
I know the "blocked by congress" thing has become part of the Trump mythology, but he had both houses in 2016 - for two bleeding years. He could have accomplished anything he wanted to do. He gets a total pass on the border wall (I give him credit on the deal with Mexico), Covid (HIS vaccines and HIS mandates), and that whole swamp thing that he will never address because he can't. Thank God for SCOTUS, but for that I reserve my admiration for McConnel.

I am no supporter of Biden, but to believe Trump is somehow a truly superior choice defies my sense of logic. I still can not wrap my head around these two ancient inarticulate cretins are our choices with DeSantis and Haley cast to the side.
I also wish that the choice wasn't Trump or Biden, but there it is.
That's been my problem with him all along (ok, "one" of my problems with him), is that he has never done more than partially deliver on anything in his entire career; and that's a best-case scenario. While he may be viewed by some as the lesser of two evils when running against Biden, you have to know up front that you will NEVER get a fully delivered answer or promise out of him...EVER!

To use a shipping analogy, he has always left behind a wake of disappointment and lackluster results.
I mean he did move the embassy to Jerusalem…
If you truly believe that all of Trump’s shortcomings, lies, and general unfitness for holding office are still less disqualifying than even a milquetoast democrat, I can certainly understand why you would have voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. However, what I cannot comprehend is why you would vote for him in the 2024 primary when the field is wide open with candidates with broad support who would actually delivery the policies you desire.

I consider myself to be a moderate Democrat and I would have voted for Nikki Haley if she were the GOP nominee. However, I will never vote for Trump. There are a lot of Democrats and independents who share my opinion on this, and the GOP could have had absolutely swept in 2024 if they had nominated anyone but Trump.
Not to mention flip flopping on elephant trophy imports when he got some pushback on Twitter.
My guess is with another four years with Brandon as President, he'll block ANY Big 5 trophy imports into the US along with the rifles to hunt them with. PETA and the Marxist gun control activists have Brandon's ear because he's braindead and will do whatever his handlers tell him to do.
I agree with you for the most part. However, what we CAN count on with Brandon is he will continue to destroy our economy and societal norms through his unelected agency bureaucrats with continuing focus on draconian energy, climate change (EVs) and social DEI rules and regulations. I don't care if it's Trump or another Republican like De Santis or someone else that gets elected as President, but if Brandon gets another four years we're really screwed IMO.
Well, many function and prosper in CA which is much worse than anything Biden can come up with in the next 4 years. And, I truly believe if Trump does get elected, he will poison the well for the GOP. I think of 4 years of Biden as punting and then getting the ball back after 4 plays.

Also, my redline in this election is the isolationism and foreign policy (or lack thereof). Trump's idea of solving the war in Ukraine is to cut-off all aid and force them to capitulate to Russia.
If you truly believe that all of Trump’s shortcomings, lies, and general unfitness for holding office are still less disqualifying than even a milquetoast democrat, I can certainly understand why you would have voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. However, what I cannot comprehend is why you would vote for him in the 2024 primary when the field is wide open with candidates with broad support who would actually delivery the policies you desire.

I consider myself to be a moderate Democrat and I would have voted for Nikki Haley if she were the GOP nominee. However, I will never vote for Trump. There are a lot of Democrats and independents who share my opinion on this, and the GOP could have had absolutely swept in 2024 if they had nominated anyone but Trump.
You have a choice of two candidates now. Trump.is clearly less dangerous to our way of life.
Me before the election ever even gets here.

You have a choice of two candidates now. Trump.is clearly less dangerous to our way of life.
I respectfully disagree. To me, Trump’s weakness on Russia, China, and basically every one of our allies and international interests is the greatest danger to our way of life.

Even if Democrats were to somehow manage to capture both chambers of Congress and the White House, there is no chance the Supreme Court would allow anything truly outrageous to stand.
Ben Shapiro said it best and why I posted his writings a few days back.
The first 3 years under Trump were more prosperous and if not for Covid or the George Floyd riots, likely all 4 years. These 3+ years under Biden are one debacle after another.
I would have voted for DeSantis in the primary should he still have been on my ballot. He's not, and I would much rather return to the policies of Trump over Biden.

I will not insult supporters of any candidate as some have done in this thread. Sadly, it's been more by veteran members that I've seen recently.
Well, many function and prosper in CA which is much worse than anything Biden can come up with in the next 4 years. And, I truly believe if Trump does get elected, he will poison the well for the GOP. I think of 4 years of Biden as punting and then getting the ball back after 4 plays.

Also, my redline in this election is the isolationism and foreign policy (or lack thereof). Trump's idea of solving the war in Ukraine is to cut-off all aid and force them to capitulate to Russia.
I actually agree with you for the most part. However, Brandon wants the entire country to become what California has become. Riddled with billions in debt with NO WAY out except to tax the wealthy who are leaving there in droves. Force DEI on everybody including the companies we choose to invest with. Brandon wants the US consumer limited to the SCAM EV vehicle mirage by 2032 for most who can barely afford their ancient vehicles for commuting now. It's an elitist vision of utopia that only the wealthy elitists can afford. I grew up in California as a moderate/conservative Democrat in the '60s through the late '80s along with everyone else I knew. They supported the 2nd Amendment, hunting, Nixon, the Vietnam War (initially) bipartisanship, Patriotism, strong work ethic, etc. Look at the Democratic Party now. The problem is there aren't ANY moderates left in California OR Congress. The left wing Marxists have taken control of the Democratic party and they are DETERMINED to change not only are socioeconomic model but the very structure of our capitalistic monetary system. They want EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY that haven't earned a damn thing in their entire miserable lives on the backs of us who've worked forever. I'm absolutely done with voting for any Democrat for anything. Vote how you will/must but YOU and everyone else who votes for the Democrats OWN IT!
I respectfully disagree. To me, Trump’s weakness on Russia, China, and basically every one of our allies and international interests is the greatest danger to our way of life.
How was Trump weak with China? He enacted the harshest Tariffs on Chinese Imports I've seen in my lifetime. As someone who works in global sourcing and owns companies in this field, I can say that I moved sourcing for over 50M in Imports out of China. Some of which back to the US. Honest question, but curious as to how you would characterize this action as weakness?

To add to this, very little if any costing was passed along to the end consumer. China manipulated their FX and VAT to absorb much of the increase and sourcing operations located competitive pricing and manufacturing elsewhere. It was and has been a heavy impact to Chinese manufacturing.
You have a choice of two candidates now. Trump.is clearly less dangerous to our way of life.
That is a matter of perspective, the more I listen to Trump the more I doubt he is a better choice. Interestingly the MAGA crowd's response is to tell people to ignore what he says.

Now, if Trump were to be happy just being POTUS (similar to Biden) and let competent people around him run the country I'd be all in.

Unfortunately, he is too much of a micro manager to have his staff make decisions. Secondly, I doubt he would pick any competent people for his staff and/or any competent people would work for him based on his track record towards people that he feels that are disloyal for having different opinions than him. He wants "Yes Man" and no independent thinkers.
I respectfully disagree. To me, Trump’s weakness on Russia, China, and basically every one of our allies and international interests is the greatest danger to our way of life.

Even if Democrats were to somehow manage to capture both chambers of Congress and the White House, there is no chance the Supreme Court would allow anything truly outrageous to stand.
Until Alito and Thomas decide to retire under Democrat control of the Senate and Brandon gets to bring in two of his Marxist favorites.
"I would much rather return to the policies of Trump over Biden."

Respectfully, this has been one of my issues all along: circumstances are not the same as they were, and he is not the same person. I don't think we can return to how it was. I believe that ship has sailed.
"I would much rather return to the policies of Trump over Biden."

Respectfully, this has been one of my issues all along: circumstances are not the same as they were, and he is not the same person. I don't think we can return to how it was. I believe that ship has sailed.
Possibly, but I much prefer his platform and past achievments over our current situation. By my metrics (meaning how I judge my families quality of life) a change is desperately needed from the current situation. Hands down Biden is the worst President of my lifetime. Trump was not the best, but I'd prefer he over Biden.

Great thing about this country is we all get to have differing opinions...that is...until more freedoms get stripped in the name of offensive language.
I am not voting for POTUS, but voting for GOP down ballot. In an ideal world we will get the Senate back. If we do, then I don't care what happens at POTUS.
I agree. But if the Conservatives can't retain the House OR control the Senate AND Brandon gets re elected WE ARE SCREWED, IMO. I don't even care for many of the Conservatives in Congress now. It's a matter of balancing out the extreme liberal policies of Brandon and the Democrats against common sense, values and economic issues important to the vast majority of Americans.
How was Trump weak with China? He enacted the harshest Tariffs on Chinese Imports I've seen in my lifetime. As someone who works in global sourcing and owns companies in this field, I can say that I moved sourcing for over 50M in Imports out of China. Some of which back to the US. Honest question, but curious as to how you would characterize this action as weakness?

To add to this, very little if any costing was passed along to the end consumer. China manipulated their FX and VAT to absorb much of the increase and sourcing operations located competitive pricing and manufacturing elsewhere. It was and has been a heavy impact to Chinese manufacturing.
If that qualifies as being tough on China, then Biden is the toughest. He has kept most of Trump’s tariffs in place and added a whole lot more, specifically targeting sectors that they would need to outpace us economically or militarily.

Trump removed China from being listed as a currency manipulator in order to secure a trade deal that China never fulfilled. He has repeatedly heaped praise on Xi Jinping, threatened our strategic alliances with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. He has also waffled on whether he would provide any assistance to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.

China (along with Russia, Iran, and the rest of our enemies) want nothing more than for America to withdraw from our position as the leader of the free world, and Trump has made clear that it is his intention to do so.

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We bagged a big old buff with hunter from Norway check out our post!!

I live in Tyler Texas. I like Ruger single action revolvers Ruger rifles, and Marlin and Winchester lever guns.
SETH RINGER wrote on tracker12's profile.
Khalanyoni Game Ranch wrote on Joshlee0518's profile.
Hi Joshlee0518 (please let me know if you are fine being addressed like that),

Thought I would drop you a PM. It is super exciting to plan a hunt and we are more than happy to assist you. Have you given any thought yet to which species you would like to take?

What do you hunt usually and which weapons/calibers are you using?

Look forward to swapping experiences and ideas.

Happy hunting - Daniel
Our trophy shed is filling up and we are only getting started,
