
View attachment 600655

Willem, I´ll be very generous and only keep the brunette on the right, you can have the two others :E Rofl:
I am quite sure he is not a liberal troll! I do believe that when it comes to @Brent in Az What you see is what you get! Nothing hidden nor held back.

I have to agree with the rest of your comments;)

I can assure you he is not a troll and like @ActionBob stated on a post above this one, he has been around a while. He is quite active on the "Would you like a cigar" thread, and he is cordial and share valuable cigar knowledge.

Unfortunately, the name calling comes from both side of this passionate topic.
The year I graduated high school, Jimmy Carter was still President. Seemed like a nice man, but politically speaking, smart as a box of rocks.
Ronald Reagan was the first president I supported and voted for. Seemed like a man of conviction and sound principles.
Like Trump (Covid), Reagan made some mistakes. Probably by taking advice from the wrong people. (Iran- Contra). No president is perfect, but I respected him.

Who do I like?
Desantis, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan.. ...to name a few.
Perfect politicians? Certainly not.

I'm sure Mike Johnson is a good man at heart, but when you go against the majority of your party to advance a bill, he is going to stir up the proverbial hornets nest with those of us that are ultra fiscally conservative, and who are weary of the tax dollars being spent on endless foreign wars and aid to other countries.

Zelinskyy has a war to fight. I get it. A Ukrainian defeat is not going to vault Russia into world domination that the gaslighters would have you believe.
If so many world leaders believe this, why hasn't anyone else joined the fray?
A Ukrainian website made the claim that 80% of the Ukrainians feel that Zelinskyy is responsible for the corruption within the Ukrainian government and defense ministry. I don't trust any of them with my tax dollars. As a taxpayer, I have the right to have an opinion about it. Right, wrong, or indifferent.
Great post. Agree 100%. Zelensky is a farce and a fraud, perfect person for libtards and RINOs to support.
Thank you, Oscar.

The point is well taken.

Some people need to realize that I only attack politician's, and situations I don't support.
I never make personal attacks or insults against fellow members, unless I'm provoked.
I'll tone down the rhetoric, but if the insults continue, the gloves will come back off.

Fair dinkum?
Great post. Agree 100%. Zelensky is a farce and a fraud, perfect person for libtards and RINOs to support.
Thank you, Oscar.

The point is well taken.

Some people need to realize that I only attack politician's, and situations I don't support.
I never make personal attacks or insults against fellow members, unless I'm provoked.
I'll tone down the rhetoric, but if the insults continue, the gloves will come back off.

Fair dinkum?

By historical standards and the overwhelming evidence of the last 2 1/2 years, I would argue Zelensky is far and away the single most obvious Churchillian figure of the last three quarters of century.

He also had the good sense to refuse to involve himself in US domestic politics.
"He also had the good sense to refuse to involve himself in US domestic politics"

BS- Gaslighting again! That is all he's done since this war began. On a continuous world tour acting like a rock star with the POS-POTUS, US politicians and admin officials fighting to have selfies taken with him while baiting Trump with hollow, purely rhetorical challenges and statements.
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I have no words for what is happening at Columbia right now, but it is encouraging to see the school admin and the WH forcefully condemn it.
I suspect, the President of Columbia saw what happened to the President of Harvard and would like to keep her job.

You can now add Yale, as of today.
"He also had the good sense to refuse to involve himself in US domestic politics"

BS- Gaslighting again! That is all he's done since this war began.
Actually, I would describe that as classic “gaslighting.” There is an enormous difference between advocating with both parties and their leadership for the means to defend his country and refusing to involve himself and his nation in a dispute between an American President and his primary political rival.

A little historical perspective is, I think, helpful. Winston ChurchIl faithfully developed his friendship with Roosevelt before and throughout the war, met often with Congressional leadership and addressed a joint session of congress. He would have transferred that effort to a republican president had Roosevelt lost in ‘44. No historian now nor commentator then other than the occasional Anglophobe, isolationist, or fascist considered that some sort of interference in the governance of this country.
I have no words for what is happening at Columbia right now, but it is encouraging to see the school admin and the WH forcefully condemn it.
You'll have to remind me, was there widespread condemnation of the 2020 BLM riots from the staff at Columbia?
You'll have to remind me, was there widespread condemnation of the 2020 BLM riots from the staff at Columbia?
I do not know. I did not attend Columbia, and in 2020 I was not paying attention to what random university admins were saying.
FWIW, my firm has a relationship with Columbia (full disclosure up front).. I have met several of the schools leadership team that are tied to Columbia's veterans programs.. as well as a few more from other parts of the university..

one of our VP's lives in Manhattan, and used to have an apartment just a few blocks from Columbia, and has attended numerous events on campus (most related to veterans)..

Columbia is no doubt an Ivy school, a Northeastern school, etc.. and as a rule most of the people I have encountered there (both student and faculty) tend to lean fairly hard left..

That said, Columbia has the most robust veterans programs of the Ivy schools.. I'd guess they are among the most robust across all universities frankly.. Its pretty amazing the amount of money, time, and consideration they put into their veterans programs, whether we're talking about recruiting (both students and faculty), supporting, assisting, etc.. they definitely put A LOT of effort and money into it, and take these programs very seriously..

I dont recall Columbia "supporting" BLM in any way during the summer of mostly peaceful protests.. If they did, I missed it (and I was very objectively looking at the time.. I did not want our business associating with any other entity that was supporting BLM, ANTIFA, or any of the other groups involved in all of the violence, anti-law enforcement activities (much of our business is focused on both domestic and foreign law enforcement / counter narcotics type work.. and we employ a sizeable number of former law enforcement officers as a result)..

Im reasonably sure there were no BLM protests or riots of any measurable size that occurred on Columbia's campus..

Columbia did very much address what was going on in the country at the time.. I remember them hosting several meetings, discussion groups, etc.. It was a relatively regular topic of conversation within certain groups..

This was one of them...



There were also articles written in various Columbia publications..


While I dont necessarily agree with all of the positions relayed by the Columbia staff and students regarding BLM, the riots that occurred, the proper way to invoke change in our country, etc.. I can respect that they (Columbia) chose to talk about what was going on in the world at the time, and give both students and faculty an opportunity to discuss it... Thats what I would think we would want universities to do.. encourage people to think.. then express their thoughts in a well articulated and well supported manner (whether we agree with their findings or not)..
I suspect, the President of Columbia saw what happened to the President of Harvard and would like to keep her job.

You can now add Yale, as of today.

Well Robert Kraft just said he is cutting off Columbia donations. I wonder which the board will keep, the President of the University or The Robert Kraft Athletic Field and Robert Kraft Building and continued money flow.
Backlash towards the House Chaos Caucus from fellow GOP members

From the article:
A growing number of House Republicans are accusing their conservative colleagues of enabling Democratic wins, especially after this weekend's foreign aid votes.
Why it matters: Multiple members believe they could have gotten concessions from Democrats on border policy in exchange for Ukraine funding, only to be blown up by backlash from conservatives.
Zoom in: "If you were a true conservative, you would actually advance border security, but what they want to do is they want to blow up border security," Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) told Axios.

  • "[T]he members who scream the loudest about border security were actively and knowingly preventing us from getting it done," another member said.
  • "They're making us the most bipartisan Congress ever," a third member told Axios. "Because they are unwilling to compromise just a little bit in a divided government, they force us to make bigger concessions and deals with the Dems."
The other side: Conservatives who advocate for blocking procedural motions argue it's necessary to light a fire under GOP leadership to demand more.
I'll let the politics and speculation commence once I have a quick history and Sunday (Saturday?) School lesson.

So perusing the old testament in a variety of places, including Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah, there are numerous prophecies discussing the coming Messiah of the Jews.

The Jewish messiah cannot reveal himself without the existence of a third temple. The second temple did not fulfill these prophecies and was destroyed in 70AD. The 3rd temple cannot be built on the temple mount because it presently is occupied by the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque, the 2nd or 3rd holiest place in Islam.

Moving back in the series of things that have to happen, the Israelites have to be made clean before the temple can be built. The old testament is very prescriptive that this cannot happen without the sacrifice of a Red Heifer that is without blemish. For the past 30-50 years they have tried again and again to make a flawless red heifer. At each turn, Rabbis have inspected the candidates and found them to have flaws that preclude their sacrifice. Oh, and the Orthodox were so confident they were going to sacrifice the red heifer, they have recruited and trained 500 Levites from the temple class of Jews that are able to conduct temple services on the yet-to-be-contructed third temple.

Well, Texans bred several (3?) Red Heifers and sent them off to Israel. One of them was sacrificed today. Ashes have or will be spread on the temple mount.

To recap: Old Testament Judaism says this is essential for the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of the Messiah.

Now tie that onto your New Testament Sunday school lessons. Christianity believes, based upon the books of Mathew, Revelation, and elsewhere, that the anti-christ will come masquerading as the Messiah. He will have a blow to the head that should be lethal, yet he survives. He will come into the 3rd Temple and "the whole world will see it". He will be beloved by the world, he will claim "peace, peace" yet it will be a time of numerous wars.

To recap: The sacrifice of the red heifer is instrumental in the end times prophecies of Christians.

So, lets discuss the political ramifications of this very unusual event nearly 2000 years in the making that occurred today. Will it result in conflagration of Iranian and Palestinian conflict as a pretense to razing the dome of the rock and breaking ground on the third temple?
I'll let the politics and speculation commence once I have a quick history and Sunday (Saturday?) School lesson.

So perusing the old testament in a variety of places, including Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah, there are numerous prophecies discussing the coming Messiah of the Jews.

The Jewish messiah cannot reveal himself without the existence of a third temple. The second temple did not fulfill these prophecies and was destroyed in 70AD. The 3rd temple cannot be built on the temple mount because it presently is occupied by the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque, the 2nd or 3rd holiest place in Islam.

Moving back in the series of things that have to happen, the Israelites have to be made clean before the temple can be built. The old testament is very prescriptive that this cannot happen without the sacrifice of a Red Heifer that is without blemish. For the past 30-50 years they have tried again and again to make a flawless red heifer. At each turn, Rabbis have inspected the candidates and found them to have flaws that preclude their sacrifice. Oh, and the Orthodox were so confident they were going to sacrifice the red heifer, they have recruited and trained 500 Levites from the temple class of Jews that are able to conduct temple services on the yet-to-be-contructed third temple.

Well, Texans bred several (3?) Red Heifers and sent them off to Israel. One of them was sacrificed today. Ashes have or will be spread on the temple mount.

To recap: Old Testament Judaism says this is essential for the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of the Messiah.

Now tie that onto your New Testament Sunday school lessons. Christianity believes, based upon the books of Mathew, Revelation, and elsewhere, that the anti-christ will come masquerading as the Messiah. He will have a blow to the head that should be lethal, yet he survives. He will come into the 3rd Temple and "the whole world will see it". He will be beloved by the world, he will claim "peace, peace" yet it will be a time of numerous wars.

To recap: The sacrifice of the red heifer is instrumental in the end times prophecies of Christians.

So, let’s discuss the political ramifications of this very unusual event nearly 2000 years in the making that occurred today. Will it result in conflagration of Iranian and Palestinian conflict as a pretense to razing the dome of the rock and breaking ground on the third temple?
I thought the temple wouldn’t be built until halfway through the Tribulation period (7 years in length), which will begin with a 7 year peace treaty with Israel. The Antichrist already has to be in power before the temple is built.

To answer your closing question: the events that have transpired lately COULD be what will ultimately culminate in the building of the temple but there’s still some things that have to happen first.
I'll let the politics and speculation commence once I have a quick history and Sunday (Saturday?) School lesson.

So perusing the old testament in a variety of places, including Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah, there are numerous prophecies discussing the coming Messiah of the Jews.

The Jewish messiah cannot reveal himself without the existence of a third temple. The second temple did not fulfill these prophecies and was destroyed in 70AD. The 3rd temple cannot be built on the temple mount because it presently is occupied by the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque, the 2nd or 3rd holiest place in Islam.

Moving back in the series of things that have to happen, the Israelites have to be made clean before the temple can be built. The old testament is very prescriptive that this cannot happen without the sacrifice of a Red Heifer that is without blemish. For the past 30-50 years they have tried again and again to make a flawless red heifer. At each turn, Rabbis have inspected the candidates and found them to have flaws that preclude their sacrifice. Oh, and the Orthodox were so confident they were going to sacrifice the red heifer, they have recruited and trained 500 Levites from the temple class of Jews that are able to conduct temple services on the yet-to-be-contructed third temple.

Well, Texans bred several (3?) Red Heifers and sent them off to Israel. One of them was sacrificed today. Ashes have or will be spread on the temple mount.

To recap: Old Testament Judaism says this is essential for the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of the Messiah.

Now tie that onto your New Testament Sunday school lessons. Christianity believes, based upon the books of Mathew, Revelation, and elsewhere, that the anti-christ will come masquerading as the Messiah. He will have a blow to the head that should be lethal, yet he survives. He will come into the 3rd Temple and "the whole world will see it". He will be beloved by the world, he will claim "peace, peace" yet it will be a time of numerous wars.

To recap: The sacrifice of the red heifer is instrumental in the end times prophecies of Christians.

So, lets discuss the political ramifications of this very unusual event nearly 2000 years in the making that occurred today. Will it result in conflagration of Iranian and Palestinian conflict as a pretense to razing the dome of the rock and breaking ground on the third temple?
Thank you Rook

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We bagged a big old buff with hunter from Norway check out our post!!

I live in Tyler Texas. I like Ruger single action revolvers Ruger rifles, and Marlin and Winchester lever guns.
SETH RINGER wrote on tracker12's profile.
Khalanyoni Game Ranch wrote on Joshlee0518's profile.
Hi Joshlee0518 (please let me know if you are fine being addressed like that),

Thought I would drop you a PM. It is super exciting to plan a hunt and we are more than happy to assist you. Have you given any thought yet to which species you would like to take?

What do you hunt usually and which weapons/calibers are you using?

Look forward to swapping experiences and ideas.

Happy hunting - Daniel
Our trophy shed is filling up and we are only getting started,
