@Bob Nelson 35Whelen !
I honestly felt like I stole the rifle when I walked out of there.. The guy that sold it acknowledged that it looked really rough, and he was challenged by it being a 300 H&H (not exactly a popular chambering in North Texas... hell, most folks around here, especially the guys that walk around the gun shows looking for another glock or AR15, don't even know what 300 H&H is and likely have never heard of it)..It had been sitting on his rack for a long time (I cant recall now, but I think he told me for more than a year)..
I took one look at the stock, the custom made trigger guard, felt the tightness of the action, the crispness of the trigger, etc.. and knew that at one time it had been a very nice rifle that was likely put together by a very competent smith..
I also figured at for the price, even if it was a total dog and not salvagible, that I could recover most if not all of my money just by cleaning up the action alone and selling it off.. So I took it..
I ended up putting an additional $300 into it.. I took it to this guy: for a legitimate hot blue treatment (I think he did exceptional work for the money).. Other than that, I did all of the other work myself (refinished the stock, added the red grind to fit pachmyr decellerator pad, bedded the action, etc..etc..).. So for about $700 all in (cost of the pad, bluing, and other minor items along with purchase price), I think I ended up with a pretty great deal...
As an added bonus, with factory ammo (Hornady) It keeps a sub 1" group at 100... I haven't started building hand loads for it yet.. but have a couple of different barnes options (165, 180, and 200gr), a couple of different powder options, and about 160 pieces of brass on hand... so Im pretty excited to see just how well it might do once I find some time to start tinkering with it..
The only other thing I really want to do with it is to add a decent leupold (or perhaps zeiss) optic to it.. Its currently wearing a PFI optics 4-14x... which is ok.. but not really what the rifle deserves (its just what was sitting in the safe available to be mounted at the time...)..