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Trophy hunted: Namibian desert-adapted lion – here are the facts​

Posted on October 30, 2023 by teamAG
Another desert-adapted lion has been trophy hunted in Namibia. The collared lion, known as ‘XPL-107’ and ‘Mwezi’ by researchers, was the only remaining black-maned desert-adapted lion in the area.
The established facts, as detailed below, led to us asking a few uncomfortable questions of a senior representative of Namibia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEFT). We use his replies, evidence gleaned from our sources and deductive reasoning to arrive at serious doubts about the legality of this hunt.

desert-adapted lion
XPL-107 – this photo was taken a few years ago. © Ingrid Mandt

Facts & evidence:​

  1. The location of the lion on the day of his demise – as evidenced by data from his collar GPS device – suggests he was hunted either in Skeleton Coast National Park (illegal) or in an adjoining concession operated solely for tourism purposes (unauthorised). The collar provides data every four hours via satellite, allowing for an accurate record of his movements on 11 October 2023 – the day he was killed:
    • 12h00: XPL-107 was located 4km inside Skeleton Coast National Park. Lions usually rest up in shade during the heat of the day – especially during summer – and only move around or hunt during the cooler hours. He was located within 600m of this position for the eight hours between 04h00 and 12h00.
    • 16h00: failed collar ping. Collar pings have an almost 100% success rate. Failure would suggest that by 16h00, the lion was being transported in the back of a vehicle, GPS device facing the floor.
    • 20h00: XPL-107’s body is located at Khowarib hunting camp. This is 99km as the crow flies from his position at 12h00 – along very poor roads that would take a vehicle many hours to traverse. Ironically, this ping also triggered an ‘Early Warning System’ – designed to notify monitors that a lion has moved into an area of potential human-wildlife conflict. The above location pings suggest that XPL-107 was killed between 12h00 and 16h00. Bearing in mind that lions seldom move great distances during the heat of the day, deductive reasoning suggests that this lion was either killed inside Skeleton Coast National Park (illegal) or in neighbouring community land leased to a tourism company (unauthorised). Also note that if XPL-107 had moved outside of these protected areas, his collar would have sent an early-warning system ping. The only such ping occurred when his carcass was located in the hunting camp.
  2. No designated officials within the relevant conservancies or concession holders were informed that there was a legitimate hunt authorised in the area. We are also informed that neither the Directorate of Scientific Services at MEFT nor the relevant MEFT lion-conflict manager were informed about the planned hunt.
  3. We questioned the MEFT representative during a telephone call as to how the trophy hunting party located XPL-107 in such a vast area and, specifically, whether the collar location data was used for this purpose. Research collars are for the purposes of research and human-wildlife conflict prevention. The representative denied the use of the collar location data by the trophy hunting party. However, we know that one particular MEFT official who did not show prior interest in the location data of any lions, logged in every day from 21 September 2023 (when XPL-107 was named a ‘problem-causing animal’) until the day the lion was shot. This particular official only looked at XPL-107 data and did not log in again after the day XPL-107 was killed. Deductive reasoning based on this information and the hunting party movements described below would suggest that the collar data was used to locate XPL-107 for trophy-hunting purposes.
  4. The movement of two vehicles carrying the hunting party (including two foreign nationals and a rifle) and MEFT officials was recorded as follows:
    • The two vehicles entered the Palmwag concession at the Aub gate
    • On being questioned about the rifle, MEFT claimed they were there for ‘policing’. No permit related to a hunt was presented
    • There is no record of the vehicles leaving the area via an official/manned gate
  5. XPL-107 was declared a ‘problem-causing animal’ by MEFT around 21 September 2023 – after being suspected of killing livestock on two occasions in July 2023. In the first incident, he was seen by a scout where 14 goats were killed, and data from his collar verified his presence. In the second incident, where a Brahman bull was killed, XPL-107 was not seen, but collar data confirms that he was in the area at the time. There appears to be little doubt that he was responsible for these livestock deaths. There do, however, seem to be doubts about whether MEFT followed the necessary procedures to declare XPL-107 a so-called ‘problem-causing animal’. Delhra, a Namibian non-profit working with local farming communities to preserve wildlife within the Kunene region of Namibia, has suggested in various social media announcements that the Minister must, in terms of section 53 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975, declare a problem-causing animal as such via a notice in the Official Gazette. During our telephone discussion with a MEFT spokesperson, it was confirmed that MEFT had not done so. The same MEFT representative undertook to provide incidence reports related to the two livestock attacks but has not yet done so.
  6. Unlike with other human-lion conflict cases in this area, no attempt was made to use established mitigation measures to avoid killing another desert-adapted lion. A few weeks before this, lion OPL24 was successfully relocated after killing a few goats. Further back, lion XPL131, who caused far greater damage than XPL107, was relocated by MEFT twice before finally being declared a problem-causing animal.
  7. The Ehi-rovipuka Conservancy has been allocated two male lions as trophies this year. The trophy hunting of XPL107 will not be counted as one of these trophies because his killing was enabled under the ‘problem-causing animal’ provisions. And so, two additional male lions will be removed from the threatened desert-adapted lion population for trophy-hunting purposes.
  8. XPL-107 was seen mating with the last surviving lioness of the Obab Pride from 29 September to 5 October 2023 – as reported by researchers – days before he was shot. Researchers described him as ‘one of the most reproductively successful males in the population’.
  9. Follow the money: According to the MEFT official we spoke to, this trophy hunt generated a total of N$300,000 for local communities and N$20,000 for a fund for conservation and human-wildlife management. The total amounts to approximately US$17,000 – which is about 28% of the likely trophy fee of US$60,000 paid by the trophy hunting client (as per a recent trophy hunting advertising campaign for a ‘male lion trophy’ in Namibia). The important question is why African communities are continually being short-changed by the trophy hunting industry.

About desert-adapted lions and the communities that share their landscape​

Desert-adapted lions occupy an area of approximately 40,000 km2 in Namibia’s remote and barren northwest. They share this landscape with about 19,300 humans – mostly small-scale pastoralists for whom drought and predation represent significant threats to livelihoods. Lions account for 20% of livestock losses.
The population of lions in the Kunene Region to the northwest of Etosha National Park is only 57-60 individuals, BUT of these, an estimated 24 are desert-adapted lions (the far-westerly population). This population fluctuates significantly based on rainfall, prey base and human persecution. The entire population in the Kunene Region went from a low of perhaps 20 individuals in the late 1990s to an estimated high of 180 in 2015.
Convincing livestock farmers that lions should occupy the same landscape at all is a tough ask, especially when there are no obvious benefits. The tenuous relationship between communal farmers and lions has engendered retaliatory and preventive killing of lions. Since 2000, retaliatory killings have accounted for 89% of recorded lion (non-cub) mortalities – with more than 130 lions killed during this period.
Some view trophy hunting as one model demonstrating economic benefits to local people – if the industry is managed sustainably and legally. Considerable effort is made to prevent and mitigate livestock losses resulting from lion predation. One such method is to track individual lions using satellite collars, which trigger warning SMSs when the lions are near livestock so that local people can chase the lions away. Another method is the provision of safe fenced areas where livestock can be moved at night.
The desert-adapted lion is not a separate species from lions found in less arid areas. They do, however, display remarkable adaptions that enable them to live in this inhospitable region – which non-adapted lions would not survive.

I am the director of WildVeld Safaris Pty Ltd, located in South Africa and Namibia. Contrary to the accusations above, our organization was falsely implicated in a Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) lion cull. This particular lion cull, like many others in the Kunene, was a legal hunt, conducted with the necessary permits and supervised by MEFT personnel.

Although our organization was not involved in the cull, it took place on one of our partner Conservancies, resulting in an unjust association with the incident by anti-hunting activists. These individuals are solely dedicated to ending sport hunting across the continent. Not only do their efforts run counter to wildlife conservation, but they also demonstrate a lack of regard for Africa’s rural communities that heavily rely on hunting revenues and the food security it provides.

While such groups have operated with impunity for decades, WildVeld, in collaboration with MEFT and other concerned NGOs, is now taking a stand. We are committed to holding accountable those who spread lies recklessly and negligently to further their own agenda - self-enrichment while attempting to end sport hunting in Africa.

It is time for our community to unite and set the record straight. We encourage members to visit our website for accurate information and updates on our response to these activists. Your participation on other hunting forums can greatly assist in spreading the truth.

Together, we can preserve our hunting heritage and highlight the numerous benefits that hunting investments yield globally. Silence is no longer an option—we must stand together in defense of our values.

Thank you for your consideration.
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It would seem sensible that the seasonal lion hunting quota should INCLUDE any animals culled as "problem" animals, especially if the culling is sold as trophy hunts.

WildVeld has not specifically addressed any of the evidence that this animal was shot inside the park. Or the evidence that the GPS collar was used to locate it for the so called hunter. If the evidence supplied is true, then the outfitter is guilty of conducting a poaching operation. As an ethical hunter who supports conservation, especially of endangered species, I am opposed to poaching, whether it be the local snaring for bushmeat to make a few bucks or an outfitter fleecing some ultra rich foreign slob hunter of $$K. So, stop pitching the emotional "we gotta stick together" angle and answer the specific allegations. Can you explain the evidence?

I am the director of WildVeld Safaris Pty Ltd, located in South Africa and Namibia. Contrary to the accusations above, our organization was falsely implicated in a Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) lion cull. This particular lion cull, like many others in the Kunene, was a legal hunt, conducted with the necessary permits and supervised by MEFT personnel.

Although our organization was not involved in the cull, it took place on one of our partner Conservancies, resulting in an unjust association with the incident by anti-hunting activists. These individuals are solely dedicated to ending sport hunting across the continent. Not only do their efforts run counter to wildlife conservation, but they also demonstrate a lack of regard for Africa’s rural communities that heavily rely on hunting revenues and the food security it provides.

While such groups have operated with impunity for decades, WildVeld, in collaboration with MEFT and other concerned NGOs, is now taking a stand. We are committed to holding accountable those who spread lies recklessly and negligently to further their own agenda - self-enrichment while attempting to end sport hunting in Africa.

It is time for our community to unite and set the record straight. We encourage members to visit our website for accurate information and updates on our response to these activists. Your participation on other hunting forums can greatly assist in spreading the truth.

Together, we can preserve our hunting heritage and highlight the numerous benefits that hunting investments yield globally. Silence is no longer an option—we must stand together in defense of our values.

Thank you for your consideration.
WildVeld Safaris

I completely stand with you and have faced similar defamation from these anti hunting bastards many a time during my career in the forest department and later as a politician.

For every lie that they are caught peddling, they should be forcibly fined (with the money going into wildlife conservation programs).

These rotten keyboard crybabies will not stop unless a lesson is taught to them. A hard lesson.

The lion is my favorite of all African dangerous game to hunt.
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WildVeld Safaris,
It's literally the same everywhere in the world. Environmental and anti-hunting organizations will purposefully manipulate those not fully educated on a topic and flat-out lie to further their "cause". And, to make matters worse, their "cause" is usually just a front for a money laundering or "protection money" scheme. If anyone ever wonders which side is right and which side is wrong, simply look at which side is willing to lie and manipulate and you'll find the side that is in the wrong.
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It would seem sensible that the seasonal lion hunting quota should INCLUDE any animals culled as "problem" animals, especially if the culling is sold as trophy hunts.

WildVeld has not specifically addressed any of the evidence that this animal was shot inside the park. Or the evidence that the GPS collar was used to locate it for the so called hunter. If the evidence supplied is true, then the outfitter is guilty of conducting a poaching operation. As an ethical hunter who supports conservation, especially of endangered species, I am opposed to poaching, whether it be the local snaring for bushmeat to make a few bucks or an outfitter fleecing some ultra rich foreign slob hunter of $$K. So, stop pitching the emotional "we gotta stick together" angle and answer the specific allegations. Can you explain the evidence?
Thank you for your response. First of all, the conjecture offered as fact by Africa Geographic has been refuted by MEFT. So there is little need to debate the accuracy of their article. Secondly, the members of the communities and hunty party implicated are being deposed as witnesses to the cull. While I cannot go into detail, the lion cull happened in accordance to MEFT permits and the hunting leases for the conservancies. Further, this is one of many MEFT culls that routinely happen within the Kunene.

Activists can create any narrative they wish without repercussion. Unfortunately, people on both sides of the aisle seem to believe the worst possible scenario and then proceed with the public execution.

So as you said, IF any of this was true, then the government and operators should be held accountable. Everyone gets their day in court, and we will have ours. We will set the record straight for all to see. We will not allow these false statements go unchallenged.

Thank You
Thank you for your response. First of all, the conjecture offered as fact by Africa Geographic has been refuted by MEFT. So there is little need to debate the accuracy of their article. Secondly, the members of the communities and hunty party implicated are being deposed as witnesses to the cull. While I cannot go into detail, the lion cull happened in accordance to MEFT permits and the hunting leases for the conservancies. Further, this is one of many MEFT culls that routinely happen within the Kunene.

Activists can create any narrative they wish without repercussion. Unfortunately, people on both sides of the aisle seem to believe the worst possible scenario and then proceed with the public execution.

So as you said, IF any of this was true, then the government and operators should be held accountable. Everyone gets their day in court, and we will have ours. We will set the record straight for all to see. We will not allow these false statements go unchallenged.

Thank You
Thanks. I can appreciate limiting the discussion if the matter is going to court. Guess I missed the part about anyone being charged.
I can respond to the issue regarding the use of lion collars by MEFT. MEFT routinely collars problem lion as part of the Human-Wildlife Conflict mitigation program - this is NOT for the purposes of wildlife research and no other entities are legally allowed access to this data - including hunting operators or activists.

MEFT does not go gunning down every problem animal that is reported. However, once problem wildlife has been reported, the first response is to drive off the offender. If that doesn't work, then either community game guards or MEFT personnel or another NGO are dispatched to the area to deter the animal. IF all that does not work, then MEFT can decide to cull the animal or collar it to monitor its activities. As I said, MEFT's first action is not to needlessly blitz wildlife for fun and profit.

From the hunting reports I have witnessed, this lion was culled in accordance to Namibia's hunting regulations. The lion was baited within a conservancy (not the Park) and shot from a hide. Just like virtually every other cat hunt in Africa. Hardly the scenario suggested by Africa Geographic.

This target HWC mitigation program was started to deter rural farmers from resorting to poison. The loss of wildlife to poisoning is massive and needless. Community members understand the value of their wildlife and routinely accept livestock losses without compensation. However, there is a limit to their participation. So MEFT either targets the one animal causing problems (as in this and scores of other cases) or the community will poison a carcass an kill 20 - 30 animals.

Thank You
So the GPS data is wrong, BS.
So the GPS data is wrong, BS.


Who says the data is wrong. Maybe, someone is just bald face lying.
Africa Geographic being so credible it’s not them, right?

If Africa Geographic actually accessed gps data, it was done illegally. They then go on to make claims about the apparent data and make a bunch of allegations about a host of people and organizations.
Because they deduced there conclusions, they must be right.

I’ll wait for the judge to sort all this BS out and perhaps nail the lying manipulative ass hats.

Hope springs eternal.
No need to fuel a fire that hasn't flashed yet.

I will wait to see if something more official is released as @35tsk Has already spoken to. Sounds like rectification is already in the works on their side thru the legal channels.

One thing worse than poaching is a fake poaching scandal...both to harm and each insidious. Frankly hard to believe any article that drops nowadays without verifying it to the nth degree
The Allegation below:

I, Izak Schalk Willem Smit am a white male 65 years of age and a permanent resident of Namibia through marriage, South African ID Number 5801135012082 residing at 1 Kunenestreet, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund, cellular phone number 0816094460.

  1. I am the chairperson of a Voluntary Association Desert Lions Human Relations Aid (DeLHRA) based in Swakopmund. DeLHRA has Memorandum of Understandings with the Torra, Anabeb and Sesfontein Conservancies aiding them with the mitigation and management of Human Lion Conflict experienced in their conservancies as recorded in our organisation’s constitution as well as the conservation of the Desert Adapted Lions in the Kunene region.
  2. On the 12th October I received information from the CEO of an NGO, some-one I can only identify and who will be willing to testify if protected under section 185 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, that the Lion with a Satellite collar monitored by them known as XPL 107 named “Mwezi” by the researcher Dr Philip Stander of the Desert Lion Conservation Trust, seemed to have been transported from his resting place in the Skeleton Coast Park about four kilometres in from the Palmwag concession area in the Uniab riverbed to the Wild Veld Hunting camp in the Khowarib village area as indicated by the satellite collar. According to my source this movement seemed to indicate that the Lion may have been shot or darted to transport it.
  3. Upon my investigation on the 12th of October, I received a telephonic report from a collaborator in the Khowarib village in Anabeb conservancy pertaining to the presence of a Lion very near the village the previous early evening. The informant is on voice recording but requested to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution should he be named. Our informers and key witnesses are willing to testify if protected under section 185 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 as retribution and victimization is feared.
  4. The informant reported that the Lion Rangers in the village told him that they got notification through the “early response system” sending them sms’s in the early evening on the 11th October, that a Lion was lurking near the village and they had to respond. He was later told that the signals received came from a collar fitted to a dead Lion in the Wild Veld Safaris hunting camp near the village where a Lion that had been shot earlier that day had been brought to.
  5. We acted on the information as we were aware that a Lion known as XPL 107 and named “Mwezi” by the Desert Lion Conservation Trust, was being observed in a publication by the Desert Lion Conservation Trust’s Dr Philip Stander on his website on the 9th of October stating that the Lion had been mating with a Lioness known as XPL 108, following her around.
  6. We made enquiries as to whether any Trophy Hunting of Lions or culling of problem causing Lions had been in progress in the conservancies. This was denied by the Conservancies but led us to the gatekeeper at the entry gate to Palmwag concession near the Aub canyon as a logical entry point to access the Lion in question. Upon our enquiries the manager of the Palmwag Gondwana lodge, Simon Andreas reported back in the form of a recorded interview with “Esau” the gatekeeper.
  7. In the recording Esau says that a vehicle of the Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism with two personnel escorting a hunting vehicle with a hunting party of five people and a rifle had entered the concession area stating that they were there for “policing”. The recording submitted herewith speaks for it-self but we clearly understood that Esau asked as to why they entered with a fire-arm. He also states that they returned later. From this information and that of the CEO of the NGO to be named, we arrived at the conclusion that this Lion had been hunted and shot at the last recorded position in the Skeleton Coast Park or just inside the Palmwag concession area’s Western boundary around mid-day 11th October 2023.
  8. I immediately sent an email to Mr Kenneth Uiseb of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, attached hereto as IS-A, to enquire as to the legitimacy of the hunt as it was conducted by a private hunting organization in a protected area or Park and this while the relevant conservancy, Torra, had, according to the answer given upon my enquiry by their treasurer, Emil Roman, not been consulted or advised about such a hunt. Upon enquiry the General Manager of Gondwana Palmwag Lodge said that they, as concession holder and custodian of the area and wildlife in it, had also not been advised of such a hunt by any-one before-hand. He said that he consequently took it up with his head office.
  9. My letter to the MEFT remained unanswered. To the best of my knowledge and given the circumstances, Trophy Hunts in Protected Areas such as Palmwag concession area, under custodianship or in the Skeleton Coast has been unheard of up to now and I do believe that this hunt may have been conducted illegally. Protocol, Conservancy rules and the Official MEFT Policy dictates that the Field Officer of conservancies in which hunts are conducted should be present which does not seem to have been the case in this instance. A Hunting permit was also not presented to the gatekeeper at Palmwag gate nor was an explanation offered as to the real reason for entering the gate.
  10. On 18 October 2023 a press release attached hereto as IS-B was issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism. Not only does it contain a concession that the information alluded to hereinbefore was correct and that the aforesaid lion was in fact hunted but it also contains several factual allegations that seems unsubstantiated, mentions nothing about a probable trophy hunt and as I will attempt to show hereinunder misconstrues the legal position and applicable legal provisions contained in the Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975 as amended and the Regulations issued thereunder. It also wrongly appears to accept that the Revised National Policy on Human Wildlife Conflict Management supersedes or overrides specific provisions of the applicable legislation.
  11. Although there are in my opinion several unsubstantiated allegations made in the Press Release, I wish to quote and address only a few. The parts I consider important to the merits of this matter are:
11.1 “Recently, on the 10th October 2023 in the Palmwag area, Kunene Region a male lion seven or eight years old was declared as a problem causing animal and destroyed for persistently killing people’s livestock as per the provisions of our laws and policies.”

11.2 “The lion caught and killed fourteen goats in July this year before it killed a brahman bull in the area of Plamfontein. This lion was collared making it easier for the Ministry and the conservancies to monitor its movement. To this effect, various mitigation measures and interventions were put in place by the Lion Rangers to manage the conflict but to no success. Even with the presence of game in the area, the lion continued to prey on livestock, causing serious concerns to communities and farmers in the area.”

11.3 “The lion was declared as a problem causing animal and destroyed through conservation hunting. N$20,000 from the hunt will be deposited in the Game Product Trust Fund to be used for wildlife conservation and human wildlife conflict management. A total of N$300,000 will be paid to the affected communities through Ehirovipuka and Khoadi Hoas Conservancies, to be used for conservation as well as social and economic upliftment of the communities.”

  1. I wish to state that although the general allegation is made in the press release that the aforesaid lion was declared a “problem causing animal and destroyed for persistently killing people’s livestock” only two incidents, both apparently in July 2023 are mentioned. There is also no evidence referred to for the following general allegation made in the press release: “Even with the presence of game in the area, the lion continued to prey on livestock, causing serious concerns to communities and farmers in the area.”
  2. The press release also does not indicate when, and by whom, the aforesaid declaration to declare the animal as a ‘problem causing animal’ was made.
  3. Furthermore, the press release also seems to assert that the aforesaid lion was collared after the incidents in July 2023, to manage the conflict where it is well known that this specific lion was collared many years ago and as recently as two years ago was given a new collar. Dr Stander was thus monitoring this specific animal long before the alleged incidents of July mentioned in the press release.
  4. The press release also does not explain what is meant by “conservation hunting” and where the “N$20,000 from the hunt” comes from. I therefore believe and concluded that the so-called conservation hunting was in fact a trophy hunt.
  5. As there is a well-known history in Namibia of allegedly problem causing animals being made available for trophy hunting I will in short refer to the relevant legal provisions that apply.
  6. It is trite that a Lion (Panthera Leo) is listed in Schedule 4 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975, hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance, as protected game. The hunting of protected game is regulated by section 27 of the Ordinance. Section 27(1) states that ‘no person other than the lawful holder of a permit granted by the Minister of Environment and Tourism shall at any time hunt any protected game. Section 27(2) provides that a permit granted in terms of this section authorises the lawful holder thereof subject to the conditions, requirements and restrictions imposed by or under this Ordinance to hunt the number and species of protected game mentioned therein at the time and place mentioned therein. Section 27(3) provides that any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of subsection (1) or any condition, requirement or restriction of a permit granted in terms of this section, shall be guilty of an offence, and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R4 000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding four years or to both such fine and such imprisonment. Section 26(6) provides that any person who hunts protected game under a permit granted in terms of this section, shall at all times have such permit in his possession while he is so hunting. Section 27(7) requires the hunter to complete the permit before he leaves the farm or land on which he has hunted such protected game.
  7. The press release is silent on whether a permit was issued in terms of section 27 of the Ordinance at all and to whom it was issued.
  8. It needs to be mentioned that the Ordinance does not provide for a “problem causing animal” and for declaring an animal as such. The Ordinance only provides for a problem animal and in its definition, part defines a “problem animal” as “any animal declared a problem animal in terms of section 53.”
  9. Section 53 reads as follows:
53(1) The Minister may declare any wild animal a problem animal throughout Namibia or within such part or parts of Namibia as it may in its discretion determine.

53(2) Whenever the Minister declares any wild animal a problem animal in terms of the provisions of subsection (1), the name of such wild animal and a definition of the part or parts of Namibia within which such wild animal is declared a problem animal shall be made known by notice in the Official Gazette.

  1. What is quite clear from the aforesaid section is that the Minister must declare the animal a problem animal and that such declaration must be published as a notice in the Official Gazette. No mention of this or a declaration as a problem animal in terms of section 53 of the Ordinance is made in the press release. No statutory provision is mentioned in terms of which the Ministry alleges it was entitled to declare the lion as a problem causing animal and which empowered them to have it hunted for that reason. It seems as if the term “problem causing animal” was coined and used to bypass the mandatory provisions of section 53 of the Ordinance without any legislative provision authorising such term and procedure used in this case. It needs to be understood that without the lion being declared and published as being a problem animal the complementing section 54 of the Ordinance that provides for the hunting of such problem animal finds no application.
  2. Section 54 of the Ordinance reads as follows:

54 Hunting of problem animals​

(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Ordinance contained but subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the owner or lessee of land may-

(a) at any time hunt any problem animal found on such land;

(b) engage or request any other person at any time to hunt, or assist in the hunting of, any problem animal found on such land as long as such problem animal is on such land.

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Ordinance contained, any nature conservator, or any other person authorised or instructed thereto by the Minister, may at any time hunt any problem animal and for that purpose such nature conservator or other person may enter upon any land without the consent of the owner or lessee thereof: Provided that whenever possible notice of such person’s presence on such land shall be given to the occupier thereof or any other person apparently in charge thereof.

  1. As there was no formal and proper declaration and publication of the hunted lion as a problem animal in terms of section 53 of the Ordinance the owner or lessee of the land was not allowed in terms of the Ordinance to hunt the animal while it was on such land or to engage or request any other person at any time to hunt, or assist in the hunting of, any problem animal found on such land as long as such problem animal is on such land. Nor does section 54(2) of the Ordinance find application in this matter.
  2. Furthermore, the Regulations Relating to Nature Conservation issued under the Ordinance in regulation 115 contains specific provisions relating to Trophy Hunting, trophy permits and permit fees. It is issued to professional hunters, master hunting guides or hunting guides who applied for it in writing an area or farm they are authorised for. No permit fees may be charged in respect of problem animals in terms of regulation 115(2) and such permits are not transferable.
  3. In the absence of a publication of the fact that the aforesaid animal was allegedly declared a problem animal as is required it seems highly suspicious that such hunters were aware of such declaration able to apply for such trophy hunting and paid a fee that was not supposed to be charged. The intention of the legislature in the presently applicable laws is clear. A problem animal will be put down with dispatch once declared and published as such and after a proper evaluation and a properly exercised discretion by the Minister.
  4. It is abundantly clear that the hunted lion was not declared a problem animal in terms of section 53 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975 after a proper evaluation clearly required before such declaration can take place. Nor was such declaration published in the official gazette as is required. The Ministry therefore was not entitled to treat the lion that was shot and killed as a problem animal. Nor was it entitled to request a fee to be paid.
  5. I stand convinced that the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has, in this instance, acted ultra vires and therefore request a full criminal investigation for a contravention of section 27(1) of The Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975 for the illegal hunting of protected game. Alternatively Hunting of protected game contrary to the conditions, requirements and restrictions imposed by or under this Ordinance or at the time and location mentioned in such permit. Alternatively, Hunting a Protected Species without a valid Permit in a Protected Area or Park
  6. The persons that whom I believe might have been involved in this illegal hunt or facilitated such illegal hunting are to the best of my knowledge the hunter client of the Hunting Organisation Wild Veld Safaris, Wild Veld Safaris and the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism as represented by Mr Viva Tjivikua of Grootberg MEFT office and all personnel present facilitating this hunt.
The content of this affidavit is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I have no objection to taking the Oath.

I consider the Oath to be binding on my conscience.

Signed at Swakopmund on this …………………………………….day of October 2023.___________________

Izak Schalk Willem Smit
Wildveld's response below:

Urgent Announcement

Date: 01 January 2024
Subject: Closure of WildVeld Safaris Pty Ltd
Distribution: WildVeld Partner Conservancies

As most of you are aware by now, WildVeld Safaris and Mark Misner have been falsely implicated in a MEFT cull hunt that took place in October of this year. Unfounded accusations, leveled by Mr. Isak Smit of the Voluntary Association Desert Lions Human Relations Aid (DeLHRA) through social media, have led to the defamation of our good works and relationships with our partner communities. These misguided and misinformed anti-hunting activists have made it impossible for WVS to continue the funding of our conservation work in the Kunene. It is with great sadness that we have been forced to end our eight-year and multimillion-dollar investment in wildlife conservation for the benefit of our partner Conservancies.

We have made our final monthly conservation payments to our partner communities and will retrench our staff and cease all operations. For those of you who are losing their jobs, we are truly grateful for all of your tireless dedication to wildlife conservation, and we are devastated that we are parting ways. We live in an unfortunate time where negative social media attacks instantly lead to defamation and destruction. Across Africa, uninformed and misguided activists are causing great harm to conservation efforts, and unless we all stand up against them, this will continue.

To this end, we will fight for the truth and restore the reputations of MEFT, the conservancies, and NGOs who are making a difference in Namibia to protect ALL wildlife, as well as Namibia’s rural culture. We pray that in our absence, others will fill the void and preserve the legacy we leave behind.

Please share this information with others. We will be addressing Mr. Smit’s accusations through the courts and through social media. Please direct all interested parties to for our side of the story and updates on our response to and action against Mr. Smit.

Thank you for all that you have done for us, and we pray that this unfortunate event does not deter you from your mission and dedication to wildlife conservation!

We Stand Together,


Mark Misner
WildVeld Safaris Pty Ltd
MEFT response below:



Press Release

(For Immediate Release)

18 October 2023
Editors and Journalists
The Ministry is concerned to note that there are individuals and groups that are keen on discrediting Namibia’s conservation methods as implemented by the Ministry and its stakeholders. Such people continue to spread unfounded rumors aimed at tarnishing the image of our country with reference to our wildlife management and utilization thereof.
Recently, on the 10th October 2023 in the Palmwag area, Kunene Region a male lion, seven or eight years old, was declared as a problem causing animal and destroyed for persistently killing people’s livestock as per the provisions of our laws and policies. This incident is unfortunately being used by animal right groups to spread advocacy and false assumptions about the Ministry and its ability to manage human wildlife conflict.
The lion caught and killed fourteen goats in July this year before it killed a brahman bull in the area of Plamfontein. This lion was collared making it easier for the Ministry and the conservancies to monitor its movement. To this effect, various mitigation measures and interventions were put in place by the Lion Rangers to manage the conflict but to no success. Even with the presence of game in the area, the lion continued to prey on livestock, causing serious concerns to communities and farmers in the area.
The lion was declared as a problem causing animal, and was destroyed through conservation hunting. N$20,000 from the hunt will be deposited in the Game Product Trust Fund to be used for wildlife conservation and human wildlife conflict management. A total of N$300,000 will be paid to the affected communities through Ehirovipuka and Khoadi Hoas Conservancies, to be used for conservation as well as social and economic upliftment of the communities.
Namibia, has subscribed to conservation methods that are tailor-made to address our situations and benefit our people as per the constitutional provision. These methods have been tried and tested with tangible results in the form of wildlife population growth and recoveries. As a result, cases of human wildlife conflict increased with animals like lions, elephants, and crocodiles being the main culprits as people and wildlife continue to compete for resources and space. Our laws and policies are guided by the principles of balancing the needs of conservation and the rights of the people.
Our conservation successes are aided by the fact that community members have accepted to co-exist with dangerous predators and animals that at times cause damages to their properties and in unfortunate events losses of human lives. On the basis of this, we cannot afford to overlook the plight of the farmers to satisfy the emotions of animal right groups. For as much as we value tourism as an economic sector based on the revenue it generates, as a responsible government we will always put the needs of our people first without compromise or failure.
We would like to bring to the attention of the public and the international community that lions occur across the entire north of Namibia and some parts of the country in the central and southern areas. Our estimated lion population in the country is seven hundred and fifty (750) with four hundred and fifty (450) in Etosha National Park, one hundred and twenty (120) in Kunene Region where this incident occurred and parts of the Erongo Region, sixty (60) in the Khaudum National Park and surrounding areas of the Kavango East Region and Otjozodjupa Region, sixty (60) in the Zambezi Region and about sixty (60) is some commercial farms.
The ability by lions to adapt to living in harsh environments such as deserts, is not genetic but through their knowledge of the terrain, high mobility and physical endurance. The lions that are commonly known as desert adopted are the same species of lions that occurs elsewhere in the country and is scientifically known as ‘Panthera leo’. Strictly speaking the concept of desert lions is a marketing gimmick which has been used to imply endangerment or eminent extinction of these lions. These lions are not at risk of extinction at all, in fact, their numbers have increased to the highest level in at least half a century over which aerial surveys were done or credible estimates were made.
Human Wildlife Conflict is a serious problem that if not addressed appropriately, treated with necessary understanding and respect, and managed effectively, has the potential to reverse our conservation and tourism gains for the country. In this regard the Ministry is continuously engaged in finding lasting solutions to this phenomenon.
We call upon all tourists, visitors, and all Namibians, to disregard the advocacy against our country aimed at nothing but discrediting our conservation efforts. Namibia’s conservation of wildlife is sound but by no means without challenges and the Ministry works hard to address them. Tourists should come and experience the beauty of our country from its amazing landscapes, our diverse cultures, to its abundant wildlife and in this case our free roaming lions on communal land, commercial farms, and National Parks.

Issued by:

Romeo Muyunda

Chief Public Relations Officer


Desert Lion news november 2023​

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Trophy hunting of Xpl-107​

The shooting of Xpl-107 was a miscalculated tragedy. DLC has written directly to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to enquire about the declaration of Xpl-107 as a problem animal and the subsequent trophy hunting, and we await their answer. The public outcry and criticism of MEFT, on numerous media platforms, has been excessive and over the top. Members of the public somehow acquired raw data (possibly illegally) from the server hosting lions satellite collar and movement data. (Emphsis mine) They then took it upon themselves to “analyse” and attempted to interpret the data to point out wrongdoings by the Government. It was a narrow-minded attempt that was not only unethical, but flawed in its attempt to interpret behaviour and to reconstruct the events that occured. It is a pity that emotions got the better of individuals that give the impression that they care about wildlife & conservation in Namibia.
Everyone gets their day in court, and we will have ours. We will set the record straight for all to see. We will not allow these false statements go unchallenged.
Looking fwd to it, keep us posted! (y)
The complaint is very thoroughly detailed. Indeed, extraordinarily detailed. The responses are not. They are vague generalizations obviously intended to inflame the hunting community. If the complainant is lying, as the responses claim, what are the lies? The Ministry obviously did not publish the classifying of this lion as a problem in the Gazette as required by law. If it was published, the Ministry could simply cite the volume and page number in its press release. The Ministry's silence implies it cannot provide a citation because there was no listing published. The outfitter clearly sold this lion as a trophy hunt (no one has denied that) which, as I read the regulation cited verbatim by the complainant, is illegal. The Ministry needs to respond to that serious allegation. Instead, its press release throws mud at conservation groups in general and sings praises for its effectiveness in managing problem species. Appears to be a press release that doesn't respond to any of the allegations. Hmmm. If the Ministry is managing resources outside the boundaries of law then it deserves to be criticized. My opinion anyway. Take the heat, accept responsibility, fix it so it doesn't happen again, and move forward. Don't blame the mistakes on zealous watchdogs.
I have hunted some of the conservancies mentioned. As written I don’t agree with this hunt, but I’d question the motives of those who started this complaint. It appears you are trying to make this the next Cecil when it isn’t. I would not know anything about this lion if this thread wasn’t created. It’s not in the major news elsewhere. What I can say is when I hunted these areas. There were two lions designated as problem lions during my hunt. Problem animals in are exportable trophies and they are sold on short notice at a very reduced cost very clearly as problem animals. There was an organization in area called AfriCat monitoring the lions and assisting the community with anti-lion measures. They want no lions on hunting quota at all, problem or pre-planned quota. However, the communities all hate lions in that area. In reality all lions are problem animals where cattle and goats exist. When an animal is designated a problem animal. The community wants the lions sold and killed as soon as possible. There are several conflicting interests. In 2018 when I hunted in the area there were zero lions on trophy quota. Now there appear to me 2 that can actually be marketed for a proper value to justify lions in area. I’ll safely assume the anti-hunting conservation organizations don’t see it this way. I’m not sure problem lions should be issued, but I believe the intent of this complaint is to stop all hunting of lions in the area. Choosing to believe the worst is aiding that intent. The anti’s read our posts here as much as we do. We probably inform them on a lot they aren’t currently aware of as well.
I was just thinking this happen back in November, it has not been in the news. The only people who care are hunters and anti's.

With it being an election year, the primaries coming up and 2 wars, I doubt the news cycle will slow down for this to become news.
Is there a public web site, where problematic animals are identified, and could be checked?
Any link?

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another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.
sierraone wrote on AZDAVE's profile.
Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo
We fitted a new backup generator for the Wildgoose lodge!
one of our hunters had to move his hunt to next year we have an opening first week of September, shoot me a message!