Recent content by Rare Breed

  1. Rare Breed

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    The bottom line is it’s your hunt and your memories not anyone else’s. If you want to do taxidermy on a Cow then have it mounted with pride with your great story to tell!!!
  2. Rare Breed

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe With Buzz Charlton

    That’s just awesome!!!!!
  3. Rare Breed

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe With Buzz Charlton

    Any how much the tusks weigh? Congratulations!!!
  4. Rare Breed

    Namibia Leopard and Elephant Hunt Taxidermy

  5. Rare Breed

    New Double Rifle Build

  6. Rare Breed

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    So right! Beyond the tusks I am having an ear done with the map and countries within Africa done on it to hang in my office
  7. Rare Breed

    Valuing A Merkel Double Rifle In 2024

    If your rifle is as @Mtn_Infantry suggests I would price at his rifle price which I believe was at my top range price recommendation. As long as I have known @Mtn_Infantry I have never found him to be wrong
  8. Rare Breed

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    While I greatly respect @rookhawk s recommendation of occasional great deals on Holts their sur charges are just ridiculous to me which is why I never use them
  9. Rare Breed

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    My bad lol!!! Liesl accidentally sent me a picture of another one of our members tusks. These latest are mine that I am thrilled with!!! The owner of the first tusks I posted will be posting his report shortly and will be sharing his tusks which is the first picture I mistakenly posted. Please...
  10. Rare Breed

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

  11. Rare Breed

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    I used CEB with great effect!
  12. Rare Breed

    Leopard or elephant in 2025

    Bert The Turtle knows exactly what he is talking about. I am fortunate to be 65 and in awesome shape being able to walk all day. On my April elephant 7 day hunt put in over 100 miles of walking. I have saved my leopard to last…However Lon at Tokoloshe has now got me hooked on elephant hunting!!!
  13. Rare Breed

    Who was looking for Into the Thorns book?

    Dewalt has always been such a help finding books. Many thanks my friend!!! Appreciate you!!!
  14. Rare Breed

    Who was looking for Into the Thorns book?

    As i said arrival of books June 20
  15. Rare Breed

    Hats on safari

    You must be “a brother from another mother” with @Kevin Peacocke a very good friend of mine!!!