Recent content by Dirtdart

  1. Dirtdart

    Zeiss Varipoint VM 1.5-6x42 illuminated #54 reticle with EAW swing mount

    The only rail mount scopes I have any experience with are the antique "prism" style with claw mounts. I believe a rail system like this is superior to a ring but not very common in the US.
  2. Dirtdart

    Zeiss Varipoint VM 1.5-6x42 illuminated #54 reticle with EAW swing mount

    The mounts pictured are no longer included in the sale but they would work if you had EAW bases designed to fit a model 70 Winchester.
  3. Dirtdart

    Sxs muzzleloader

    I would say that if you can pick up any SXS muzzleloading shotgun in good condition for $300 you should. I really enjoyed using my Navy Arms on grouse when I got the chance.
  4. Dirtdart

    6.5x57 Mauser RWS ammunition question

    I have an older VihtaVouri and Vectan reloading guide with data for the 6.5x57. My Norma Vol2 does not list this cartridge. I would think that in the past Norma would have listed this cartridge so if one of you has that data I would appreciate if you would post it. Thanks!
  5. Dirtdart

    Sxs muzzleloader

    The shotgun is fine for small game such as rabbit and squirrel but if you are seriously considering taking hogs you would be MUCH better served with a muzzleloading rifle. I would have to check the latest regulations but FL is fairly liberal as far as action or ignition type as well as optics.
  6. Dirtdart

    6.5x57 Mauser RWS ammunition question

    I have recently acquired a Steyr chambered in 6.5x57. I have a descent supply of factory 154 grain H-Mantel hollow point and 127 grain Cone Point RWS ammunition. Are there any members that have used either of these bullets on game? If so, I would like to hear your thoughts on terminal...
  7. Dirtdart

    Zeiss Varipoint VM 1.5-6x42 illuminated #54 reticle with EAW swing mount

    Scope without the pictured mounts $750.00
  8. Dirtdart

    Wanted to Buy 9.3x64 Brenneke Brass
  9. Dirtdart


    Thanks for posting this one!
  10. Dirtdart

    GPO Scopes

    I have a Sig red dot on one of my AR's that I feel the same way about. I bought it because I preferred the a circle and dot reticle and it takes a AAA battery. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with that GPO 1.5-9.
  11. Dirtdart


    After the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco Cuba was convinced that the US would invade. The Cuban take is those missiles would deter any future attempts by the US to do so.
  12. Dirtdart

    GPO Scopes

    That scope has only been to the range a couple of times since so that is not much of a test. I like it enough that I bought a second one for a future project. Let us know your thoughts good or bad after you have a little time with it. A while back I went to the range and I wanted to get three...
  13. Dirtdart


    Is it just me or does she sound pissed?