservancy. Hammond is fairly small, only about 30,000 acres...
  27. DLSJR

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    Well, even though those hunts in the ‘80s were a lot less money, it is relative. I’ll answer as best I can recall as to the cost of the hunt and trophy fees. Not including air travel, charters and other incidental costs. General numbers. 1983, Zimbabwe 24 day hunt, $27,000. 1986, Zimbabwe 15...
  28. DLSJR

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    This whole ‘Big 5’ thread is interesting. I still don’t have the Big 5 or Dangerous 7, as I’ve never shot a Rhino. I’m fortunate to have all the others except Rhino. In 1983, I went on my first African hunt and shot 3 of the Big 5 on that trip. I took an elephant bull, leopard and 2...
  29. DLSJR

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    Agreed. You are absolutely ‘Spot On’. Where I hunted in the Selous, we had leopards everywhere. We hung baits in 7 trees and had cats feeding in 5 of them. We saw leopards twice in the middle of the day while checking baits. We saw tracks pretty much everywhere that we encountered sand or...
  30. DLSJR

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    But you only have to go once!
  31. DLSJR

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    I don’t agree that Leopards have to be only a 50-50 proposition. In many areas it is accurate, but there are places where success runs consistently high, abound 80-90%. The Luangwa Valley, Selous Game Reserve, Niassa Game Reserve are areas where success tends to be very high. What these...
  32. DLSJR

    Dave Fulson is joining

    Welcome, Dave! Very glad to have you join this community. I’m looking forward to your comments on these pages.
  33. DLSJR

    What’s your hunting bucket list

    Females of all species are protected in Tanzania. Which makes selecting a Zebra a bit of an exercise sometimes.
  34. DLSJR

    Trophy Shipping nightmare from Mayo Oldiri in Cameroon

    My understanding is that Korrigum are spotty. Some blocks have them, but many don’t. I was fortunate to see them a couple times on the first block I hunted. I was not h looking to shoot one, however.
  35. DLSJR

    New Guy

    Welcome, you’ve come to a great site for African knowledge. What type of hunt are you pondering?
  36. DLSJR

    Shout out to Spear Safaris

    Ernest & Marita are very solid people, a credit to the entire industry. (y)
  37. DLSJR

    Hello from Congo!

    Welcome! I’ll be keenly following your comments about Congo Brazzaville. I’m hunting there in May of ‘26, up on the Cameroon border for Bongo, Sitatunga and whatever else the forest gives us. You’re in for some great adventures with your .375.
  38. DLSJR

    Trophy Shipping nightmare from Mayo Oldiri in Cameroon

    Patrick, I’ve been in communication with your hunter who just finished and is homeward bound. He speaks highly of your area, camp, game populations and anti-poaching efforts.
  39. DLSJR

    Still considering Africa….

    Cocaine or heroin would be less addicting. And a hell of a lot cheaper.
  40. DLSJR

    Still considering Africa….

    Self induced poverty is a real thing. Trust me, it is. I know whereof I speak.
  41. DLSJR

    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    Besides the fish, hippos, crocs and all wildlife that drinks from the river will be affected. Might take longer for those large animals, but it’s going to kill lots of them also. The Chinese are a scourge, everywhere they go.
  42. DLSJR

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    When I was young we used to stand at station 8 and after each shot where we broke the target, take a step or two toward the house. With the gun shouldered when I’d call pull I could break targets halfway from station 8 to the house. But I was a lot younger than.
  43. DLSJR

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    Northwest Nevada has a very good lion population. So much that some of the best trophy mule deer hunting in the USA now sucks, big time. A friend shared a trail camera picture a few years ago that had 4 lions at a tank, all together. And the 3 younger lions were not kittens, but 60-100 pound...
  44. DLSJR

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    My current DG rifles are a .375 H&H, shooting 300 grain bullets and a .416 Hoffman shooting 400 grain bullets. Both are sighted in at 100 yards. Buffalo are big targets, so with a 100 yard zero I’m good from point blank to 150 yards. Those two rifles are all I need for all my future buffalo...
  45. DLSJR

    Am I the only one who has ever missed?

    When I miss game, it’s usually a chip shot and I get a bit casual since it’s an easy shot, don’t bear down and blow it. In 2023, I missed a broadside, standing hyena at about 75 yards. Wasn’t steady on the sticks and wobbled off when the trigger broke. I was pissed at myself as I’ve always...
  46. DLSJR

    Am I the only one who has ever missed?

    Stormy, Yup, you are. Nobody else ever misses!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  47. DLSJR

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    Oh dont worry, there will be a rifle along for that very reason you mention. If we are able to call up a lion (where I’ll be hunting has a strong lion population) my main interest will be to see how much damage the TSS does, how well it breaks bones, how deep it penetrates. If we can’t get...
  48. DLSJR

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    OK, I spoke with Brice Hensley again today. I’m getting 12-15 Rounds of 12 gauge TSS 2’s, with some TSS BB loads included. I’m going to go to Nevada and try to call in a Mountain Lion, and if successful will shoot it with TSS. A lion would give a great comparison to what TSS would do to a...
  49. DLSJR

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    A few comments based on personal observations of mine and a couple good friends. Coyotes - HeviShot Dead Coyote loads are fantastic. We’ve killed coyotes with this load as far as 70+ yards. At 25-40 yards it absolutely flattens them. TSS would be better and you wouldn’t shoot enough...