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Oct 1, 2007
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Moose Bowhunting Shot Placement

Post your questions, comments or pictures relating to bowhunting shot placement.

Bowhunting Moose

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Bowhunting Moose

Anyone has the right to share, copy, distribute and transmit this image/work (but not to adapt it, or use it for commercial use).
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Shoulder or no shoulder shot?
I plan on shooting a 60# Hoyt defiant this moose season with supposedly 400 grain arrows with a 125 grain G5 montec (included in the 400 grains) if it is not ready in time i am shooting a bear attitude with the same set up. the Hoyt is pushing 64.9 ft/lbs of KE while the Bear is pushing 54.3. i have heard people say stay away from moose shoulder and others say that even the my Bear setup will crush it. Should i aim up the opposite front leg like usual and avoid the front shoulder or stay away from both in general?
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Hey kiddo. I know when you are looking at that animal you will do it right, you do just fine whenever we are out in the field. Have confidence and keep practising until we go! Those broadheads will do their job. Now, let's get you that moose (y):)
Hey kiddo. I know when you are looking at that animal you will do it right, you do just fine whenever we are out in the field. Have confidence and keep practising until we go! Those broadheads will do their job. Now, let's get you that moose (y):)
(y) is this actually the thumbs up this time;):)
Focus and shoot straight
You'll be fine.
Go get him man!
Keep your bow arm up, follow through, follow through. Don't look for your arrow to see if you got the kill shot. The tendency is to drop your arm when looking for the shot. Keep your form follow through. Good luck have fun
Keep your bow arm up, follow through, follow through. Don't look for your arrow to see if you got the kill shot. The tendency is to drop your arm when looking for the shot. Keep your form follow through. Good luck have fun
I have been practicing keeping my arm up at 3Ds. Thanks for the reminder
your setup will work fine, you want to be just on the inside of the leg, 10-12" above the brisket, gets the top of the heart and a double lung everytime, a good broadhead will get a pass thru. on a 25 yard shot, a trick I use is to put my 40 yard pin right on the brisket line, that gets my 20 yard pin at the 12" mark.
with a big animal guys tend to aim mid body and can end up a bit high. aim small and pick your spot. shoot for that golden triangle and you will be perfect.
on the drawing the lungs don't go that high and that shoulder blade is lower down.
a buddy this fall, hit a moose in the shoulder blade and got only 7" of penetration, very, very few broadheads will go thru a moose shoulder blade.
here is my shot on my bull elk this year, 9" up from the brisket, was a perfect heart shot.

elk 2016 -1.jpg
elk 2016 -2.jpg
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your setup will work fine, you want to be just on the inside of the leg, 10-12" above the brisket, gets the top of the heart and a double lung everytime, a good broadhead will get a pass thru. on a 25 yard shot, a trick I use is to put my 40 yard pin right on the brisket line, that gets my 20 yard pin at the 12" mark.
with a big animal guys tend to aim mid body and can end up a bit high. aim small and pick your spot. shoot for that golden triangle and you will be perfect.
on the drawing the lungs don't go that high and that shoulder blade is lower down.
a buddy this fall, hit a moose in the shoulder blade and got only 7" of penetration, very, very few broadheads will go thru a moose shoulder blade.
here is my shot on my bull elk this year, 9" up from the brisket, was a perfect heart shot.
So just asking for a friend,:whistle: where is the brisket?
Let your friend know that the brisket is the lowest part of the ribcage on the animal.

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nuval .....Good luck and play safe !
Well its day 3 of the moose hunt and so far I have taken 2 grouse. Found lots of tracks but the weather is not on our side. Hopefully she clears up
Good luck ....keep us informed !

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Bill J H wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Do you still have this rifle? I'm in the KC area on business and I'm very interested.
Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.