Recent content by michael458

  1. michael458

    Semi-Autos and Public Ranges

    @PHOENIX PHIL I suppose it would be poor taste, bad manners, to state how much I love shooting in my Air Conditioned indoor 50 yard range? Whew, sure is nice when its 100 degrees outside, to step out back, shoot in 70 degrees, or even cooler if you want............But, I am not saying...
  2. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    This was discussed in depth here..........
  3. michael458

    Got my first elk hunt this year - Help me pick a cartridge

    That is a great compliment, thank you very much, it is appreciated....... Here is the deal, I don't care if anyone changes bullets or not, there are many great conventionals, I know, I used to use them myself, I have shot a heap of tonnage with Swift A Frames, Barnest TSX, Woodleighs, and...
  4. michael458

    Got my first elk hunt this year - Help me pick a cartridge

    OK, since I have been mentioned, I will tell you a story............... No real comment on the 6.5 and 110 Raptor, the bullet will penetrate, do damage, and get the job done, maybe a little short on caliber, but that is me........ 30/06 with 150 Raptors is dandy, plenty of penetration, will...
  5. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    That is excellent work @Hunting Hitman , and all over close to some work I did with 458 Lott in 2013....EXCEPT, not 500 gr CEBs, but 480 CEB Solids............. 11/15/13 480 #13 Solid 80/AA 2520 Fed 215 2298 2290 8 2294 58096 PSI Your 500/470 Solid/Raptor combo is working exactly...
  6. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I have never seen a case mouth effected like that after being fired? I can't even imagine how that could happen, Higher pressures would IRON that out nice and round......... Too little pressure? Even then....? Did you experience heavy bolt lift, hard extraction, marks on the case, how does...
  7. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I have never cared for H335, what little I have used in other cartridges it just seems a bit volatile to me, but lots of folks love it.......... Use same data in the Barnes book, should be fine......... AA 2230 and X-Terminator are available at Midway...................... AA 2230...
  8. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    I have never in my life had a PH give me "Advice"................ or ever make recommendations to me. And, in fact, I have been asked many many times, by every single PH I ever hunted with, and there have been many, and to a man, they have asked the questions, and I have given the the lecture...
  9. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    HEH HEH............ This is so good, so appropriate............. And not all together wrong, if I were this PH, I would have to consider exactly that rule of thumb, especially based on the "Quality of Hunters" involved. Notice, I said Hunters, not Shooters...... there is one hell of a big...
  10. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    SSDD.......... OMG............... Title....... Solid Bullets for Buffalo? Yes Or No? First line; That is two different thought processes, not the same. You "Experts" can do as you please, you can use slingshots loaded with Woodlieghs if you want..... I don't care. Here is what I have...
  11. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I don't know Tim Sundles, but I 100% Concur with that assessment of the 450s, they are so good, there is no reason at all for a 500 in .458 caliber....... and yes, I not only recommend this for 458 Lott but any other larger capacity 458 caliber........ I have a good friend that has taken his 458...
  12. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Damn, our last post on this thread was with "The Kid".......... shortly after this he was gone....... we never know, live every single day to the fullest guys. :cry:
  13. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Hi Twisted, congrats on your 458 WInchester, it is hard to beat, regardless of what the "So Called" experts might say.......... I addressed this in more detail in your PM to me. Keep in mind, a 450 CEB #13 Solid .458 will do the job required on elephant, hippo, buffalo with ease at 2150 fps, I...
  14. michael458

    .500 Sharps 2.8" Project

    @Rafiki is on a mission, and thus far, I have not been able to persuade him otherwise, I think a bit of a hard head...... LOL...... said with jest and good will of course......... Yes, we have been around the block on this one. Last August a good friend of mine had a Ruger #1 for sale...
  15. michael458

    Which Elephant Rifle and cartridge?

    @Fatback Never count 458 Winchester out of the game. It can do everything you ever need to do, from deer to elephant and all in between, and do it DAMN GOOD as well........... I will always be on standby for you, if you have a project, need a load, suggestion on bullet, or anything that I...