AH fanatic
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- South Africa, Ohio, Florida, Wyoming, Arizona
Do not pass GO, do not collect $200, go straight to JAIL!
Every light in the sky is now a drone, even in our sleepy little town on the gulf coast people claim they se drones flying around their house every night! This will get out of hand pretty soon if someone doesn’t come clean on these things.
We are sandwiched between 2 military bases , Kessler AFB to the west and Pensacola NAS to the east.
I agree with @Ridge Runner , a couple of 105s loaded with beehives should do the trick or the punt gun can be the new home defense weapon.
Doesn't the Whitehouse and SS have sophisticated electronic jamming equipment?
@HookMeUpII , the 105s was more in jest. On a serious note about shooting down drones. In the state of Alabama I have a constitutional right to hunt. It is also against state law for someone to interfere or harass someone on a legal hunt. What do you do if an anti hunter starts flying a drone around your deer stand or duck spread. Personally I would find the operator and sic the game warden on them but some people may take things into their own hands. I would assume any federal laws would trump state law.
@HookMeUpII , the 105s was more in jest. On a serious note about shooting down drones. In the state of Alabama I have a constitutional right to hunt. It is also against state law for someone to interfere or harass someone on a legal hunt. What do you do if an anti hunter starts flying a drone around your deer stand or duck spread. Personally I would find the operator and sic the game warden on them but some people may take things into their own hands. I would assume any federal laws would trump state law.
That’s why we live in the country, I can shoot off of my back porch if I want to. I do sit on it and guard my cornfield from deer every now and again.Most of NJ has no discharge laws, overriding, and no hunting within 450' of another dwelling. I see your point. Hunting ducks/geese in the marsh/field, one could possibly "get into the line of fire."
Otherwise, discharging a firearm like that here is a free ride in the back of a cop car. I actually hunt areas here that people are blown away that I do. I've had the police come and check things out but when they are educated on the laws, there's nothing they can do. One time I had to play the whole "well you should call the game warden then" and they left.
To my point, someone got a video of one over a local high school this morning. Not good.
First, the left truly believes THEY are the smart ones, and the flyover states are the local yokels. Second, "woke" was to go a LOT farther--the gay agenda, for example didn't stop with acceptance or even demand that society celebrate their choice...that was the camel's head under the tent. Next came celebration/empowerment of trans, with dress wearing admirals and such. Next, I predict will be legitimizing pedophilia through the "man-boy love" association. Think that is even the end--then you don't know how far down the slimy butthole the whole thing goes! At some point someone would have to say "the king has no clothes." Epstein just cashed in on celebrity acceptance of sex with children, but does anyone think you could ever MAINSTREAM cutting, mutilation, eating fecal matter, torture, and "boxing" etc. etc. A sewer of filth is one of the reasons muslims hate the west, and say we are not civilized. America is the largest producer/purveyor of porn all the way to the bottom, worldwide. Great. Just great.I admit that I love analysing and trying to understand why people do what they do. In that regard I am utterly baffled by the Democratic party and what looks like a self inflicted and engineered demise. Is there a single master mind behind this, or because of Joe's weakness and stupidity did they just bumble along into it by committee?
Talking about the whole woke thing and DEI in particular I have heard various figures, but this crowd seem to comprise no more than about 10% of the population. Clearly the rest of the population are not comfortable with it, so which genius decided to make this a pillar of Democratic policy? Tolerance is one thing, ramming it down other peoples throats is quite another.
My conclusion is that Joe was known to be weak, even a fool (Obama said as much), but he was put in so that he could just rubber stamp an agenda. The problem came with that agenda coming from all sorts of forceful blue haired types who were inserted in the advice chain and had to be pandered to and accommodated. But why? Surely there were sensible people in power behind Joe who saw this all unfolding? Perhaps there were, there was suddenly the application of brakes by Pelosi et al, but all too late and with Joe firmly under the bus the train continued towards the cliff with their alternative pick -Kamala! The mind boggles!
I have just focused upon woke, but you can equally add illegalbimmigration and
So my grand conclusion is that the Democrats are utterly, dare I say, stupid. What other conclusion can one reach?
The Whitehouse has a lot of security tech. They also use drones extensively to watch the crowds that gather outside. My office is about 3 blocks away and I know when there is a big crowd because I can see the drone(s) hovering. It’s amazing how stationary they can stay and for how long.Reminds me of the movie "Angel has fallen" where the President and SS are attacked by sophisticated drones.
Wouldn't surprise me if dark forces attempted a drone attack on Trump. Needs to be very careful on inauguration day. IMO
Doesn't the Whitehouse and SS have sophisticated electronic jamming equipment?
That’s why we live in the country, I can shoot off of my back porch if I want to. I do sit on it and guard my cornfield from deer every now and again.
I didn’t realize that “shooting” was a censored word, why would they put asterisk in place of the oo in “sh**ting”?Florida Man has a solution for all your drone issues
I love all the crazy articles you see that start off with "Florida man..."
This one seems appropriate to our drone discussion.
“Pew pew” is safeI didn’t realize that “shooting” was a censored word, why would they put asterisk in place of the oo in “sh**ting”?
That’s because you asked F-16 and F-15 guys. Those guys are very parochial about what they do, which includes air to air engagements. The F-35 was smoked by an F-16 in some kind of very visible demonstration of the dissimilar types, can’t remember what/when that was exactly. The F-22 smokes everyone in close engagements, and it’s not even “fair.” The F-35 was designed to deliver BVR (beyond visual range) weapons, and then split. It’s very high tech in threat detection and weapons use. Most adversaries would never know what hit them or where it came from, in theory at least. A modern-day version of the F-104 and 106.I asked a couple of F-15 & F-16 pilots' friends of mine about what Musk said about the F-35s. In unison they all said the F-35 was a POS aircraft. Even though some of the F-16 pilots were going to be flying them soon. The reason they claimed that is because the powers to be demanded too many requirements of the F-35 design and to fit all the services who will use them (insert here multi role aircraft, one size fits all). They all claimed that the Air Force should have gotten more (or all) F-22s instead. They praised the F-22 and the aircraft capabilities. These pilots also said that if the aircraft design was kept to a single role, maybe, and a big maybe the aircraft would have been better.
All I know from personally watching one, is that they are obnoxiously loud, loudest aircraft in our inventory.![]()
That's 2 that need to meet the end of a hangman nooseSo says the man who called for Trump to be indicted and impeached since 2016.