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  1. Corey0372


    Barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization.... The US may fit this description more than those other countries you listed, haha.
  2. Corey0372


    Many fair points!! Another thing that I can't seem to get to the bottom of is what happened to all the true small trucks? It seems somewhere around the early 2000s the small Ford Rangers, S10s, Nissans, and Toyotas just went way and came back huge. Those small trucks with 4cyl engines and...
  3. Corey0372


    This ones pretty good too..... A good book on this topic is The Reluctant Warlord
  4. Corey0372


    Pretty good interview on the drug trade within the US, on public lands in particular. The guy being interviewed is a former California Game Warden.
  5. Corey0372

    RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear

    Sounds like an epic adventure man.
  6. Corey0372


    Haha, yea we had 2 on the camp but we never used them on missions. Our ANA SF guys would use them to run to the bazaar sometimes or to go to the river to fish..... which they did with hand grenades like twice before people got pissed, haha!! "Sgt Corey... we go fishing..." "Where's your nets...
  7. Corey0372


    Junger might disagree, however I would not, haha. The videos of guys getting killed on the bikes is obviously part of the battle, casualties are never going to be 100% avoidable. But I can still see them being effective, especially for the Ukrainians. They're small enough to fit in a trench...
  8. Corey0372


    Everybody knows the best non-standard light vehicle is the Helmand Davidson!!!! 2nd Battalion guys (pictured below, probably in Herat or Badghis) had a lot of success (and fun) on these things. My company never used motorcycles but we leaned on our Polaris' a lot. But holy $hit I would not...
  9. Corey0372


    I think what has surprised me the most about this whole thing is that people had some sort of high hopes for her. I get the dog thing was bad, like really dumb and something she probably could have just kept to herself. The whole North Korea meeting with Kim lie is like next level crazy...
  10. Corey0372


    To be honest I'm not 100% sure why Israel needs more US support already. We have been giving them billions of dollars for years, on top of what they spend on defense themselves. It's not like the Syrian Army, Hezbollah, the PMF, and Hamas have really engaged in a united front all at once...
  11. Corey0372


    While I don't agree with aid to any of those countries (though in all fairness it would likely have happened under any president) I'll always give Biden credit for seeing the withdraw from Afghanistan through. I know the withdraw was ugly, but it was always going to be, and in reality it could...
  12. Corey0372


    I'm a pro-segregation racist because I want to see legislation passed that bans puberty blockers for children and I don't want tax dollars to pay for sex change operations for adults? That doesn't seem to track. You asked for examples of government action... Here's a ruling for taxpayer...
  13. Corey0372


    It is in fact being normalized. How often was it happening even 10 years ago compared to now? It is also being encouraged, drag queen story hour doesn't help with this, neither does pretending like it isn't happening. Our government found time to ban TikTok.
  14. Corey0372


    Yes I think think the normalization and even encouraging of castrating children is uniquely terrible. It's also not a hard problem to solve, you pass a law banning it, there should be no debate.
  15. Corey0372


    Tell that to a man who just had to hear from a judge that their child will be put on these meds. This is an inexcusable evil that is completely avoidable.
  16. Corey0372


    Okay well more than one person in the US with joint custody has had their child get put on puberty blockers against their will because a judge allowed it. This isn't a debate about a tax rate. Or whether the age of Social Security should change. This is stuff you don't get second chances...
  17. Corey0372


    The majority of the country may not support it, but there is absolutely support for it within the Democrat Party, and the popularity and scope of this stuff at least makes it seem like it's got more support than we want to think. Also, it might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the...
  18. Corey0372


    I don't think the men that landed at Normandy would have been very supportive of drag queen story hour or minors getting hormone blockers or gender reassignment surgery. Maybe today's military though for sure.
  19. Corey0372


    Taxpayer funded sex change operations..... but hey at least they got a Tik Tok ban...
  20. Corey0372


    H1B Visas weren't enough, they have to send the tech jobs overseas too.
  21. Corey0372


    Bukele needs to bring that guy into his cabinet somehow
  22. Corey0372


    Peter Schiff isn't in the thread somewhere is he?? Be careful!! haha
  23. Corey0372


    That or a couple of ounces of gold... the way they keep wanting to punish any type of growth its hard to put faith in anything anymore
  24. Corey0372


    It matters enough to some people that they can be blackmailed. There's plenty of people who want to give the impression that they're living life in a certain way, but have some dark secrets. But to your point that's why I never bought the story about him with Russian prostitutes or whatever...
  25. Corey0372


    Remember when googles motto was don't be evil? wonder what happened, haha
  26. Corey0372


    So does infidelity and immoral behavior... haha
  27. Corey0372


    Basically what I'm saying is if the Chinese want a spy inside the US, they can send them here on a work or student visa. It sounds ugly to say that but there's a lot of truth to it.
  28. Corey0372


    I mean yea.... but this is also why lifestyle polygraphs exist. Blackmail has been used as a intel tool long before Tik Tok, and the CCP literally has assets working at google and many of our institutions anyway, not just sources being ran, but actual CCP loyalists, in the military as well...
  29. Corey0372


    It's not even that your data is sold "illegally" per say, most of the collection is explained in the TOS that most people don't read anyway. Which in turn basically makes all of it potentially spyware, especially when you consider that our networks themselves are not secure. If a state actor...
  30. Corey0372


    Same thing can be accomplished with facebook pictures, instagram, alexa, any other app. Not to mention the camera on your phone, and laptop, those can be remote accessed as well and the person accessing them can take your picture or a video.
  31. Corey0372


    I've read that as well, but all your user data that's collected from other apps on your phone as well as your internet browser can be collected on or purchased anyway.
  32. Corey0372


    I didn't support the move or understand it when Trump wanted to do it. As far as corrupting the minds of young people... again when they ban onlyfans, drag queen story hour, and puberty blockers for kids I'll take them seriously. Also yes, other apps take just as much data from your phone as...
  33. Corey0372


    Right.... but if I use a VPN and place my location in a country outside the US and download the app that way, or side load the apk from an existing phone, and fire up a VPN when I want to use the app, what's the punishment going to be? And again.... who is this protecting and from what?
  34. Corey0372


    It baffled me when he wanted to do it then just like it still baffles me now. The other issue going forward is what is the enforcement mechanism they plan on using that doesn't require even further digital surveillance than we already have? If someone uses a VPN to download the app anyway is...
  35. Corey0372


    losing our manufacturing base to China is far more detrimental to our national security
  36. Corey0372


    All of that user data is accessible via any other application, or from the hardware on the phone itself (much of which is made in China). Smart watches can do the same thing. This is why anything like this is already prohibited from being anywhere near sensitive military or national security...
  37. Corey0372


    I don't see what banning tik tok accomplishes or how it "protects" anyone. Was the CCP going to send over police officers to arrest Americans for what they posted? Even the "it's corrupting the youth" argument doesn't make sense. Tik Tok has to go.... but onlyfans, drag queen story hour for...
  38. Corey0372


    You'll have to remind me, was there widespread condemnation of the 2020 BLM riots from the staff at Columbia?
  39. Corey0372


    He's a bit late, but glad he's voicing this to his audience. I imagine there's lots of people who will finally feel that it's "okay" to talk about these issues.
  40. Corey0372


    Joe Biden has far more in common with John Bolton than he does with Fidel Castro.
  41. Corey0372


    Well, the term itself was more or less coined by Richard Spencer, who is a White nationalist, although lately he's been into some sort of weird "Apollonian thing". These people are losers, and race bigotry is one of the dumbest things a person can fall into in my opinion. The point I'm trying...
  42. Corey0372


    I'm not saying she isn't annoying as hell or that I support her. But you said alt-right, what does that term mean to you and why does she fit that description?
  43. Corey0372


    I haven't seen the "alt-right" term used in a while. How do you define alt-right and which members of the House or Senate would you say meet this definition?
  44. Corey0372


    I honestly have no idea the legal theory behind it, I've just heard various rumblings over it throughout the years. Maybe they could set it up to where literally just the Capitol grounds and the white house are a new legal status? Sort of like how as tiny as Fort Sumter is it's technically...
  45. Corey0372


    Changing states' borders has the potential to benefit both sides. For example a potential Washington DC statehood would likely result in 2 Dem Senators and 1 Dem Congressman. However, if something like the Greater Idaho Project were to come to fruition, the Republicans would very likely gain...
  46. Corey0372


    To an extent, yes that is a trend, and these things do go in cycles for sure. But for instance this is the current breakdown at the Federal level in Austria....
  47. Corey0372


    I'm going to catch hell for this, but pot stirring can be fruitful (if not just fun) at times. Part of me thinks that a Biden re-election could lead to... 1.) The Republican party being so pissed at each other and at each others throats they split 2.) Biden doing such a horrible job in his...
  48. Corey0372


    Pretty rough report on the situation US troops in Niger are facing. Seems a case of the chain of command and State Dept believing what they want to believe (lying) and painting a pretty picture instead of the ground truth reported by the guys there. Hopefully someone makes a call for an...
  49. Corey0372


    I mean... I can't really blame anyone for laughing, it is objectively funny.
  50. Corey0372


    Its a really dumb solution to what on the surface is a somewhat legitimate problem, and I agree with @rookhawk, the Dems have completely abandoned their position as the "blue collar party", I remember Nadler saying it out loud at a rally at one point. People always want to compare how in a...