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  1. M

    Ethiopian airlines and guns

    Hi I will be hunting in Zimbabwe end of october Most intresting flights are with Ethiopian. They say that they transport firearms Did Anny of you had Anny expérience with them? Thanks
  2. M

    My two dagga boys

    The first one was shoot at 28 m. 1450 graines arrow with German Kinetic 210 graines blade. Expired in 15 m The second was shoot at 17 m. 980 graines arrow with German Kinetic 210 graines blade Expired in 50 m I used my Carbon Defiant 82#
  3. M

    Leopard and lion set-up

    HI I booked a hunt in Zimbabwe for 2025. Main goal is leopard and lion with bow. For the ones that already bowhunted the two what was your set-up? Did anny of you used a mecanical broadhead? What tubes and what poundage are you using?
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    My favourite all-arround rifle

    My favorite medium caliber Custom Dorleac&Dorleac Technical rifle in 300 weatherby made by my brother Joel Dorleac. The gun that aloud me to shoot Marco Polo at 645m, croc, leopard, red deer, mouflon, tones of plains game… everything was down in less then 20 m Unfortunately it’s my son gun now…...
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    ZIMBABWE: Hunting In Charara With Wayne Grant

    I had a fantastic safari in may in Zimbabwe with my friend Wayne Grant. In 10 days we hunted Buffalo, hippo, leopard and a huge croc. Spot and stalk buff and hippo. Bowth at les then 40m with my trusty 470NE. It was our forth safari and we are already planning Nr 5.
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    Hunting in Savuli

    HI there I booked a hunt for 2025 in Savuli Full bag, lion, leopard, buffalo... Bowhunting for leopard and buffalo. Maybe for lion olso if we can make him feed close. Did anny of you hunted in Savuli? What do you think about the arrea? Animal density?