
You must be in the camp that actually believes that garbage, along with humans causing climate change, islam is the religion of peace, and murdering babies is ok.

Anyone else cock an eye brow watching President Crapshispants bless himself with the sign of the cross while beating the drums for any and all abortions?
He is a sick man, disgusting person.
"And then lay it on the line to the little prick that he had damned well straighten up!"

No disrespect but (for me) that's not an option for Putin. He is a war criminal - a monster. There is no punishment on Earth for what he has done, but sitting down to talk certainly isn't it. I get that probably that's what it will come to - negotiating. Grievances? Putin has none. Not a single one. He deserves a very, very slow, agonizing death, a thousand times over.
I don't disagree... Do you think Biden will accomplish that? I don't think anyone does.

It would be a more Just World if what you said happened. And I believe in my Heart that Biden has enough dirt on his soul to deserve the same.... But I also believe that will have to wait and will not happen in this World. And what about all the blood on Anthony Fauci's hands? The Chinese?

I do believe that Trump would certainly make a strong attempt to at least stop the carnage.

If you get Biblical. Biden is doing the Devil's work and doing it well. Here and abroad. In fact who is more guilty, the perpetrator or the facilitator?
According to the US Census Bureau:

A third group of states saw large shifts in their use of nontraditional voting between 2016 and 2020. In New Jersey, for example, 7.9% of voters cast ballots early or by mail in 2016, compared with 92.3% in 2020, when all registered New Jersey voters received a ballot in the mail.

View attachment 601469
Map above shows increase in percentage points of voting by mail and early voting. Notice that most of the states with the biggest increases are blue (Democrat) states.

View attachment 601470

“Nontraditional” voting increased by almost 30% in 2020. This is why all candidates got more votes than ever before and confirmation that Republicans were not on the ball.
I've commented before on getting two mail in ballots for the 2020 election in Minnesota. A decidedly Liberal State...
The State of Minnesota... "Hey BTW, we sent you a mail in ballot a couple weeks ago. But just in case you misplaced it. Here's another one! ;) ;) ;)

Yea that is keeping voting accurate!
And I believe in my Heart that Biden has enough dirt on his soul to deserve the same
I am genuinely not seeking to criticize you or anyone else for believing what you do about Biden. I try to at least understand all points of view, but this is one that I struggle to grasp. I can understand being vehemently opposed to Biden’s political views or believing that Biden is incompetent as President, but I do not understand how Biden’s alleged shortcomings or misdeeds rise to the same level of “evil” as someone like Vladimir Putin.
I am genuinely not seeking to criticize you or anyone else for believing what you do about Biden. I try to at least understand all points of view, but this is one that I struggle to grasp. I can understand being vehemently opposed to Biden’s political views or believing that Biden is incompetent as President, but I do not understand how Biden’s alleged shortcomings or misdeeds rise to the same level of “evil” as someone like Vladimir Putin.
Have you paid attention to his words and actions throughout his career? Or do you think he's just a well-meaning elderly man with a memory problem?
I am genuinely not seeking to criticize you or anyone else for believing what you do about Biden. I try to at least understand all points of view, but this is one that I struggle to grasp. I can understand being vehemently opposed to Biden’s political views or believing that Biden is incompetent as President, but I do not understand how Biden’s alleged shortcomings or misdeeds rise to the same level of “evil” as someone like Vladimir Putin.
You can't be serious. Biden and the libtards have supported the genocide of millions of defenseless babies for decades. Problem is, most Americans don't give a ratsazzz about that, which is an absolute shame. Besides being "evil", Biden and his supporting cast on capital hill are bottom feeding P's OS.
Do you think that is because voting by mail encouraged more left leaning people to vote who otherwise would not, or that left leaning people who would have voted anyway were more inclined to choose mail as their preferred method?
Just my opinion, but I think two things are very obvious to the casual observer. 1. Mail in ballots are easy to use and easy to use fraudulently. 2. Left leaning voters are more likely to take the easy way to do things.... An easy example being collect welfare vs. work. And are more likely to see their cause being greater than the need to be lawful. There is evidence all around showing this to be true also.
I am genuinely not seeking to criticize you or anyone else for believing what you do about Biden. I try to at least understand all points of view, but this is one that I struggle to grasp. I can understand being vehemently opposed to Biden’s political views or believing that Biden is incompetent as President, but I do not understand how Biden’s alleged shortcomings or misdeeds rise to the same level of “evil” as someone like Vladimir Putin.
Saul I do believe there are many cases of strong evidence that Biden cares for no one a f nothing but himself and his own. It doesn't look like it will go anywhere, but the stack of evidence that he is "The Big Guy" is pretty evident to the average person. I find it frustrating that those same average people do not seem to care enough to get angry enough to push prosecution of those cases. Why there is not protests in the streets over this, I do not understand. And unless there is WAY more than we've seen, he is not only a Traitor to his Country, but he sold out dambed cheap! Millions perhaps? Why not Billions?

He made obvious remarks that to Putin gave him permission to invade Ukraine. Or at least the confidence that the US under Biden would not do much, at least initially.

He abandoned our friends and agents in Afghanistan to horrific persecutikns and death for themselves and their families. As well as our soldiers. And now again exposed our soldiers to danger in the Middle East without appropriate defense.

He has weakened the US around the World. He and Obama have indeed worked hard to "Fundamentally Change America". He is betraying allies, supporting terrorists.... What do you call it when he releases Billions to Iran? Whether intended or not, his policies have given Russia and Iran the financial ability to wage these wars and he has done nothing to counter that when it became obvious what was happening as a result of his policies. No he doubled down.

He claims to be a man of God. A Christian, and a Catholic, as am I. You cannot be a good Catholic and support abortion. And how can he support the murder and rape of people anywhere by supporting the perpetrators of it? He is trying to walk both sides of the fence between Hammas and Israel. And it is looking more and more like he is leaning towards abandoning Isreal... This is Biblical work of the devil himself. Biden is evil, intended or not. It sure looks like a life spent going down this path though so I say it's intended.
Have you paid attention to his words and actions throughout his career? Or do you think he's just a well-meaning elderly man with a memory problem?
Prior to 2008, no more attention than I gave to most every other Senator. I am sure that with some digging, I could find things he has said or done that I think are reprehensible, but that is true for all politicians. After all, a degree of narcissism and moral “flexibility” just seems to come with being a politician, or at least a successful one. However, that does not mean I think all politicians are evil, or even bad people.
At least in Texas that is no longer true. D's outvote R's by mail by a wide margin at least in the big cities. The Supreme Court just declined to hear a Texas Case involving mail-in ballots. The D's sued Texas to allow all ages to vote by mail and not just the over 65. Thankfully the D's lost.

On another note, the Courts did not decide the merits of the case, they dismissed them for standing a big difference. And Court really do not like to get involved in political decisions.

IMO Biden would have never won, without the rules change for Covid, which by the way, only the state legislators can change, but that did not stop Secretaries of State from changing the rules.
I cannot like this post enough!! Spot on!
Thank you for your reply. I still do not agree with you, but I appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully articulate your views so that I may better understand them.
Saul I do believe there are many cases of strong evidence that Biden cares for no one a f nothing but himself and his own. It doesn't look like it will go anywhere, but the stack of evidence that he is "The Big Guy" is pretty evident to the average person. I find it frustrating that those same average people do not seem to care enough to get angry enough to push prosecution of those cases. Why there is not protests in the streets over this, I do not understand. And unless there is WAY more than we've seen, he is not only a Traitor to his Country, but he sold out dambed cheap! Millions perhaps? Why not Billions?
You and I have a different interpretation of the information regarding the allegations of his financial misdeeds. I have no doubt that Hunter Biden was mixed up in all sorts of shady dealings, and I certainly would not be voting for Hunter if he ever ran for office. However, I have not seen anything that has convinced me that Joe Biden is guilty of corruption. If there were evidence of it, I have no doubt in my mind that Jim Jordan and James Comer would have brought articles of impeachment by now.

I can understand why you are outraged that more has not been done to hold Biden accountable for these allegations. In the same way, many Democrats are outraged bevause they believe that Trump and his family have also engaged in all sorts of shady business dealings and they too have not been held accountable. I am not saying that one side is right and the other is wrong, rather that outrage is a logical response to perceived injustice.

Where you and I are probably most in agreement on this issue is over the media coverage, or lack thereof, regarding Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma. Without going into the details, I have had my own encounters with Burisma, and I am convinced that they are not only under the direct control of the Russian government, but also that their corruption extends into many other organizations. The most cursory research on the part of journalists could have uncovered much of this, and yet that story was intentionally suppressed.
He made obvious remarks that to Putin gave him permission to invade Ukraine. Or at least the confidence that the US under Biden would not do much, at least initially.
I have a different read on this as well. My assumption is that Putin was emboldened by the inaction of the Obama administration in the wake of his invasion of Crimea, disunity amongst NATO countries, and the perception that the US was too politically polarized to do anything about it. Horrifying to think we nearly proved Putin right on that last point.

Putin has also managed to cultivate a reputation as being a ruthless yet cunning tactician. I think he is just a delusional megalomaniac. When dealing with a person like that, I am not sure there is anything anyone could have done to dissuade him from invading. For this same reason, I think trying to negotiate a peace deal is with Putin is futile.
He abandoned our friends and agents in Afghanistan to horrific persecutikns and death for themselves and their families. As well as our soldiers. And now again exposed our soldiers to danger in the Middle East without appropriate defense.
I agree that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was an abject failure. I also admit that I am woefully uninformed about the situation on the ground immediately following our withdrawal. Nor do I have the military experience to properly evaluate what errors were made and who was responsible for making them.

Regardless, the buck stops with Secretary Austin and President Biden. Again, I am not knowledgeable enough on military matters to know if it should have warranted Secretary Austin’s dismissal, but I think that probably would have been the proper decision at the time.
He has weakened the US around the World. He and Obama have indeed worked hard to "Fundamentally Change America". He is betraying allies, supporting terrorists.... What do you call it when he releases Billions to Iran? Whether intended or not, his policies have given Russia and Iran the financial ability to wage these wars and he has done nothing to counter that when it became obvious what was happening as a result of his policies. No he doubled down
I would not necessarily state it the same way as you, as I am inclined to give more weight to intentionality when casting such judgements.

With that said, I believe we ultimately agree that the policy toward Iran pursued by both the Obama and Biden administrations has failed time and again because it is founded on the fatally flawed premise that if Iran were just presented with the opportunity to join the the Western world, they would jump in with both feet.

As I have stated before, I see extreme risk aversion as the common thread between every policy failure of the Biden administration. They are so concerned with avoiding every possible adverse outcome that they fail to act when necessary. They let their strategy undermine their policy.
He claims to be a man of God. A Christian, and a Catholic, as am I. You cannot be a good Catholic and support abortion. And how can he support the murder and rape of people anywhere by supporting the perpetrators of it? He is trying to walk both sides of the fence between Hammas and Israel. And it is looking more and more like he is leaning towards abandoning Isreal... This is Biblical work of the devil himself. Biden is evil, intended or not. It sure looks like a life spent going down this path though so I say it's intended
With regard to your statement on Catholic faith, I will take your word for it. I have no dog in that fight, and I will never hold a man’s sincerely held religious beliefs against him as long as they do not infringe on my rights or the rights or others.

With regard to Biden’s actions toward following October 7, I do not believe he supports Hamas, and in a lot of ways he has been a strong ally of Israel. With that said, I too am frustrated by what I see as slowly caving to the pressure from the progressive and far left wings of the Democratic Party. I have hope that Biden can still do the right thing, but make no mistake, he will lose my vote the instant he crosses one of those red lines.
This is a bit of a loaded question. Of course I will vote against anyone who wants to kill me regardless of their political party. There are plenty of Democrats who are outspoken defenders of the Jewish people and of Israel, just as there are plenty of Republicans who are not. I vote based on the candidates in front of me, and I hope others do the same.

The point I think that quote is trying to get at is whether Jews will move away from the Democratic Party more broadly due to a perceived tolerance of the more antisemitic elements of the Democratic Party. To that, I would say it depends on how each party chooses to handle things. Both parties have some pretty unsavory elements that need addressing.

If I were to give a warning to Democrats, and by extension Republicans, it is to not take our votes for granted or assume that not confronting the antisemitic elements in the party will be read as anything other than cowardice at best and an endorsement at worst.
I used to try to vote the candidate. That probably worked to some degree 30 years ago. These days, especially in the Democrat Party, you are rarely to never voting for that individual.... You are voting for the Platform of the Party. Individual candidates may support or not support certain Planks in that Platform... But Democrats seem to all come together on their big platform issues.... And it is those big issues that are destroying America as we knew it.
Biden’s student loan bailout is paying the tuition of all these ass clown Hamas supporters. Wonder how the masses like that kick in the taint. We actually saved to much in my daughter’s 529, don’t use that financial vehicle, so we have to pay capital gains on the profit to take the money back which is fine but also get to pay a 10% penalty for saving to much and the free loaders are getting billions for being want to be jihadis. Starting to feel the end is near.
Without going into the details, I have had my own encounters with Burisma, and I am convinced that they are not only under the direct control of the Russian government, but also that their corruption extends into many other organizations.
This point warrants much more attention and discussion on here. I cannot thank you enough for bringing it up. I've been trying to find a way to explain this, even to friends of mine. Some of my friends and some on this thread accuse Zelinsky of being extremely crooked. I haven't been able to bring it up on here and have not been able to convince friends...

The general concept I've struggled with goes back to Hunter Biden's involvement in Burisma and Joe's intervention as VP to hold up that money from the US to Ukraine until Ukraine fired the guy investigating Burisma.

So the point being made is that Ukraine is corrupt because they fired the guy to get that funding from the US. Hard to argue, although that was a lot of money and good old Joe really had them over a barrel.... To me this is understandable to at least say, ok I see why Ukraine caved.

However, does that make Zelinsky a crook? Especially to the point that we should not send help to Ukraine?

Or is there a side to this story where Ukraine may have really been trying to stand up to the real crooks?

@Brent in Az what do you think?
Girl interviewed today at Columbia Univ protest. When asked why she was at a protest encampment she said "Jews are just really mean". Good to know your tax dollars have paid for the education of these intellectuals. .....FWB

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Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.
sierraone wrote on AZDAVE's profile.
Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
We fitted a new backup generator for the Wildgoose lodge!