
I am genuinely not seeking to criticize you or anyone else for believing what you do about Biden. I try to at least understand all points of view, but this is one that I struggle to grasp. I can understand being vehemently opposed to Biden’s political views or believing that Biden is incompetent as President, but I do not understand how Biden’s alleged shortcomings or misdeeds rise to the same level of “evil” as someone like Vladimir Putin.
Hmmmm, he is certainly no angel and from his known tirades and ugly behaviour he doesn't seem too concerned about who he hurts. Yes, I know Trump has his fair share of baggage too, but it doesn't excuse Biden.
Seems like the $20.00 minimum wage is working really well in Kalifornia. Layoffs, store closing, cutting staff, etc. I wonder if Newson cares?
Is the Supreme Court leaning towards limited immunity for presidents, or just the 45th? If any and all future, or past for that matter, presidents can be charged with something his or her predecessor deems criminal for decisions they made during office, whacking a terrorist leader as an example, you’ll never find another president that’s going to risk going to prison based upon what the next one deems criminal……. Insanity.
"The crime rate in Venezuela has indeed seen a significant decline in recent years. According to the Venezuelan Violence Observatory, violent deaths have dropped to their lowest level in over two decades as of December 2023."

This is thanks to Maduro cleaning his prisons and sending the criminals this way. Brilliant, and for some reason our administration fails to see this. :S Censored:
"The crime rate in Venezuela has indeed seen a significant decline in recent years. According to the Venezuelan Violence Observatory, violent deaths have dropped to their lowest level in over two decades as of December 2023."

This is thanks to Maduro cleaning his prisons and sending the criminals this way. Brilliant, and for some reason our administration fails to see this. :S Censored:
Castro did the same thing in 80, crime in Cuba after that went to an all time low but for some reason miamis crime rate exploded……. Go figure….
Maduro is using the same play book Castro used in the 80. We are seeing what is happening in NYC, Chicago, etc. Our taxes at work boys & girls.
Rarely will you ever hear me say this, but Governor Greg Abbott is doing the right thing.
Thanks captain obvious......tell us something we don't know, like you attempted to do with your "Biden is a man of high character" posts. We need to send all these foreign invaders to the homes and neighborhoods of every person who supports the libtards.
You must be in the camp that actually believes that garbage, along with humans causing climate change, islam is the religion of peace, and murdering babies is ok.
Except Buddhism no religion advocates peace. They are the reason most of the wars in the World.
I think Biden's greatest transgression has been the open border because it hurts his own people, the Americans. What gives him the right to salve his social conscience at the expense of his people? What about the oath to protect them? I sincerely hope nothing bad happens, but even his own FBI are saying the situation is red hot, and still he lets more unknowns in. Now we hear that the agitators on the campuses inciting the violence are Iranians. Oh well, but he is 'changing lives'. You bet he is, watch.
I am sorry but this is just patently false. It is very well documented that all of Trump’s children continued to engage in business dealings with foreign nations throughout his presidency. It was certainly unethical, but I have my doubts about whether it rises to the level of illegal.
What is the problem with them continuing their business? I understand the need to keep arms length when doing deals overseas. But good God man, there is one heck of a lot of difference between an expiraced company building a golf course or hotel. Or renting hotel rooms here in the US to people from overseas. Compared to a drug addict party animal with zero experience being put into a high paying board position to curry favor from his VP father. Especially when there is proof that that VP strong armed a foreign government in favor of a company operated gangsters. And didn't Hunter admit that his father is "the big guy"?
What is the problem with them continuing their business? I understand the need to keep arms length when doing deals overseas. But good God man, there is one heck of a lot of difference between an expiraced company building a golf course or hotel. Or renting hotel rooms here in the US to people from overseas. Compared to a drug addict party animal with zero experience being put into a high paying board position to curry favor from his VP father. Especially when there is proof that that VP strong armed a foreign government in favor of a company operated gangsters. And didn't Hunter admit that his father is "the big guy"?
What Hunter Biden did was unethical. What Trumps children did was unethical. Whether anything illegal happened is unclear, but both situations at the very least contribute to the appearance of impropriety.
I think Biden's greatest transgression has been the open border because it hurts his own people, the Americans. What gives him the right to salve his social conscience at the expense of his people? What about the oath to protect them? I sincerely hope nothing bad happens, but even his own FBI are saying the situation is red hot, and still he lets more unknowns in. Now we hear that the agitators on the campuses inciting the violence are Iranians. Oh well, but he is 'changing lives'. You bet he is, watch.
I think everyone here agrees that the border crisis has been a totally self-inflicted wound for the Biden administration. There are temporary measures I hope Biden to take through executive action, but we really need congress to dramatically overhaul the asylum and parole systems too.
Yes, Hunter is a bad guy. His uncle does not seem to be a great guy either. Guilt by association is not a legal standard to which I subscribe.

What would it take to convince me? Physical evidence would be a good start. If the House GOP actually finds something then I am sure they will bring impeachment charges.

I am sorry but this is just patently false. It is very well documented that all of Trump’s children continued to engage in business dealings with foreign nations throughout his presidency. It was certainly unethical, but I have my doubts about whether it rises to the level of illegal.

While I do not discount the possibility that they hired him in an attempt to curry favor from within the Obama administration, I think it is more likely that they did so to bolster their standing with the EBRD. Frankly, both possibilities could very well be true.
I guess LLC shells, sworn testimony and meetings with Hunter’s business partners are not evidence in your world!
I guess LLC shells, sworn testimony and meetings with Hunter’s business partners are not evidence in your world!
Evidence has to be credible. Sworn testimony from a single highly suspect associate of Hunter’s that contradicts countless other sworn testimonies is not what I would consider credible. Even the House GOP investigators have found it too compromised.
Evidence has to be credible. Sworn testimony from a single highly suspect associate of Hunter’s that contradicts countless other sworn testimonies is not what I would consider credible. Even the House GOP investigators have found it too compromised.
LLCs are not a crime last time I checked. And while it is unethical, neither is profiting off of your father’s name. Hunter Biden has done some bad things. He will probably end up in prison.
LLCs are not a crime last time I checked. And while it is unethical, neither is profiting off of your father’s name. Hunter Biden has done some bad things. He will probably end up in prison.
LLCs provided money to several family members including women with no jobs. I guess the money just drops from the sky.
All the evidence in the world won’t amount to a hill of beans if you have a USAG in charge of the DOJ whose face is so far up Biden’s Rear end he can barely breath, and won’t prosecute anyone except the members of the GOP. Every law ever needed for border security has already been written however laws that are not enforced are useless.
I think everyone here agrees that the border crisis has been a totally self-inflicted wound for the Biden administration. There are temporary measures I hope Biden to take through executive action, but we really need congress to dramatically overhaul the asylum and parole systems too.
Ironically the US will probably need a large number of immigrants going forward, but with the minimum of risk and correctly chosen to fulfill the requirements for tier growth. Random entry of the generally lesser educated can be disastrous. Population experts know all of this, and the Biden administration ignores it all. Simply put, the labour pool swells, but there are fewer entrepreneurs to create new businesses, unemployment increases, unrest ensues. Etc. We all know, it is obvious, but they refuse to act.

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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.
Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.