Recent content by Carnivore hunter

  1. Carnivore hunter

    cup point solids on game

    For 375 RUM, are the cup points and woodleigh hydro's a good round for buffalo? My concern is over penetration and wounding another buffalo... How do the cup points and woodleigh hydro's compare to CEB Safari Raptors, Hammer Hunters and Lehigh Defense mono-metals that shed petals or a barnes...
  2. Carnivore hunter

    Best reticle for africa

    Yes, my concern is a rifle that is not setup properly for either dangerous game or plains game so I'm trying to figure out that balance. A true 1x power, SFP, duplex reticle and flat shooting from point blank to 100 yards max for my dangerous game rifle setup and then be able to hit plains...
  3. Carnivore hunter

    Best reticle for africa

    How does the 200 yard zero compare to the 50 yard zero for the 375 RUM if you don't mind? The farthest I'd shoot a buffalo would be 50 yards max, 300 yards would be for smaller game obviously so I'd like to setup my rifle to be very versatile from point blank to 300 yards with a 1-6 lpvo - a...
  4. Carnivore hunter

    Best reticle for africa

    Is that LPVO a true 1x power? Can that be used as close as 10-15 yards in case of a charge?
  5. Carnivore hunter

    Best reticle for africa

    I'm looking for a LPVO with a true 1x power for CQB close encounters in case of a charge up close. Shots past 400+ yards will be rare for me.
  6. Carnivore hunter

    Best reticle for africa

    For a Dangerous Game rifle chambered in 375 RUM mounted with a LPVO, what is optimal to set zero at? Do you recommend a 50 yard zero or 100 or 200 yard zero? I have two LPVO's I'm interested in, the Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 or Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24 in SFP with a simple duplex reticle. I want...
  7. Carnivore hunter

    Question to guides/PH's, what makes a good client?

    Before the client arrives in Africa, can clients make a request and ask for a specific animal to eat, for example if the client wants to try hippo, croc or zebra is that ok?
  8. Carnivore hunter

    Question to guides/PH's, what makes a good client?

    Have any of you had any clients who don't want to or refuse to eat what they hunt, meaning the client shoots an animal and refuses to eat it? Do guides/ph's and cooks prefer the client eat what they hunt? Is the eating of the animals that are hunted part the whole adventure and expected by the...
  9. Carnivore hunter

    Question to guides/PH's, what makes a good client?

    Do most guides/ph's in Africa prefer the clients shoot off sticks?
  10. Carnivore hunter

    Question to guides/PH's, what makes a good client?

    This is a question for the guides/PH's out there. All joking aside, what makes a good client? What makes your life a lot easier when dealing with clients? From my short time reading posts here, I think there is more posted about the mistakes the clients made during the hunt instead of...
  11. Carnivore hunter

    mono vs lead for Cape Buffalo?

    For 375 on a wounded buffalo that's running away quartering away from you, is it best to use a solid or expanding mono like TSX or CEB Raptor for the second shot? Also, what about directly away from you, meaning the buffalo's butt is staring you in the face. Can you shoot the buff up the butt...
  12. Carnivore hunter

    mono vs lead for Cape Buffalo?

    What are the specific differences between the Cutting Edge Raptor vs the Maximus? Is the Maximus similar to the Hammer's and Lehigh Defense? Have any of you done any comparisons between the Raptor vs Maximus in penetration and expansion? Because, I was thinking if the Raptor's penetrate too...
  13. Carnivore hunter

    mono vs lead for Cape Buffalo?

    Are most cape buffalo that hunters encounter in herds or loners? For when they are in herds how does one decide which one to shoot?
  14. Carnivore hunter

    Hammer Bullets

    How did you like the performance of the 375 using the CEB Raptor and Hammer bullets on the buffalo?
  15. Carnivore hunter

    Hammer Bullets

    Do you or your PH have any experience with mono-metals that shed petals like the CEB Raptors, Hammer Hunter, Lehigh Defense? I'm curious how those would perform in 270gr out of a 375 RUM on cape buffalo?