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  1. michael458

    Semi-Autos and Public Ranges

    @PHOENIX PHIL I suppose it would be poor taste, bad manners, to state how much I love shooting in my Air Conditioned indoor 50 yard range? Whew, sure is nice when its 100 degrees outside, to step out back, shoot in 70 degrees, or even cooler if you want............But, I am not saying...
  2. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    This was discussed in depth here..........
  3. michael458

    Got my first elk hunt this year - Help me pick a cartridge

    That is a great compliment, thank you very much, it is appreciated....... Here is the deal, I don't care if anyone changes bullets or not, there are many great conventionals, I know, I used to use them myself, I have shot a heap of tonnage with Swift A Frames, Barnest TSX, Woodleighs, and...
  4. michael458

    Got my first elk hunt this year - Help me pick a cartridge

    OK, since I have been mentioned, I will tell you a story............... No real comment on the 6.5 and 110 Raptor, the bullet will penetrate, do damage, and get the job done, maybe a little short on caliber, but that is me........ 30/06 with 150 Raptors is dandy, plenty of penetration, will...
  5. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    That is excellent work @Hunting Hitman , and all over close to some work I did with 458 Lott in 2013....EXCEPT, not 500 gr CEBs, but 480 CEB Solids............. 11/15/13 480 #13 Solid 80/AA 2520 Fed 215 2298 2290 8 2294 58096 PSI Your 500/470 Solid/Raptor combo is working exactly...
  6. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I have never seen a case mouth effected like that after being fired? I can't even imagine how that could happen, Higher pressures would IRON that out nice and round......... Too little pressure? Even then....? Did you experience heavy bolt lift, hard extraction, marks on the case, how does...
  7. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I have never cared for H335, what little I have used in other cartridges it just seems a bit volatile to me, but lots of folks love it.......... Use same data in the Barnes book, should be fine......... AA 2230 and X-Terminator are available at Midway...................... AA 2230...
  8. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    I have never in my life had a PH give me "Advice"................ or ever make recommendations to me. And, in fact, I have been asked many many times, by every single PH I ever hunted with, and there have been many, and to a man, they have asked the questions, and I have given the the lecture...
  9. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    HEH HEH............ This is so good, so appropriate............. And not all together wrong, if I were this PH, I would have to consider exactly that rule of thumb, especially based on the "Quality of Hunters" involved. Notice, I said Hunters, not Shooters...... there is one hell of a big...
  10. michael458

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    SSDD.......... OMG............... Title....... Solid Bullets for Buffalo? Yes Or No? First line; That is two different thought processes, not the same. You "Experts" can do as you please, you can use slingshots loaded with Woodlieghs if you want..... I don't care. Here is what I have...
  11. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    I don't know Tim Sundles, but I 100% Concur with that assessment of the 450s, they are so good, there is no reason at all for a 500 in .458 caliber....... and yes, I not only recommend this for 458 Lott but any other larger capacity 458 caliber........ I have a good friend that has taken his 458...
  12. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Damn, our last post on this thread was with "The Kid".......... shortly after this he was gone....... we never know, live every single day to the fullest guys. :cry:
  13. michael458

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Hi Twisted, congrats on your 458 WInchester, it is hard to beat, regardless of what the "So Called" experts might say.......... I addressed this in more detail in your PM to me. Keep in mind, a 450 CEB #13 Solid .458 will do the job required on elephant, hippo, buffalo with ease at 2150 fps, I...
  14. michael458

    .500 Sharps 2.8" Project

    @Rafiki is on a mission, and thus far, I have not been able to persuade him otherwise, I think a bit of a hard head...... LOL...... said with jest and good will of course......... Yes, we have been around the block on this one. Last August a good friend of mine had a Ruger #1 for sale...
  15. michael458

    Which Elephant Rifle and cartridge?

    @Fatback Never count 458 Winchester out of the game. It can do everything you ever need to do, from deer to elephant and all in between, and do it DAMN GOOD as well........... I will always be on standby for you, if you have a project, need a load, suggestion on bullet, or anything that I...
  16. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    So I have been told for years........ but seems I just never get to it, if I ever do, I will send you a copy for free...... LOL....... Hell I will even sign it like I was somebody....... HEH HEH........ Nahhh..... nobody, just a shooter/hunter like the rest of us........ I have so many little...
  17. michael458

    Which Elephant Rifle and cartridge?

    Yes, I honestly just can't see the Custom Shop making these, I believe it is my pal's rifle without much doubt, 99.9%.......... Ok, Stainless Left hand the plastic stock, and above all the muzzle brake? No, I don't think so. I have never known the Custom Shop to have a gun with a muzzle...
  18. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    HEH......... OK then............ Off we go, one more time............. In 2006 I was working close with JD to get some decent .500 caliber bullets, and JD was working with Fricke from Lehigh, this was early Lehigh, and JD was guiding everything going on there, without his ideas and thoughts...
  19. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Yeah, in .500 caliber for the Super Shorts, you are right, OMG.......:oops:....... You had to point that out didn't you, I will never look at those bullets the same again......... Right, why could I not just made them 369, or something, just not 37 anything........... Thanks a lot pal....... you...
  20. michael458

    Which Elephant Rifle and cartridge?

    @Fatback Thank you so much for the details that you have on the rifle. This morning I have pretty much convinced myself that has to be his rifle, I can't see the Custom Shop just making very many LH Stainless 458 Winchesters, and with a Brake installed..... Maybe LH, on occasion, but not with...
  21. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    @C.W. Richter I have absolutely NOTHING for sell, and not in any business related to firearms, bullets, or anything else, I receive no money for any test work, load data, pressure work or cartridge design, or anything else I might help someone with. ZERO....... Nothing at all............I...
  22. michael458

    Which Elephant Rifle and cartridge?

    @Fatback ...... I apologize for being a little curious about this left hand 458 Winchester of yours, you see, my late hunting partner/friend from Dayton Ohio had a rifle EXACTLY like the one you are showing. Same muzzle brake, sights, everything. He and I bought two guns at Winchester Custom...
  23. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    I hope your blow up bullets don't hit heavy bone on a lion and you do not get any penetration into vitals.................. Oh, lions are cats, they are thin skinned, use a blow up bullet that can't penetrate.......... One of the only 400 gr Swift A Frames I have recovered, and the most mangled...
  24. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    In this thread we have talked about Raptors, Generation II, and we have spoken about Maximus, Hammer and Lehigh Copper CNC Generation I bullets, as I call them anyway, hopefully now, if you read these posts, you will have an understanding of what they do, why, and how they perform Terminally...
  25. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    These expanding solid copper bullets are like the North Fork Expanding CPS that John and I worked on..... they are in a special category all to their own....... Would anyone like to take a look at these? And some other "Super Bullets"...........????
  26. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    No, I shot my lions before there was such a thing, I shot 3 lions all with 400 Swift A Frame 458 Winchester at 2325 fps, 24 years ago, leopard was a long time as well with 416 Remington 340 Woodliegh at 2500 fps or so.......... But, if I were leaving today I would be be taking Raptors, Wicked...
  27. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    I only deal with two calibers at .308 and below, 223, and use the 50 Raptor for my loads. 308 caliber I have 300 BLK, 30/30, 7.62X40, 308 Winchester and 300 Winchester, I use exclusively 100 FB Raptors in those guns...... I have had a couple of friends and one of my sons use the 50 Raptor in...
  28. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Weight equal Pressure....... Develop your load for the 500 Solid first........ Then you can use exact Same Load for the 470 Raptor, they should be in the same hole at 50 yards....... They are the same bullet in bearing surface and length...... Since there is some less weight, there will also be...
  29. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    The blades shear at 1.5 or so inches of penetration, and of course if the bullet contacts heavy bone even before shear, the blades will shear anyway, that remaining solid crunches and munches bone to pieces, it busts bone up like a big hammer and keeps on going. Make no mistake, its not just a...
  30. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Yes, it was a sight no joke. It was explosive, there was no brain in the cavity, it was completely gone, and the jaw was even broken as well, it is an mini grenade type action when those blades shear all at once. The next year I shot a hippo in the brain with a 458 B&M 458 caliber 250 gr...
  31. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    It was 2010 when I started working with Dan at CEB to get a better solid, this work was intensive and time consuming as well, we were shooting and testing bullets each week for nearly a year to get it right. Immediately after the Solids we went to work on the matching Raptors, this consumed all...
  32. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Maybe its time to talk about Generation I Copper HP Bullets........... In the beginning, 2006-2007 I was working with Lehigh, big copper Hollow Points.......... Today, the best examples of Generation I bullets are CEB Maximus and the Hammer Bullets....... both of these are superb, they are far...
  33. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    How many times have we heard some folks say, we no longer needed solids for buffalo? Our Trauma inflicting bullets, Premium softs and so forth were so good today, solids were no longer needed? Well in 2011 I got to thinking about that, and yes, this 460 Raptor I was using in 500 MDM was...
  34. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Always, thank you, but this afternoon my time is limited so I will only be able to make a few, short points......... but in the morning we will dive in head first if you like.... Actually that is an Entrance, I shot top of the head as he raised up to latch on the bait...... kinda a snap...
  35. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    More Raptor Stuff............... I was heavily invested in .500 caliber because of the various B&M cartridges, I had to have serious .500 caliber bullets to accomplish my mission with the B&Ms, so the very first Raptors were of course .500 Caliber. The mighty CEB Solid in .500 was 500 gr...
  36. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Thank you, however I am just a shooter/hunter, just like everyone else here, I just happen to get serious about bullet tech, and I don't trust others to tell me what I need to know. And its not always because they might be hiding facts, its also because they don't know the facts. Indeed, I...
  37. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Ok, lets dive in and see if we can help........... No, not saying anything, other than the remaining solid which is similar to a broken beer bottle full wadcutter bullet, continues to penetrate dead straight, when it exits, it also cuts a full wadcutter type hole in the tissue, and the hide...
  38. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Blades......... can be found in the medium from 5-8 inches for most of the big bores 458+......... Wrong....... The damage done by a Raptor far far far exceeds any and all conventional premium expanding, you have to see it to believe it........... And I have. Along with many others...
  39. michael458

    Article on heavier vs lighter for caliber bullet penetration

    Good Morning Phil......... Correct, Raptors do not like to hit brush, sticks or similar at all. BTW, there are very few bullets that do not have an adverse reaction to hitting brush, most do have some negative effect. But fact is, if a Raptor or other similar bullet like the Gen 1 CNC...
  40. michael458

    Let's Talk About The 458 B&M

    That is quite a find Daniel......... For anyone that wants a 458 B&M this is a very nice gun, and a damn good price as well. I don't know this gun personally, but I know what it cost or close what it cost as it is. Basic M70 Stainless would have cost no less than $750 at a good deal in any...
  41. michael458

    210gr Copper Solid 300 Win Mag?

    Now, if you look at all these, or at least most of these Copper Solids there is distortion and deformation in the nose, you can see a change in overall bullet length as well. While I was putting these together, I also took measurements of the FIRED and recovered bullets just to see how much they...
  42. michael458

    210gr Copper Solid 300 Win Mag?

    CEB Solid Tests with 300 Winchester
  43. michael458

    210gr Copper Solid 300 Win Mag?

    CEB Solid Tests with 308 Winchester................
  44. michael458

    210gr Copper Solid 300 Win Mag?

    I was asked by CEB to evaluate these new .308 Copper Bullets in which we put them through a very thorough test late February...... To end any speculation or further conversation on this subject, I too very very much prefer BRASS for the solids, and that was my recommendation at the end of my...
  45. michael458

    577/500 No. 2 Express

    Considering .510 caliber and 1600-1700 fps I don't care much for the Raptors at that velocity, in .510 caliber CEB Makes a 350 Lever Raptor, I requested for 51 Alaskan lever guns, and it has a matching 400 gr CEB Lever SOLID....... at these lower velocities, I would go with the Solid to ensure...
  46. michael458

    Would a 450 grain .458 Win Mag be a perfectly acceptable standard for elephant?

    Someone stated that shooting elephant brain shots that just any solid would do! That is a statement made from ignorance, and is simply NOT TRUE. Fact of the matter is, All Solids Are Not Created Equal. The Factors of Terminal Solid Penetration is a multi year study, with 1000s on top of...
  47. michael458

    458 win mag 250gr Hornady mono flex H4895 load data

    Correct on all counts............ H4895 is too slow for light bullets in 458 Winchester. H4198 is the best, followed by RL 7 and IMR 4198. This is 458 Winchester Data I did in 2013 and 2022 with the 250 CEB Socom Raptor. Keep in mind, 2013 data was done with 24 inch barrel, 2022 data done...
  48. michael458

    Would a 450 grain .458 Win Mag be a perfectly acceptable standard for elephant?

    And once again................. There are 8 Absolute Known Factors for Solid Penetration and are as follows in Order of Importance..... #1 Meplat Percentage of Caliber Meplats that attain 65% Meplat of Caliber are terminally stable.... Above 70% Meplat bullets remain stable, however depth of...
  49. michael458

    Safari Raptor by Cutting Edge bullets for .500 Nitro Express

    Indeed it can get a little scary........... Be weary of all the RL Powders. Not saying they are bad, because they are not, I use a lot of RL Powders for some of my top best loads, however, you have to know how to handle them, and there can be differences from keg to keg, can to can in them...
  50. michael458

    Safari Raptor by Cutting Edge bullets for .500 Nitro Express

    While I try and put some other data together, I will post this for you. Here we did some case measurements at different pressure levels, this gives you a guide with your own loads, by measuring the amount of case expansion at the given point from a full length sized and fired case, to after...