A matter of class?

There has been a lot of discussion about schools re-opening and the fact that Eton isn’t.
What is Eton?
Eton is one of only 4 fee-paying,boys only,boarding-only schools in Britain(the others are Harrow,Radley and Winchester.)Eton(21),Harrow(7) and Winchester(6) have provided 34 of the 56 British Prime Ministers there have ever been.
That’s 3 schools(out of 20,000) providing 60% of Prime Ministers.In fact only 9 of Britain’s 56 Prime Minisfers didn’t go to fee-paying schools.2(Attlee and Blair) of Labour’s 6 Prime Ministers went to fee-paying private schools.
It costs £42,000 per year to go to Eton.In 1995 the school received a £3 million grant from the National lottery to build a sports centre(the school contributed £200,000!).This whilst public youth and leisure services were disappearing.The school has 50 cricket,soccer and rugby pitches.
Eton receives substantial tax breaks as a charity.It is one of the 100 largest charities in Britain.
For some reason it received farming subsidies from the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy even though it does no farming!(it received them for ‘environmental improvements!).
Ability to re-open with social distancing.
Eton has 1,350 students and covers 76 square miles.It’s teacher to pupil ratio is 8:1.It’s average class size is 12.It seems ideal as an appropriate test case for a school re-opening with social distancing.
Re-opening Eton
It is obviously an important school for the economy.21 British prime ministers,thousands of top business people are former pupils,tax breaks,EU subsidies,National Lottery grants and income from fees of £56 million a year.
We can’t afford to have it closed.
(I wonder how many of the owners of the newspapers calling for schools to re-open want their children’s public school to re-open on 1st June?)