Hunting In Romania Best Hunting Areas & Over 370.000 Acres With HUNTROMANIA


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Hunting in Romania​


HUNTROMANIA is a company born of the passion and dreams of a young hunter, which is in the third generation of male hunters. I grew up with the hunting stories of my grandparents and lived first hunting thrill with my grandfather. I believe that each hunt is unique in its way, a truly unforgettable ceremony. Our trips mean more than just acquiring a trophy, they harmoniously combine ancient traditions of our hunting, our extraordinary cuisine and the quality of our game. When you book a hunt with us it is more than just a hunting trip, it is an unforgettable experience from the moment you arrive at the airport in Romania until you depart. The hunting trip is tailor made to your needs and no aspect is neglected, including your culinary preferences or your physical condition.

From the rustic hunts by carriage for roe deer or beautiful hunts by sleigh in winter for hunting wild boar or wolf hunting, from unique wild experiences of hunting red stags in forests at dozens of miles from the nearest civilization or the splendid bird hunts in the Danube Delta to elitist hunts with loader staff and impressive hunting trophies. Everything can be arranged by us at your request. From east to west and from north to south HUNTROMANIA organizes hunts on more than 2 / 3 of Romania’s surface. All these entitle us to say that we are doing what we have done for generations, HUNT in all different expressions of the word for bringing to you THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFETIME.

Species offered: Red Stag, Fallow Deer, Roe Deer, Chamois, Brown Bear, Wild Boar, Wolf, Duck & Quail.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Brown Bear trophy hunting in Romania was banned in 2016. The government released every year since then, licenses for problem bears. Unfortunately after the huge scandal with the Bear called Arthur hunted by a Prince from Austria in April 2021, our government under the pressure of green ONG decided that only rangers can kill the problem Bears.

Please visit our website for a lot more information!

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Red Stag Hunting in Romania​

Without a doubt, Romania is one of the few places in the world where you can hunt red stags like 200 years ago. The red stags of our remote Carpathian Mountains have always been prized and Romania has produced some of the largest stags ever taken. In September, the mountain valleys ring with the roaring and clashing of fighting stags. Totally wild and in their natural environment, the stags we have in Romania have bigger sizes than the ones from Western Europe.

We practice 2 hunting methods for the red stags. The classical one, the stalking method, and the adventure with horseback hunt.

Hunted species:​

Depending on the place where we decided to hunt, you can also hunt roe deer, brown bear, and wild boar.

Hunting area:​

We have 3 different areas for red stag hunting in Romania. The first choice is in the Calimani Mountains with an open area of around 25000 hectares of mountains and forests. This is the place where every year hunters shoot several stags over 10 kilos. Our second area is located near Covasna county, the landscape and the quality of the game can satisfy any expectations. Our second area is in the West part of Romania, the number of the stags ensures a successful hunt even for older hunters or poor physical condition or for hunters who want a trophy but have very limited time available to do that.


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Fallow Deer Hunting in Romania​

Fallow Deer is an animal present in almost every location in the world. The fallow Deer hunting season starts in September and ends at the beginning of December. The best time to hunt is in the rut period at the beginning of October.

Why is Romania an excellent place for this hunt?
• You will find one of the biggest populations in free-range with more than 2500 animals.
• The quality of the trophies can satisfy any expectation.
• The hunting areas are located in the West part of Romania.
• The accommodations will be in nice lodges around the hunting area.
• The hunter doesn’t need to be in good physical shape, but he must be prepared to shoot long distances.

The fallow Deer hunting trophy consists of the horns with the skull or part of it. Fallow Deer horns are made up of bone tissue, mainly containing calcium and phosphorus, and are obsolete. Hidden horns mean that they grow, fall, and grow after an annual cycle.

They grow on the front cylinders positioned on the front skull. Cylinders that begin to grow a few months after birth provide the basis for the subsequent growth of the horns. These are not horns. The tissue that develops in the upper part of the cylinders reacts to the hormones in the animal’s body, which cause the growth of the horns. The annual growth cycle of the horns is directly influenced by the day-night or so-called photoperiod alternation. The brain contains a kind of clock that measures light and dark and uses this information in the ultimatum to control the production of the male reproductive testosterone.

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Roe Deer Hunting in Romania​

Roe Deer hunting is the type of hunt that is especially recommended for hunters who would like to enjoy nature in the purest state.

The hunting of the roebuck in Romania can be performed by various methods like still-hunting, chasing of the roebuck in the mating period, and also the calling. Roe Deer still-hunting is more advantageous, as the Roe Deer can be investigated more carefully before being shot. Hunting usually takes place in areas where animals are used to spending their time, such as bathing or sunbathing. For this method to be fruitful, the hunter must be prepared at least one hour before the arrival of the animals.

Roe Deer still-hunting takes place in small spaces, as compared to the chasing method. This second method is more dynamic, but it does not make it more tempting, as the animals can easily miss, the reaction time of the hunters being considerably lower. Usually, it is preferable to go for Roe Deer hunting in the morning, in the early hours, or when leaving the evening, when the animals go out for food. Also, after the rain, when the animals hung in the sun until they dry out.

For Roe Deer hunting accommodation is provided in hunting chalets, very close to the actual hunting grounds, offering all services and comforts that our clients require.

Hunted species:​

Along with the Roe Deer, it is also possible to hunt wild boar at the bait.

Hunting areas:​

We selected the most beautiful lands for Roe Deer hunting in Romania: sweet hills, vast plains with old age forest, and of course the Carpathian Mountains, all for the satisfaction of all the hunters. HUNTROMANIA is specialized in depicting the best places for hunting with the most fabulous specimens, for all our clients’ satisfaction.


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Chamois Hunting in Romania​

Experience the chamois hunting in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. Here you will find the biggest chamois in the whole world. The subspecies, called Carpathian chamois, live only in Romania. Again Romania holds the CIC world record for a Chamois, 141.11 along with the first 8 of the other top 10. One can say Romania is clearly the first choice when we talk about big chamois. The chamois is distinguished by agility, making jumps up to 2 m high and 6 m long. Even on steep cliffs, it can reach a speed of 50 km / h. The species is present in France, Italy, Austria, or Switzerland, but in Romania, one can find by far the biggest chamois.

Experienced hunters know that the road to its habitat is a long and difficult one. The chamois live on isolated slopes and forgotten about time, where man rarely walks. Hunting is carried out by stalking. This type of hunt is giving you the possibility to enjoy all the beautiful views our eyes can catch. The chamois is hiding through the frequent forests and climbs agilely on steep cliffs. It’s not just about having a good eye and a clear mind, but also is a matter of luck. Hunting chamois is a challenging experience: it is very difficult to reach in their area and the specimens are usually seen at a very long distance.

The hunting period is from the 15th of September until the 15th of December.

Hunted species:​

Along with chamois, you can also hunt red stag, brown bear, wild boar, and wolf.

Hunting areas:​

Hunting takes place in the Bucegi and Fagaras Mountains. You can enjoy the amazing views of Romanian mountains and experience the wild surroundings of the highest peaks in the Romanian Carpathian mountains.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Brown Bear trophy hunting in Romania was banned in 2016. The government released every year since then, licenses for problem bears. Unfortunately after the huge scandal with the Bear called Arthur hunted by a Prince from Austria in April 2021, our government under the pressure of green ONG decided that only rangers can kill the problem Bears.

Brown Bear Hunting in Romania​

When you say hunting in Romania, you definitely think about the Brown Bear hunt. With almost 70% of the total population of the brown bear of Europe, Romania is without a doubt THE PLACE where you can hunt a capital bear and also have the experience of a lifetime. Here in Romania, the Brown Bear can even exceed 400 kg. There are three hunting methods: stalking, baiting, and with beaters. Each method has its charm. While stalking hunt in the big forest of apple and plum trees can give you the unique image of 10-15 brown bears feeding on two legs and trying to reach the top fruits, the chance of a capital bear remains with the baiting method. The fur and the skull are the trophy. It is a fact that the biggest world trophies at fur and skull were from hunting brown bears in Romania. The Brown Bear fur world record is owned by a trophy of 687.79 points and is from 1983, and the skull world record has 69.47 points and is from 1994.
Also, the most valuable 10 brown bear furs and 5 from the first 10 skulls around the world come from hunting Brown Bear in Romania.

Hunted Species:​

There are 2 seasons for Brown Bear hunting in Romania. The spring season is from 15th of March to 15th of May and the Fall season is from 15 September to 31 December.
In the spring season, you can hunt Brown bears and Wolf but in the fall you can hunt Brown Bears, Red Stag, Chamois, Wild Boar, and Wolf.

Hunting Areas:​

The brown bears can be found in most of the hilly and mountain areas of Romania. We selected 4 different areas, all of them with a high concentration of Brown Bear. All areas are bigger than 30 000 ha and the number of Brown Bears spotted every day by a hunter can range from 4 to 25 males.


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Wild Boar Hunting in Romania​

If you want to hunt giant Wild Boars, then Romania is indeed the country. Wild Boar hunting is very exciting here because you can hunt wild boars that are over 300 kg.

Driven hunt for Wild Boars is the purest hunting experience there is in Europe. We offer such hunting trips in the best parts of Romania, all being open areas making it possible to acquire great trophies. The possibility to enjoy such a natural hunting experience in the mountainous woods of Beech, Oak, and Pine trees are wonderful.

The territories that we have selected for you are far from being over-hunted; only two groups per territory are allowed per year, on surfaces ranging from 10 to 25,000 hectares of open areas! Many areas have never even been hunted upon yet.

Hunted species:​

Depending on the hunting area it is also possible to hunt Wolves, European Wild Cats, or Golden Jackals.

Hunting areas:​

We have exclusive rights over our hunting area and we only allow 2 groups per year. For that reason, we can guarantee that almost every hunter will have some encounters with the black beasts in the driven hunts and for high seat hunts the males over 250 kilos are not a story, but a real chance for those who want to have a trophy of a lifetime.

All our offers for Wild Boar hunts are tailor-made.


Wolf Hunting in Romania​

Being one of the most difficult hunts in Europe and also one with the smallest chance of success, Wolf hunting is still one of the most beautiful hunts, very few are those that can be proud of such of trophy.
Although wolves hunting has the lowest degree of success rate and requires special preparation from the organizer, it has still a secret that can grow exponentially success rate: To be in the right place at the right time. There are two ways to perform this condition. The first condition with the highest success rate is that the hunter travel in Romania at one day notice. Not all of the hunters have the possibility to travel on that short notice, this is why we have more than 25 different hunting areas. When our client decides to come we already have the information and decide where to go on the last day before his arrival. Even so, it is possible to travel and change 2 or even 3 hunting areas based on information on the Wolve's movement.

Hunted species:​

Depending on the time of the year, it is possible to hunt wild boars too.

Hunting areas:​

We have more than 25 different hunting areas and every winter all areas are baited.


Wild Duck Hunting in Romania​

Probably one of the most popular hunts, Wild Duck hunting offers us a lot of satisfaction while also challenging our skills in handling the gun. Swamps, lakes, and rivers are the natural environment of the Wild Duck, where, depending on the species there can be concentrated up to tens of thousands of ducks. If you are passionate about wildfowling don’t miss this trip. Our areas are hunted only 3 days per month and only 4 hunters are accepted at the same time. Our team of professionals has all the necessary equipment for duck hunting but you can bring your own equipment if you prefer.
For those arriving without a shotgun, our company provides our shotgun. The cartridges are Italian-made, with 12 or 20 Caliber and a pellet of the shots, depending on your demands.

Hunted Species:​

Hunting area:​

Our areas are only 1, 2 hours drive from the Bucharest international airport in South of Romania and the hunting area is at about 40 minutes drive from the accommodation.

Quail Hunting in Romania​

Quail is a migratory bird, it is like a summer guest that arrives in April and leaves in December. Quail lives in the fields and it can never be found in forests or in the trees.
They are usually brown-grey with longitudinal and cross yellow stripes. Quail hunting is practiced only with arête. We think that this kind of hunting is the most beautiful and ethical at the same time. The hunt of the Quail in Romania with arête dogs is a privilege, and, happily, this kind of hunting of Quail in Romania is still possible in its purest way, thanks to the natural conditions – wild fields rich in the hunt and plenty of areas still untouched by man. The best time is after the 25th of August until the 15th of September.

Hunted species:​

The quail hunt is done in the early morning and afternoon. It is possible to organize a Dove hunt in the afternoon as well.

Hunting areas:​

Most of our hunting areas are on the migration territories where the birds can find seeds and moisture, a perfect habitat. One of the hunting areas is located 1 hour and 45 minutes from Bucharest International Airport and another one in the Western part of Romania. The arrival airport is Cluj-Napoca.


Scenic Hunting Environment & Welcoming Atmosphere With HUNTROMANIA​


Brown Bear Hunting in Romania​

When you say hunting in Romania, you definitely think about the Brown Bear hunt. With almost 70% of the total population of the brown bear of Europe, Romania is without a doubt THE PLACE where you can hunt a capital bear and also have the experience of a lifetime.
That's interesting. I was under the impression that the EU had pressured the Romanian government to halt all bear hunting several years ago. When did the season reopen?
The brown bear trophy hunting was banned in 2016. The government released every year since then, licenses for problem bears. Unfortunately after the huge scandal with the bear called Arthur hunted by a prince from Austria in April 2021, our government under the pressure of green ONG decided that only rangers can kill the problem bears.
The brown bear trophy hunting was banned in 2016. The government released every year since then, licenses for problem bears. Unfortunately after the huge scandal with the bear called Arthur hunted by a prince from Austria in April 2021, our government under the pressure of green ONG decided that only rangers can kill the problem bears.
If only Rangers can kill bears, how do you offer a bear hunt?
I hunted Brown Bear with Marius a few years back and can highly recommend his company for all hunting in Romania. I plan to go back and hunt Fallow, Stag and Boar with him one day soon.
The Chamois from Romania is the biggest of any of the Chamois species.

Just returned from our hunt. This is a very big and rare trophy.



Here are some redstag trophies from season 2021. Don’t hesitate to contact us for the best hunting adventures in Carpathian Mountains

Fresh pictures from my last hunting trip in Fagaras Mountains.

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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.
Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.