Trophy Shipping nightmare from Mayo Oldiri in Cameroon

So I had promised myself to step away from this thread but this morning Herve of Mayo sent me a message and informed me of Juan, "manages all the camps for Mayo" had died in the bush. I looked into this matter and discovered that three days ago, Juan... Mayo's manager, was tragically shot and killed while doing anti-poaching. The incident was in mayo nduel and Juan and Melo, "the anti-poaching guy" ran into poachers. Melo was shot and is badly wounded and Juan was killed instantly.

You may remember my early post in which I called out DSLR with "Righteous Indignation", speaking out about all I witnessed and heard of how much Mayo was doing in the way or anti poaching when I was with them in the forest this past July for two back to back safaris. His post was way out of line... I know how he booked the trip and who he went with. I was told he did not come in the front door and go with one of Mayo's noteworthy and reputable PH's but instead came in with a PH / Booking agent that Mayo had never used and he did a poor job on this his one and only time hunting one of their areas. I was told he "kind of dumped" DSLR on us and this PH is not welcome back. With all of DSLR talk about pennies and dollars in shipping costs I can only guess that he tried to get a "deal" on his Savannah hunt and got something less than he would have if he did like I did and went to Raquel directly and booked a trip with one of the famous and experienced Mayo PH's.

The figures that DSLR throws around insinuating that he was bilked by Mayo on the shipping charges are bogus. He uses "broad brush" comparisons about his past crates from Tanzania and asserts that means he was overcharged. Mayo is "only about the money" he says! Well, I have called Wyatt Fetner of Safari Specialty Importers and asked him what my crate that is sitting in a warehouse near JFK will cost. It is a crate from Tanzania.... Just a lion skin and skull, seventeen euros, one zebra skin, and one eland cape... The price! Closing in on 10K. Wyatt said my bongo skin and horns that are coming from Cameroon at this moment will be nearly 4500, and the leopard skin and skull from Botswana a couple of years ago he said was 4500. These are just round numbers but it shows that his attempt to lead the reader to believe Mayo had way overcharged was ridiculous.

Why my renewed anger? The assertion was that Mayo does not do enough for antipoaching. What is enough????? The government would have to take a 'shoot on sight" position to quell the poaching. Even then what about the cattle and habitat loss. Now Mayo buries their manager which I am told along with others were shot while they were doing anti-poaching! Was that sacrifice enough or should they be doing more?
DLSJR wrote a public report of his hunt and how he booked it. His PH has hunted there previously and he was also paired up with their most experienced 30+ year tracker. It’s extremely sad an individual gave his life for anti-poaching, but I don’t think it absolves Mayo Oldiri from any mistakes. What I saw in the savanna areas I felt was very concerning.
Wow, you surely went total “California Karen” on Mayo Oldiri! That is where your from is it not? I spent thirty days and two safaris with Mayo in the forest this past July! I am busy with thirteen hunters of my own this week and thirteen next week at my outfit in Kansas but after our rifle deer season is over will respond thoroughly with my rebuttal to some of your accusations. I know for a fact you have unjustly disparaged Mayo Oldiri! I have been in contact today with Raquel the owners daughter and the one that runs Mayo Oldiri on a daily basis. She has emails, photos, invoices, and a side of the story that you have conveniently failed to tell our fellow AH members here! I also talked to Herve today who is on his first hunt of the season in the Savannah for Mayo and he remembers you! He has been outfitting for Mayo in he Savannah and the Forest for over 20 seasons and 40 years as a PH in Africa. When I told him of your negative post here in AH he exclaimed; I remember this guy! What is the problem! I’m an outfitter and a guide and have been my entire adult life. When I read your post it screams “red flag”! When a client goes into a tirade exclaiming everything was bad, the sky is falling, I got screwed, nothing was done right! You have to pass on that guy. After all my years of outfitting I recognize a hunting client like you. Your attacks on Mayo are over the top! Just like you proudly offered to have anyone here on AH contact you for more info on MAYO OLDIRI…. I BEG them to contact me where I will set them straight and counter your attacks with honest information about YOUR hunt. DOCUMENTION provided to me by Mayo.View attachment 651535View attachment 651536 View attachment 651540View attachment 651542
I just noticed a part of this I hadn’t noticed before.

You suggest people contact you for information on the OP’s hunt - “DOCUMENTATION provided to me by Mayo.” If this is correct, it strikes me as a serious breach of ethics and privacy. Mayo is certainly entitled to use whatever information they have to defend themselves, but I don’t think they can or should provide such information to unrelated third parties, regardless of the purpose.

Not good at all in my view.
Not all Customs inspectors are bad but seems like this one had a chip on her shoulder. That inspector is a public servant, and should be reprimanded for costing you money, and for the extra time wasted when it was not really necessary. Glad you got your LDE. (y)
Very sorry to hear a member of the team was killed and the other wounded. My thoughts and prayers to their family.
To bring this tragic event to light and then in your next breath continue your smashing on @DLSJR is in very poor taste and that's putting it lightly.

Again, sorry to hear of the loss and injury.
So I had promised myself to step away from this thread but this morning Herve of Mayo sent me a message and informed me of Juan, "manages all the camps for Mayo" had died in the bush. I looked into this matter and discovered that three days ago, Juan... Mayo's manager, was tragically shot and killed while doing anti-poaching. The incident was in mayo nduel and Juan and Melo, "the anti-poaching guy" ran into poachers. Melo was shot and is badly wounded and Juan was killed instantly.

You may remember my early post in which I called out DSLR with "Righteous Indignation", speaking out about all I witnessed and heard of how much Mayo was doing in the way or anti poaching when I was with them in the forest this past July for two back to back safaris. His post was way out of line... I know how he booked the trip and who he went with. I was told he did not come in the front door and go with one of Mayo's noteworthy and reputable PH's but instead came in with a PH / Booking agent that Mayo had never used and he did a poor job on this his one and only time hunting one of their areas. I was told he "kind of dumped" DSLR on us and this PH is not welcome back. With all of DSLR talk about pennies and dollars in shipping costs I can only guess that he tried to get a "deal" on his Savannah hunt and got something less than he would have if he did like I did and went to Raquel directly and booked a trip with one of the famous and experienced Mayo PH's.

The figures that DSLR throws around insinuating that he was bilked by Mayo on the shipping charges are bogus. He uses "broad brush" comparisons about his past crates from Tanzania and asserts that means he was overcharged. Mayo is "only about the money" he says! Well, I have called Wyatt Fetner of Safari Specialty Importers and asked him what my crate that is sitting in a warehouse near JFK will cost. It is a crate from Tanzania.... Just a lion skin and skull, seventeen euros, one zebra skin, and one eland cape... The price! Closing in on 10K. Wyatt said my bongo skin and horns that are coming from Cameroon at this moment will be nearly 4500, and the leopard skin and skull from Botswana a couple of years ago he said was 4500. These are just round numbers but it shows that his attempt to lead the reader to believe Mayo had way overcharged was ridiculous.

Why my renewed anger? The assertion was that Mayo does not do enough for antipoaching. What is enough????? The government would have to take a 'shoot on sight" position to quell the poaching. Even then what about the cattle and habitat loss. Now Mayo buries their manager which I am told along with others were shot while they were doing anti-poaching! Was that sacrifice enough or should they be doing more?
@Jerycmeach - Well Jerry, your post demands a response I’d have preferred not to have to write. Yes, Juan and Melo were ambushed last Saturday while on anti-poaching patrol on Mayo Nduel, Zic 20 unit, The same unit where I shot my LDE. Alan Vincent messaged me with details about the tragedy on Sunday but asked that I keep it confidential for the time being out of respect for all involved. He told me Juan was killed, while Melo was in critical condition in Garoua, having been shot in the jaw and chest. There was a bit more but it’s not relevant to this discussion. I haven’t heard any update since on Melo’s condition.

Juan and Melo have been two of the bright spots in Mayo Oldiri’s operation. Melo was in camp with us on Nduel and we dined together several times, so I got to know him a bit. He’s a great guy and committed to his task. I spent some time with Juan, both at Vaimba Camp and in Garoua when we were all delayed by a day due to Cam Air not making the scheduled flight back to Douala that we were booked on. Juan smoothed the way for all of us at the airport and he was a hell of a likable fellow. He was Mayo Oldiri’s operations manager and seemed very good at his job. He will be missed by all who knew him. May he rest in peace.

You’ve certainly proved by your comments about my booking and PH, Alan Vincent, that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, as Alan had been bringing clients to Mayo Oldiri from 2012 through 2024, mostly Savannah Lord Derby hunts but also some bongo hunts in the forest. He last hunted Mayo Nduel in 2020, right before the pandemic, then missed 21, 22 & 23 due to the pandemic, coming back with me then a 2nd LDE hunter after me last year.

I booked my hunt at full price in 2022, no discount sought or given. Alan walked me over to Mayo Oldiri’s booth at SCI, introduced me to Raquel and we discussed the booking. Racquel did tell me that Alan was the only ‘outside’ PH whom they had bring his own hunters, due to his experience and qualities and great working relationship with them. Kinda different than the false version you spouted. You completely misrepresent the truth about every aspect of my booking. Most people call that lying.

Alan is every bit the PH of Hervé or Guav, all 3 of them are excellent, first rate PH’s. I respect all 3 of them highly. Alan earned a Zimbabwe PH license 33 years ago at age 18. He’s hunted Zimbabwe since then, Tanzania for over 20 years and Cameroon through Mayo Oldiri from 2012 through last season. He’s taken Lord Derby hunters to Mayo Oldiri since 2012, which hardly matches your “PH/booking agent that Mayo had never used and he did a poor job on his one and only time hunting one of their areas”. That statement of yours is simply a bald faced lie by you (or Raquel, if she told you that, which I doubt). He’s guided multiple hunters to great Eland, Bongo and other game on most of Mayo Oldiri’s northern concessions as well as several areas in the forest over a 12-year span. He holds one of Tanzania’s top concessions, MA1/Madaba in the Selous where he conducts excellent safaris of his own. He’s still hunting Cameroon, but now has 3 concessions unrelated to Mayo Oldiri where he’ll be taking his clients, as he too was not pleased and went out and found other quality places to hunt. He doesn’t want to bring anyone back to Mayo Oldiri and that was his choice. Jerry, you demeaning Alan is every bit as dumb as if I would do that to Guav or Hervé, which I’d never do as I like and respect both of them. Your inaccurate and demeaning comments about Alan say more about you than they do him, and what it says is that you’re an ass. A lying, mischaracterizing Ass. And to think you despise Californians. You’re a disgrace to Kansans and outfitters in general as far as I’m concerned.

Mayo Oldiri is hurting right now, everyone who makes up that company is hurting over what happened. I’m not going to say anything further about why I’ll never hunt with them again out of respect for everyone there. But if someone asks, I’ll tell them the truth, unlike what you’ve said in your completely false post I’m responding to here. You DO NOT know what your talking about, so if your IQ is higher than your shoe size, you’d do well to put the shoe in your mouth and shut up before making yourself look even dumber than you just did.
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I believe his PH was Alan Vincent. I am not sure if there are any better PHs out there.

Making a statement like this doesn't help your defense of Mayo in anyway.
Jerry Meach doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground on this. Alan had been bringing his clients to hunt with Mayo Oldiri since 2012. He mostly conducted Savannah hunts for LDE and other game, but also PH’ed a smaller number of Forest hunts for Bongo and other Forest game. Contrary to what ‘Know Nothing Meach’ asserted, Alan has guided several dozen hunts through Mayo Oldiri and Mayo Nduel was his favorite block.
Alan has a great reputation no doubt. I challenge you to go read “on the other forum” the glowing report DSLR wrote about his hunt in the Mayo Oldiri concessions! You will find him as DSL on “the other site!

Them try to square his glowing review of Mayo with his unhinged attacks including saying they will it get another penny of his and that you can PM for more of those same kind of attacks on Mayo. Now as Juan is dead running behind poachers DSLR’s words about Mayo not doing enough anti poaching hurt even more.
Here is DSLR summation of his hunt with Mayo on this post on “the other site”
[td width="635.09375px"]posted 04 March 2024 01:04[/td]
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All in all it was a very good hunt with a long time great friend.

A very good hunt is what DSLR said.

Then when he has a little bit of trouble with his skins Mayo is the worst thing in the planet and no one should hint with them anymore.

Be honest in assessing DSLR’s attacks on Mayo by reading his hunt report on “the other site”!
That will tell you all you need to know!
Alan has a great reputation no doubt. I challenge you to go read “on the other forum” the glowing report DSLR wrote about his hunt in the Mayo Oldiri concessions! You will find him as DSL on “the other site!

Them try to square his glowing review of Mayo with his unhinged attacks including saying they will it get another penny of his and that you can PM for more of those same kind of attacks on Mayo. Now as Juan is dead running behind poachers DSLR’s words about Mayo not doing enough anti poaching hurt even more.
Here is DSLR summation of his hunt with Mayo on this post on “the other site”

[td width="635.09375px"]posted 04 March 2024 01:04[/td]
[td width="51.671875px"]
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All in all it was a very good hunt with a long time great friend.

A very good hunt is what DSLR said.

Then when he has a little bit of trouble with his skins Mayo is the worst thing in the planet and no one should hint with them anymore.

Be honest in assessing DSLR’s attacks on Mayo by reading his hunt report on “the other site”!
That will tell you all you need to know!
He wrote the exact same report here under his name. I don’t think you are helping Mayo Oldiri the way you think you are.
Very sorry to hear a member of the team was killed and the other wounded. My thoughts and prayers to their family.
To bring this tragic event to light and then in your next breath continue your smashing on @DLSJR is in very poor taste and that's putting it lightly.

Again, sorry to hear of the loss and injury.
+1 what Nathan posted!!!!
I have not hunted with Mayo Oldiri so i cannot comment on them nor the service they provide.

However i have hunted the Cameroon savannah twice with Patrick Dahlan who owns & operates Faro East (for the last +/-20 years). Patrick runs an excellent operation and i was happy with both trips. The “dip & pack” cost were as expected as were all aspects of the trip(s)

Poaching is a problem throughout Africa however Faro East have an active anti poaching program, with permanent teams which are now tracked by satellite. I saw good numbers of buffalo and LD eland which indicate the efforts are effective.

There are probably other good operators in Cameroon however I strongly recommend Faro East.
Hi there, good to hear about your experience with Patrick Dahlan. I have hunted with Koen Maes who has an area bordering in the west bordering the Faro river. He runs a nice outfit. I was mainly after bushbuck and Kob and got them both just days before airlines were shutting down in March 2020 when Covid started. Like to go back to Cameroon; like that old Africa bush feeling, that I miss in South Africa. This time I'd like to go for Roan, Hartebeest and another bushbuck. When was your most recent hunt and did you see good numbers of these 3 species? Thank you.
My last hunt was in February 2024 (last year). I saw lots of hartebeest every day and took a nice one. We saw Roan and bushbuck and could have got a shot but they were not on my list. I am going back to Cameroon and will hunt with Patrick again in February 2026.

I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I’ve had prospects in the past who weren’t initially happy with the pricing of our DPS package compared to others. However, they didn’t realize that our service includes shipment to Paris under customs, with no hidden surprises, and ultimately costs less than the kind of situation you’ve described. At the very least, we provide a transparent, all-inclusive price.

Regarding conservation, we are doing an exceptional amount of work, and I’d be happy to share more details with you—or anyone else interested in hunting LDE. If we can connect on WhatsApp, I can explain further and show you other aspects of our operation.

Let me know if that works for you!

Best regards,

Patrick, I’ve been in communication with your hunter who just finished and is homeward bound. He speaks highly of your area, camp, game populations and anti-poaching efforts.
I too have had a female Customs agent force my shipment to a USDA taxidermist for further cleaning. It seems they are anti hunters or at least very poorly trained.
Glad you persevered!
Hi there, good to hear about your experience with Patrick Dahlan. I have hunted with Koen Maes who has an area bordering in the west bordering the Faro river. He runs a nice outfit. I was mainly after bushbuck and Kob and got them both just days before airlines were shutting down in March 2020 when Covid started. Like to go back to Cameroon; like that old Africa bush feeling, that I miss in South Africa. This time I'd like to go for Roan, Hartebeest and another bushbuck. When was your most recent hunt and did you see good numbers of these 3 species? Thank you.
I just returned from hunting with Patrick and will be filing a report. Healthy numbers of roan, hartebeest and some bushbuck for sure.
Any Korregum?
My understanding is that Korrigum are spotty. Some blocks have them, but many don’t. I was fortunate to see them a couple times on the first block I hunted. I was not h looking to shoot one, however.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!