Hunted our butts off yesterday.
Two Bushbuck Rams under 25 yards.
Eye balled each other for minutes..
One Bushbuck ram at 5 yards and I could not get my camera out as he had me pinned.
It all gets the heart going pretty well
Stepped on another in his bed.
Waterbuck Cow and 8 yards and she was not happy with me that close.
Marius has Bushbuck here boy.....

Wildebeest Bull sleeping in one spot all day.
As I was stalking in the thick stuff I rounded a corner and came face to face with some dangerous game and fended off a full blown charge.
I dove onto the ground to try and hide but he kept coming an hissing the entire way.
Thankfully he turned at about 18 inches....
Scary stuff when you are laying on the ground.
Marius found me a good Kudu bull to stalk and I went after him up the side of the mountain.
Got within twenty five yards and want to just make sure I had the distance bang on and went for the range finder and managed to "tick" my release on it and "Bang". That Kudu left like he was shot out of a Canon.
I was pissed off at myself.... took quite a bit of walking before I shook that one off.

I quit for the day and went after some Egyptian Geese with the bow.
No joy on that front today.
Later saw this little girl up in the krans
Today was a jackal hunting day and it was another interesting adventure that I will share details when I get back.
The greatest news of today was first blood was finally drawn
Nice smooth double taken from the jumped pair. Bound for the taxidermist and then my office.
I wanted these guys so bad I could taste it.
Of course the African Retriever was in on it at the end. Here at his shivering best.
(My wife will be happy about this achievement. It was an assignment that I gladly took on.
Glad to have the company of good dogs and a great PH.
The best of trophy hunting to take days to get the chances.