On a hunt last year a guy tried to convince me not to shoot a warthog. He told me that I needed to listen to him because he shot a warthog a couple years before and it cost him an extra $15,000+ to get it into the country. I did not believe him. And I told him that it didn't make sense.
I do know that it can hold up your shipment or create some issues if you don't think things through. But $15,000+ made no sense at all.
After he attempted to further explain it, he was lumping in all of his shipping costs from the entire hunt, his freight charges (for all animals), Airport charges for holding his crate, and the cost for a full body taxidermy mount on the warthog stateside. And even with those numbers he still didn't quite get to the $15,000+ he originally claimed.
I didn't listen and of course shot a warthog.