Recent content by bowjijohn

  1. bowjijohn


    Meanwhile That pillock in the Kremlin keeps threatening the UK with fire and brimstone Reminds me of Sadam
  2. bowjijohn

    Those are hard times I liked your summary- especially coming from a technical investigation I...

    Those are hard times I liked your summary- especially coming from a technical investigation I find it hard to revisit some of those memories
  3. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    We worked alongside the RAR Those are the black guys in the picks They were instrumental in giving the RLI its motto and its rep Pugnamus amos Leo “They fight like lions” The RAR were elite in every sense of the concept We were kids fighting for our way of life Fire force was an...
  4. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    I like your write up - you have touched upon a scintilla of Rhodesia at that time However - I don’t think any of us thought about the tools of our trade other than that they worked It was a unique time - in history- and in my adolescence I don’t easily remember what went on - I don’t wish to...
  5. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    My recollection is poor as I was merely a 17 year old going in and served a mere 18 months first in 4 Indep then RLI (76 to 78) Troop weapons were FN FAL, SLR and the MAG (a squad machine gun like the GPMG) Occasionally a browning 9mm I saw the occasional pump shotgun - none in my troupe...
  6. bowjijohn


    He has also … and it takes some doing… Made Russia subservient to a culture with which it shares nothing in common
  7. bowjijohn


    Battlefield has changed for ever As has your average soldier, sailor and airman
  8. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Yup I’m 66 He … isn’t .22LR is a fickle mistress and very unforgiving of poor form I’m regularly beaten by my students Although I keep telling em - out shoot me and you can’t come back They don’t listen !!!
  9. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Well Today I put our Black Dot of Doom scenario to the test 100m 1” black dot One shot, cold bore Off sticks .22LR Cz 452 I missed by 2.5” A young student attending today, never having shot off sticks before, nailed it ! I’m Gonna take up knitting J
  10. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Entirely doable But you must know your equipment and your trade thoroughly Tomorrow we will run this black dot of doom (again) with my students Off sticks/ 100m / .22LR with a Cz 452 Much good fortune required with a .22LR - however, to get even close, requires a good grasp of the...
  11. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Here in the UK we’ve had fun with what is known as the Black dot of doom You rock up somewhere on your shooting land Walk out 100m and place a sheet of paper with a 1” black dot on it You get one shot to try and hit the dot No warm ups No sighting in Just a cold bore shot off your sticks...
  12. bowjijohn


    No longer a partnership of equals That’s what I read in the body language of their meeting Let not the NATO countries fall so low
  13. bowjijohn


    Brilliant J
  14. bowjijohn


    Curiouser and curiouser Said the Mad Hatter ....