
If you are real marine you would trust and listen to guys like General Mattis or Kelly rather than being concerned about the fairness of a trial.

I presume that statement about fairness of a trial is bait?
The people that lean towards the establishment side of politics expect everyone to toe the party line.
The reason they don't like the freedom caucus. Standing up and being vocal about what they believe in, seems to be frowned upon and ridiculed by the establishment crowd.
Newt Gingrich has a take on this.

I think I finally figured out why those on the alt-right or extreme left are always angry. :unsure:
I haven't seen the "alt-right" term used in a while. How do you define alt-right and which members of the House or Senate would you say meet this definition?
I haven't seen the "alt-right" term used in a while. How do you define alt-right and which members of the House or Senate would you say meet this definition?
Well, MTG definitely fits the bill, so does quite a few members of the House Chaos Caucus. Her IQ is demonstrated with these amendments.

First, she wants to fry the migrants going through the border.

Next, she wants to protect Texas and New Mexico etc. from rocket attacks coming from Mexico. Or I wonder if she thinks it is an actual iron dome that would cover the border :unsure:


Of course, she could be just trolling for fund raising purposes back home which also make my point.
First of all, the Atlantic is a propaganda machine for the left... There is NOTHING fair or unbiased about their coverage on any subject...

Secondly, I am not a "fan" of MTG per se, but it's very easy to understand her appeal to her constituency if you consider that she is one of only a handful of conservative representatives in D.C. that actually represents the ideologies and agendas that she was elected to pursue. She was elected precisely because she vowed to the voters of her district that she would no longer continue to compromise and capitulate to the left. Sadly, that's such a rare quality in elected representatives these days, it shocks people...

She, along with a few others in the Freedom Causcus, have been mocked by some here for their uncompromising attitudes. Some have stated that this unwillingness to capitulate or compromise is damaging to our political system and the conservative cause. I would argue that the exact opposite is true... This perilous downward slide to the far left in D.C. will never be halted unless enough true conservatives refuse to capitulate to the left's ongoing lunacy... Compromising with the democrats in today's political atmosphere is as about as productive as negotiating with terrorists... And, likely more dangerous to the conservative agenda.
I get that and largely agree but she falls for all manner of conspiracies.
Guess you missed the part about Chip Roy Et Al. voting against the border bill in rules committee and preventing it going to the floor to be voted on.
Nice attempt at gaslighting.

Roy voted against it because they wanted to include it in the foreign aid package, and not as a stand alone bill, which would die a quick death in the Senate.

Better luck next time.
Well, MTG definitely fits the bill, so does quite a few members of the House Chaos Caucus. Her IQ is demonstrated with these amendments.

I'm not saying she isn't annoying as hell or that I support her.
But you said alt-right, what does that term mean to you and why does she fit that description?
Alt-right is a stigma attached to those on the far right who reject mainstream politics. It is also considered to be a group who support white nationalism, which is a bunch of hooey.

A label that the leftards, and establishment goons came up with to brand a group of people they are afraid of.
I could care less about what is considered more rigorous. You are kidding yourself if you think most LA courses are harder than advanced business courses.

You ignore my point about who is more well-rounded. All LA students should take some business courses, just as business students take LA.

Learning accounting, budgeting and finance has real current world applications that all need but many never study. Every college graduate should know the basics of operating a business, management, accounting and budgeting. Our government would be in much better condition
Let me preface my comments by saying I was an adjunct in a dept of accounting, finance, and economics for 10 years at our local state university teaching financial planning and retirement planning. My undergraduate degree was in political science and economics at a liberal arts college and I took zero business courses. 1-2 20-page term papers were the usual requirement for every class.

I did not take my first accounting class or any business class until I was in my mid to late 30s as they were pre-requisites for the masters in project management program I was entering. I don't disagree that students should take at least a class in financial accounting and a general financial planning class would not hurt either.

While not speaking for current liberal arts education as I think higher education has gone to hell in a handbasket due to grade inflation and lefty indoctrination, my liberal arts background served me very well in business over the years. I could think critically, I understood human behavior on both the individual and corporate levels, and I could write clearly.

Having seen undergraduate business education from the inside and having taken a number of these classes as a mature student, I think most business management classes do not prepare you any better for a career in business than a good solid liberal arts program. I would make an exception for accounting as it is a language that needs to be learned and perhaps finance.

Looking back at my former colleagues in the College of Business most - other than the accounting professors - did not have undergraduate degrees in business. Many did have STEM degrees in fields such as chemistry and engineering.
I'm not saying she isn't annoying as hell or that I support her.
But you said alt-right, what does that term mean to you and why does she fit that description?
Here is the definition of “alt-right” and “alt-lite” according to the ADL.

And here is a video of Gavin McInnes explaining the two groups and giving examples. If you are unfamiliar with McInnes, he is a self-proclaimed member of the “alt-lite” and the founder of the Proud Boys movement.

I found it interesting to view both of these sources, not only to hear from both sides, but also because they largely agree on the definitions.
Alt-right is a stigma attached to those on the far right who reject mainstream politics. It is also considered to be a group who support white nationalism, which is a bunch of hooey.

A label that the leftards, and establishment goons came up with to brand a group of people they are afraid of.

Well, the term itself was more or less coined by Richard Spencer, who is a White nationalist, although lately he's been into some sort of weird "Apollonian thing". These people are losers, and race bigotry is one of the dumbest things a person can fall into in my opinion.
The point I'm trying to make is that throwing around a label that doesn't fit, and can be easily proven wrong, ends up lending credibility to the person you're trying to critique. Richard Spencer (I'll reiterate, a complete loser), hates MTG and has made statements about MTG that would make even her toughest critics here say "whoa bud, thats a bit far".
I think the right/conservative side does the same thing when people throw around the term Communist to describe Biden. Even before he started to decline in his ability to articulate things clearly, does anyone really think he could have debated the merits of say dialectical materialism? I seriously doubt it.
Well, the term itself was more or less coined by Richard Spencer, who is a White nationalist, although lately he's been into some sort of weird "Apollonian thing". These people are losers, and race bigotry is one of the dumbest things a person can fall into in my opinion.
The point I'm trying to make is that throwing around a label that doesn't fit, and can be easily proven wrong, ends up lending credibility to the person you're trying to critique. Richard Spencer (I'll reiterate, a complete loser), hates MTG and has made statements about MTG that would make even her toughest critics here say "whoa bud, thats a bit far".
I think the right/conservative side does the same thing when people throw around the term Communist to describe Biden. Even before he started to decline in his ability to articulate things clearly, does anyone really think he could have debated the merits of say dialectical materialism? I seriously doubt it.
I find it funny that conservatives call Biden a communist while progressives call him a neoliberal. People will see what they want.
I find it funny that conservatives call Biden a communist while progressives call him a neoliberal. People will see what they want.
Joe Biden has far more in common with John Bolton than he does with Fidel Castro.
Well, the term itself was more or less coined by Richard Spencer, who is a White nationalist, although lately he's been into some sort of weird "Apollonian thing". These people are losers, and race bigotry is one of the dumbest things a person can fall into in my opinion.
The point I'm trying to make is that throwing around a label that doesn't fit, and can be easily proven wrong, ends up lending credibility to the person you're trying to critique. Richard Spencer (I'll reiterate, a complete loser), hates MTG and has made statements about MTG that would make even her toughest critics here say "whoa bud, thats a bit far".
I think the right/conservative side does the same thing when people throw around the term Communist to describe Biden. Even before he started to decline in his ability to articulate things clearly, does anyone really think he could have debated the merits of say dialectical materialism? I seriously doubt it.
There's a big difference in being a white nationalist, or believing in white nationalism only. The latter is racist, and a little Hitler-esque IMO
I get the feeling that some very monumental events have taken place in the Middle East over the last week or so, some of which we may only know of in the far future, if ever. To state the obvious:
1. Iran's attack against Israel was not half hearted, it was meant to do enormous damage and could have, but for the very effective 'allied' response that materialised in very short order. Lesson 1: the Iranians are prepared to attack and the Israelis are able to utterly defend.
2. Israel's counter response obviously demonstrated it's strategic capability that I don't pretend to understand, but it was very muted. You can only imagine the communications flowing around that one, in all directions and I would guess including Iran too. I also bet that Israel got some major concessions from the US in return for it's down scaling.
3. The about face from Iran, within just a day from 'a massive response' to nothing at all.
4. Turkey, a NATO ally talking personally to Hamas.

In my very humble opinion I think that all sides are taking a very sober look at what could have happened here. I also get the feeling that everyone is too acutely aware that Hamas is at the core of this, they started it, and it very nearly got out of hand. They admitted themselves that they never expected Israel's response, and Israel isn't finished yet.
The lesson is clear, the US and some allies will indeed defend Israel, actively. Israel can defend itself too. Israel is not going anywhere, these endless attacks are futile.
Now it is time to move towards a future where Israel is accepted, the Palestinians have their state and there is a somewhat peaceful future. Perhaps I am being overly optimistic, I hope not.
I get the feeling that some very monumental events have taken place in the Middle East over the last week or so, some of which we may only know of in the far future, if ever. To state the obvious:
1. Iran's attack against Israel was not half hearted, it was meant to do enormous damage and could have, but for the very effective 'allied' response that materialised in very short order. Lesson 1: the Iranians are prepared to attack and the Israelis are able to utterly defend.
2. Israel's counter response obviously demonstrated it's strategic capability that I don't pretend to understand, but it was very muted. You can only imagine the communications flowing around that one, in all directions and I would guess including Iran too. I also bet that Israel got some major concessions from the US in return for it's down scaling.
3. The about face from Iran, within just a day from 'a massive response' to nothing at all.
4. Turkey, a NATO ally talking personally to Hamas.

In my very humble opinion I think that all sides are taking a very sober look at what could have happened here. I also get the feeling that everyone is too acutely aware that Hamas is at the core of this, they started it, and it very nearly got out of hand. They admitted themselves that they never expected Israel's response, and Israel isn't finished yet.
The lesson is clear, the US and some allies will indeed defend Israel, actively. Israel can defend itself too. Israel is not going anywhere, these endless attacks are futile.
Now it is time to move towards a future where Israel is accepted, the Palestinians have their state and there is a somewhat peaceful future. Perhaps I am being overly optimistic, I hope not.
I largely agree, but I would like to know where you think a Palestinian state should be.

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EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.
sierraone wrote on AZDAVE's profile.
Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
We fitted a new backup generator for the Wildgoose lodge!
one of our hunters had to move his hunt to next year we have an opening first week of September, shoot me a message!