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  1. bowjijohn


    Meanwhile That pillock in the Kremlin keeps threatening the UK with fire and brimstone Reminds me of Sadam
  2. bowjijohn

    Those are hard times I liked your summary- especially coming from a technical investigation I...

    Those are hard times I liked your summary- especially coming from a technical investigation I find it hard to revisit some of those memories
  3. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    We worked alongside the RAR Those are the black guys in the picks They were instrumental in giving the RLI its motto and its rep Pugnamus amos Leo “They fight like lions” The RAR were elite in every sense of the concept We were kids fighting for our way of life Fire force was an...
  4. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    I like your write up - you have touched upon a scintilla of Rhodesia at that time However - I don’t think any of us thought about the tools of our trade other than that they worked It was a unique time - in history- and in my adolescence I don’t easily remember what went on - I don’t wish to...
  5. bowjijohn

    The saga of the Rhodesian Shotgun

    My recollection is poor as I was merely a 17 year old going in and served a mere 18 months first in 4 Indep then RLI (76 to 78) Troop weapons were FN FAL, SLR and the MAG (a squad machine gun like the GPMG) Occasionally a browning 9mm I saw the occasional pump shotgun - none in my troupe...
  6. bowjijohn


    He has also … and it takes some doing… Made Russia subservient to a culture with which it shares nothing in common
  7. bowjijohn


    Battlefield has changed for ever As has your average soldier, sailor and airman
  8. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Yup I’m 66 He … isn’t .22LR is a fickle mistress and very unforgiving of poor form I’m regularly beaten by my students Although I keep telling em - out shoot me and you can’t come back They don’t listen !!!
  9. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Well Today I put our Black Dot of Doom scenario to the test 100m 1” black dot One shot, cold bore Off sticks .22LR Cz 452 I missed by 2.5” A young student attending today, never having shot off sticks before, nailed it ! I’m Gonna take up knitting J
  10. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Entirely doable But you must know your equipment and your trade thoroughly Tomorrow we will run this black dot of doom (again) with my students Off sticks/ 100m / .22LR with a Cz 452 Much good fortune required with a .22LR - however, to get even close, requires a good grasp of the...
  11. bowjijohn

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Here in the UK we’ve had fun with what is known as the Black dot of doom You rock up somewhere on your shooting land Walk out 100m and place a sheet of paper with a 1” black dot on it You get one shot to try and hit the dot No warm ups No sighting in Just a cold bore shot off your sticks...
  12. bowjijohn


    No longer a partnership of equals That’s what I read in the body language of their meeting Let not the NATO countries fall so low
  13. bowjijohn


    Brilliant J
  14. bowjijohn


    Curiouser and curiouser Said the Mad Hatter ....
  15. bowjijohn


    Putin once said something like “A world without Russia is not a world worth existing “ Although I’ve put the above in parentheses- it is no more than a vague attempt to remember what he actually said What, I believe, he actually meant was … a world without Putin … I do believe that he would...
  16. bowjijohn

    Talk me into Blaser R8

    I can’t - and never have - been able to top load any R8 calibre Despite assurances that it can be done and videos to prove it Two trigger groups was my solution
  17. bowjijohn


    My wife and I have just returned from a pub lunch Not cheap but, though the food was OK - the service was an example of an utter lack of human empathy - so common in modern life We have lost human interaction - everyone hiding behind a screen of electronic sub sets and protocols My wife was...
  18. bowjijohn


    I'm curious as to just how much of this bullshit the British public is prepared to tolerate
  19. bowjijohn


    I think the Israeli response was the equivalent of coming into your study and finding a note pinned to your desk with a dagger The note doesn’t have to say much The symbolism says it all
  20. bowjijohn

    What problems have you encountered with your Blaser R8?

    I have an endless list of problems with the R8 I know this because these problems are regular featured by those who have yet to touch one ....
  21. bowjijohn


    Interesting that so many ballistic missiles got through I initially thought that Israel was rubbing their nose in it by demonstrating that 300 Iranian missiles couldn’t get through but one Israeli missile can be planted where ever they like A strong message if true Serves to keep...
  22. bowjijohn


    Yes But we have to analyse the previous moves in order to better predict the next Not that I know anything
  23. bowjijohn


    Initially I thought @Red Leg ’s early analysis to be (as usual) spot on However 170 drones 30 cruise missiles 120 ballistic missiles Does not - a symbolic gesture’ make Red leg once again was spot on with his revised brief Iran hopes for a draw (the Arab way) However I fear that Israel has...
  24. bowjijohn


    I guess I did know the surname Is he is another one of those pretty boy 'fake Irish' blokes from the family of the same?? I jest of course - but only a little
  25. bowjijohn


    I don't know who that nutter is on the video - but I lasted 20 seconds
  26. bowjijohn


    EU talking with NATO about a possible 100 billion Euro military package over 5 years for Ukraine If it ever happens it could be a real positive A. It could prevent Trump from one of his famous ''I know it all'' geopolitical ''deals'' b. EU would be starting to accept it's obligations for its...
  27. bowjijohn


    I’ve no idea what lies behind this accident I do however, have some sympathy as I did something similar at Jupiter Inlet in Florida as a delivery captain Makes a good tale around the dinner table but not so funny at the time
  28. bowjijohn


    The BBC can be (just about) trusted so long as politics is not involved I, and many here in the UK, will not look to them for honest, unbiased, news reporting
  29. bowjijohn


    I can’t help but feel that the US is turning its back on a natural ally in the hope of not upsetting temporary allies
  30. bowjijohn


    …and whilst he deliberately looks in the wrong direction it can’t be beyond the intellect of ISIS planners to exploit the situation and continue to push their advantage
  31. bowjijohn

    Blaser R8 in 458 Lott

    I realise that this is not 458 but the red dot is spot on I interchange it with the swaro 1-6x24 EE
  32. bowjijohn

    US sanctions Zimbabwe president Emmerson Mnangagwa over human rights abuses

    The US and The UK - together with Mr Flower (a CIA stooge) will not be forgiven
  33. bowjijohn


    They are brilliant ! … and I hate kids
  34. bowjijohn


    I work 5 days a week with children who present with all these labels It is difficult to understand the origins of their ‘conditions’ Usually they get to me after having been removed from mainstream school and can’t easily cope in schools for children with ''special educational needs'' I’ve...
  35. bowjijohn


    Germany has been embarrassed Mixture of poor leadership playing to an out of date anti military culture Or German politics riddled with those who are not batting for the West Or Mischievous miss-information My penny goes to Russian sympathy and short term concern for electoral success...
  36. bowjijohn

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    My wife sent her rolex in 2 years ago for a basic service and adjustment to the strap Cost was approx $1200 I was quoted $2000 to $2200 So ain't cheap I too was urged not to change anything - including the strap Just have it mended/serviced
  37. bowjijohn

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    Mine Clasp stopped locking into place over time Put it aside meaning to have it adjusted Has been in the bedroom draw for last 18 years Don’t wear a watch now and haven’t done since putting it aside
  38. bowjijohn


    Meanwhile… The Royal Navy have invested in a new strategic weapon system The boomerang Polaris missile Russia must be pissing themselves
  39. bowjijohn


    Anyone remember the device, sold and used widely in Iraq I believe, that could detect IEDs? Made and sold by a UK con man
  40. bowjijohn


    Is there a journalistic equiv of chamberlain? Perhaps a new award The sycophant cup ?
  41. bowjijohn

    Ben Foggle Survival Of The Species

    I watched Ben Fogle evolve as a TV creature He is not much loved in the UK However I can't help but warm to him I don't agree with all his values, but I can respect him - an understated, resilient character (very different from the Hollywood image of the tough guy) determined to find the...
  42. bowjijohn


    Ha! Fair one Calling me a European? Now that’s a bit below the belt
  43. bowjijohn


    You miss the point Only you guys hold the solution My post is one of concern not disapproval One lesson sticks with me on the staff course at Greenwich The bigger the military- the slower to adapt. Naïve you may be Stupid you ain’t We - the west - can’t afford smart arse ism You might...
  44. bowjijohn


    It is never pleasant to speak truth to power but .. For goodness sakes Learn to read the room beyond your boundaries The world is changing- fast !
  45. bowjijohn


    As an onlooker With zero interest in voting in the US elections (though I hold a U.S. passport thanks to a previous marriage) With an ‘ interest’ in international affairs I’d rather the dems over Trump You Americans are perceived, rightly or wrongly’ as an over privileged and utterly naive...
  46. bowjijohn


    Tabacs to sell ammo ? Vive la France
  47. bowjijohn


    Who remembers the Johnny Seven? I has one in Toefield, Alberta when my dad took a 1 year locum at their hospital Alberta winter was a ‘surprise’ for a lad from Rhodesia
  48. bowjijohn


    The dafter you are, the easier the solution (to any problem) We have just as many twits over here in the west
  49. bowjijohn


    I have this on a frame entitled ''Mugabe - what a B(w)anker''