Zimbabwe Political Update


AH ambassador
Oct 8, 2015
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Guys, I just received a news report on Zim that indicates things might be getting a little dicey. I don’t really trust what I hear in the news and am wondering if our friends on the ground can provide some first hand knowledge. Bottom line, we are planning to hunt there in August, flying in to Harare and driving six hours to the hunting area. I’ve been in a dozen or so countries across West, East and Southern Africa and so know generally what I’m up to. However, I don’t want to do anything inordinately stupid!
I have not heard anything new.
Check on EWN or News24 they would be some of the firts with new info.

Have a couple of Zim guys working for me and they say it’s quite for now. Says everyone staying indoors for most part.
PH John Sharp lives in Bulawayo and will be at the AH dinner. Can get some first hand info from him. In general though, Bulawayo is a much more laid back place than Harre.

US State Dept travel advisory page has a number of new (Jan 15, 2019) advisories:


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August is a LONG ways off.... Good or bad...
August is a LONG ways off.... Good or bad...

Yeah....things could get better, then worse at least a dozen times by then.

It sure would be a shame to have added, on top of all the current suffering, a turning off of the tap of tourist dollars that should start flowing in with the start of the 2019 safari season.
Yeah....things could get better, then worse at least a dozen times by then.

It sure would be a shame to have added, on top of all the current suffering, a turning off of the tap of tourist dollars that should start flowing in with the start of the 2019 safari season.

Exactly! Those poor people have suffered for years under foolish leadership that has brought the country nothing misery. They need cash anyway they can get it.
You have to wonder what those guys are thinking when they make these surprise announcements.
Could you imagine if they put a 150% tax on gas in the USA? :A Blowup:

A letter from Zimbabwe where the country is in total shutdown.

16 January 2018.

We are now in our third day of complete shutdown throughout the whole of Zimbabwe. Banks are closed, schools are closed, roads are closed in and out of the main towns and transport systems have shut down.

There are no newspapers to be bought, the Internet has been shut down by the government and everything is at a complete standstill.

People are too afraid to move around as a result of the burning of vehicles by vigilante groups and the complete dearth of any updated information or warnings due to the total social media blackout. This means that no WhatsApp messages or photos can be sent, no one can access Facebook or Messenger, and the situation is very tense.

In some centres it almost feels apocalyptic. We have heard gunfire, and before the Internet was closed down, saw pictures of dead and wounded people. It is unclear how many people have died but before the media blackout, it was reported that there had been five deaths and more than 200 people had been arbitrarily arrested.

Elements of the police and military are also involved in ensuring that there is a complete shutdown. People in civilian dress armed with AK-47 rifles have been seen in some areas. It is clear that these are military personnel.

Amnesty International has condemned the military crackdown and has called on the Zimbabwean authorities to ensure restraint by security forces and respect the public’s right to protest.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights reported prior to the blackout that they had received reports of soldiers and police breaking into homes in townships overnight and assaulting suspected demonstrators.

Contacts in the diplomatic corps and the political opposition are also completely in the dark, along with the rest of us.

This morning I spoke to Nelson Chamisa, leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance, and it is clear that no one knows what is going on because the entire country has been effectively silenced.

I have also spoken to lawyers regarding the arrest once again of Pastor Evan Mawarire who inadvertently triggered the highly successful #ThisFlag social media protest action in April 2016 because he could no longer afford to pay school fees. This led to his arrest on trumped up charges and his high profile court case. Since then, his activities have been under constant surveillance.

Police officers arrive at his flat this morning in central Harare and took him to the Law and Order section, charging him under a false charge of incitement to commit public violence.

The crisis was precipitated on Sunday (January 13) by President Emmerson Mnangagwa when he announced a shock increase of 200 percent in the fuel price – this in a country with more than 90 percent unemployment and where the struggle to survive escalates daily. Mr Mnangagwa promptly left the country for Russia and has not returned. Reports say that he has gone there to “discuss Russian assistance to modernise the military”.

Right now the situation remains eerie and uncertain. If this goes on for much longer, the humanitarian crisis will escalate. We cannot buy food because the shops are all closed and transport systems have closed down. Most of the hospitals are without essential medicines and also staff because doctors and nurses can’t even get to work.

This is an unprecedented situation in Zimbabwe and internationally. Even in wartime Europe, the people could get newspapers, transport systems operated, retail outlets were still open and people could communicate.

I cannot send you an e-mail or a photograph – it is a very weird situation.

The only thing we can do at this point is to ask for your prayers as we face this time of escalating fear and uncertainty.

Ben Freeth

Executive Director

Mike Campbell Foundation

Harare, Zimbabwe
Maybe I should cancel my buffalo hunt...
Absolutely horrifying! It's incredible how fragile freedom is. I pray for the people of Zimbabwe.
I’m going to wait and see how things develop.
Jan 17, 2019
Zimbabwe's paranoid government Wednesday restored the internet but kept social media sites blocked as tensions remained high in a country that has seen violent protests past three days.

This was revealed in messages sent to subscribers by mobile telecoms provider, Econet Thursday, following three days of internet blackout at government's directive.

"Dear valued customer, Please be advised that the internet is back online under a directive that the Facebook, YouTube, Whats App, Twitter will remain closed until further notice. Any inconvenience is sincerely regretted," said the mobile service provider.

This follows violent protests over government's unpopular Saturday announcement prices of fuel have risen to more than double.

The fuel situation provided spark to an already volatile situation that has seen prices of goods and services spike.

Protests witnessed since Monday saw three people who include a police officer killed, while 600 were arrested for taking part in the most violent public unrest since the 1998 food riots.

Help me out here guys. Crude oil is basically in the tank and yet they raised the prices on fuel? How does that work? Does the government own all the fuel stations? No free market in vehicle fuel?
There’s no forex to pay for imports so the increase is to dampen demand for a scarce resource - I.e. dollars. Nothing to do with oil or fuel.
There’s no forex to pay for imports so the increase is to dampen demand for a scarce resource - I.e. dollars. Nothing to do with oil or fuel.
Gotcha. Trying to control the free market, sheesh, that has really worked well in the past. SMH
Difficult to blame this on "colonialism" or "white privilege". Zimbos may have to own responsibility for a change. Hoping for the best for friends there...................FWB
Bad situation for sure. Just spoke with an outfitter that's in the USA right now. He cant get in contact with anyone in Zim and won't be offering any hunts there right now due to the uncertainty and price spikes.

Hopefully this gets sorted soon. Timing couldn't be worse from a hunting outfitter's perspective.

Let's pray for the poor people on the ground coping with this crisis.

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.