Zambia seems to be following Botswana

Jun 2, 2012
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Well it would seem that Zambia has been overrun by the photographic safaris movement. Tenders for the 19 govt concessions are not going out and it seems likely that a ban of 5 years (2013 to 2018) will be in effect. I will be interested to see how this transpires.

Masebo hailed on safari hunting ban

THE cancellation of safari hunting concessions from the period 2013 to 2018 by Government has been welcomed by a cross-section of Zambians.

A renowned Lusaka businessman Ishmail Kankhara told the Daily Mail yesterday that the minister's move is right.

"I'm not a hunter but I'm passionate about our country's wildlife and that is why I felt I should speak out. I'm really over the moon [happy] over this ban," Mr Kankhara said with a beam.

Mr Kankhara, who has a fleet of buses in Lusaka, said Government must in fact completely ban hunting and instead encourage photographic safari.

"Ms Masebo needs the support of all Zambians that wish to preserve these animals for future generations. Our animals are depleted," he said.

On Sunday, the Minister of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo announced the cancellation and nullification of the whole tender for the granting of the advertised 19 licences, citing corruption.

Ms Masebo also dropped Zambia Wild Life Authority (ZAWA) director-general Edwin Matokwani and four other top officials on allegations of corruption.

Mr Kankhara said when he was growing up in Eastern Province, seeing a rhino was not an issue but now the animal is almost extinct.

He said Ms Masebo has made a bold step that will secure Zambia's wildlife.

Mr Kankhara said if Government bans hunting completely, donors will have confidence and pump in money in the wildlife sector.

He said most safari hunters do it for sport at the expense of Zambia's wildlife.
Mr Kankhara argued that photographic hunting will actually bring in more revenue for the country as opposed to safari hunting.

"When we preserve our animals, we will be able to create more jobs and our grandchildren will live to see real animals," Mr Kankhara said.

And another conservationist, James Chungu, commended Ms Masebo for the move she took on ZAWA and hunting concessions.

Mr Chungu, who runs Lusenga Trust, said he is encouraged by the action taken by the minister and urged her to keep a close eye on ZAWA and ensure that all existing national parks have the necessary funding to safeguard wildlife.

Mr Chungu said the top ZAWA officials who were dropped were given enough guidance on how to proceed in their selection of prospective safari hunters but allegedly did not take Government seriously.

"These ZAWA officials who were fired have themselves to blame for failing to follow laid down procedures," Mr Chungu said.

Mr Chungu said the minister's decision will help re-focus the wildlife sector in line with the PF manifesto which emphasises that local people benefit.

On Sunday, Ms Masebo said: "When one critically analyses the suggested results of tender evaluation process, you will note that it has significant potential to promote money-laundering and as a responsible Government, we shall guard against any activities that could sabotage our economy".

Masebo hailed on safari hunting ban

This is terrible news!
i have just spoken to a friend in zambia who is an operator, and he said he thinks that people there have misinterpreted the minister saying she has cancelled the tender and new leases, for her banning hunting. he said she has been in touch with the old lease holders asking for ideas on a way forward, and she knows that people in the hunting areas depend on the hunting companies for income and assistance. so lets hope it can be worked out soon. he said that there were all sorts of rumours doing the rounds.
one of the problems was that one family got i think 6 areas alone.......
i had read that there was some insider appointments on the concessions there fore the cancellations of the concessions permitting.

And that the process was being looked at and additional information would be coming out soon.

Thanks spike
I think Spike has nailed it. I don't think this means hunting in Zambia is cancelled...merely the process of giving out areas will be upgraded/changed.
I guess over the years, I have seen many delays on how concessions are allocated. The process is not straight and fact it usually can be messy at times!
Just heard that the Minister fired the whole ZAWA Board and is banning all hunting in Zambia for at least a year.........
I also heard that the Zambian PH's at the Dallas Safari Club convention were informed yesterday of this ban with the potential of it extending to 2018.

Just heard that the Minister fired the whole ZAWA Board and is banning all hunting in Zambia for at least a year.........
Ugh. I sincerely hope this is incorrect.
Just heard that the Minister fired the whole ZAWA Board and is banning all hunting in Zambia for at least a year.........

just phoned my mate and he confirmed that they have said they are banning hunting for at least a year. the operators are having meetings with the minister and putting proposals to her to try and come up with a way forward, but the sensible option is not the route usually taken . the problem with no hunting is that the poaching will be rampant and the areas will suffer badly. zawa is usually either broke or on the verge of it most of the time and hunting is their major source of revenue. so catch22 no income = scouts not being paid (which doesnt happen regularly anyway), and so even less anti poaching than happens now......
Yes, whenever hunting is shut down and the anti-poaching patrol stops....guess what guessed it right....POACHING increases! Probably more game will be taken by poaching than hunting...only thing missing is all the money that could have been generated by sensible wildlife conservation.
Well doesn't that make perfect sense,,,, take away a source of income for an already thriving and wealthy village,,,, PERFECT SENSE!!!!
I wish I knew more about exactly why these changes have been proposed - as well as the upcoming ban on hunting in Botswana. I am an American, so my knowledge of how these countries manage their wildlife is pretty poor. But as a wildlife biologist and hunter, I can't understand how anyone can think that disallowing hunting is a smart move? Not to mention all the other reasons why I think hunting is important, it can be a very effective, revenue generating way to manage wildlife populations. And even though Africa has a wider variety and number of predators and scavengers than many other areas of the world, surely there is always SOME need to cull animals in ANY population? Why not let a hunter willing to pay for the experience and opportunity do the job? I enjoy observing nature and taking photos as well, but I'm not naive enough to think that nature can just go about its merry course - I think in today's overpopulated, compromised world, that only works in Disney fairytales! HA! Anyway....I'm preaching to the converted - you guys all know this. I guess my point in writing was just to ask for some more enlightenment on the topic - or is there none? Is this just a junk political move, bowing to pressure from the antis? I commented to a similar extent on this topic on a Facebook page, and two guys called me an idiot just because I hunt - all hunters are idiots they said, and hunting is ALWAYS harmful - period! Wow! Pretty black and white world they live in, eh? They also said that hunting makes elephants mean - what, if any, truth is there to this? I have never hunted elephants and will likely never have the treasured opportunity (unless I win the lottery! :)) so I know nothing of the subject. Sorry about the lengthy e-mail! Just wanting to educate myself a bit more! Thanks!
Politics! Greasing of the palms. Who has the most squeeze? Baksheesh! Plus the environmental movement in force. Before long this will be happening all over Africa. We may be witnessing the beginning of the end.

Sure hope not! I am getting pretty pessimistic about the general direction the world is taking, especially here in the USA, the Union of Stupid Assholes!
I wish I knew more about exactly why these changes have been proposed - as well as the upcoming ban on hunting in Botswana. I am an American, so my knowledge of how these countries manage their wildlife is pretty poor. But as a wildlife biologist and hunter, I can't understand how anyone can think that disallowing hunting is a smart move? Not to mention all the other reasons why I think hunting is important, it can be a very effective, revenue generating way to manage wildlife populations. And even though Africa has a wider variety and number of predators and scavengers than many other areas of the world, surely there is always SOME need to cull animals in ANY population? Why not let a hunter willing to pay for the experience and opportunity do the job? I enjoy observing nature and taking photos as well, but I'm not naive enough to think that nature can just go about its merry course - I think in today's overpopulated, compromised world, that only works in Disney fairytales! HA! Anyway....I'm preaching to the converted - you guys all know this. I guess my point in writing was just to ask for some more enlightenment on the topic - or is there none? Is this just a junk political move, bowing to pressure from the antis? I commented to a similar extent on this topic on a Facebook page, and two guys called me an idiot just because I hunt - all hunters are idiots they said, and hunting is ALWAYS harmful - period! Wow! Pretty black and white world they live in, eh? They also said that hunting makes elephants mean - what, if any, truth is there to this? I have never hunted elephants and will likely never have the treasured opportunity (unless I win the lottery! :)) so I know nothing of the subject. Sorry about the lengthy e-mail! Just wanting to educate myself a bit more! Thanks!

There is none (Enlightenment, that is)... I have converted a few, but, not enough to make a big difference. People believe what they want to believe, right or wrong. Whether they believe all the force fed B.S. that the media projects, (i.e. ABC, CBS, BBC,,, take your pick) or whether they take the time to actually find out what they really stand for, makes no difference. Most people are ignorant (not stupid), and take the easy way, the president or queen, the government (who are all looking out for OUR best interest) said this, so it must be true. The bad thing about this senerio is that these governments, World wide, are pissing off the folks with guns.

I am convinced, that when a politician (regardless of nationality) swears his/her oath, they take the common sense portion of their brain out and check it at the door.

Sorry to be a buzz kill but, you asked. In a rational world, elected officials would look at what is working and leave it alone, instead of trying to figure our ways they and their goons could profit from it.

I am sorry, I am on the goose, and brought politics into it. Me, alcohol and politicians are not a good combo. Sorry again.
Politics! Greasing of the palms. Who has the most squeeze? Baksheesh! Plus the environmental movement in force. Before long this will be happening all over Africa. We may be witnessing the beginning of the end.

Sure hope not! I am getting pretty pessimistic about the general direction the world is taking, especially here in the USA, the Union of Stupid Assholes!

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: The last sentence, there is not a standing ovation smiley, so the claps are the best I could do....

Damn it Ses, why is it that when there is a major F**k up in the cosmos, that there are usually government entities to blame, OH YEAH, cause they are the ones F*****g things up. Sorry just need a refresher course.
I wish I knew more about exactly why these changes have been proposed - as well as the upcoming ban on hunting in Botswana. I am an American, so my knowledge of how these countries manage their wildlife is pretty poor. But as a wildlife biologist and hunter, I can't understand how anyone can think that disallowing hunting is a smart move?

Well a while back in North America it was a common belief to round up the natives and put them on a reserve.
Politics, as Ses says.

To follow the first worlds history (repeating history, no one wants to learn from it)
Botswana pulled that off for the SAN in the creating the CKGR.
Now they are being moved involuntarily off the CKGR "for their own good". It is easier to deliver services to them in small towns than all spread out over a large area. It is also easier to mine, etc. without worrying about those SAN running around.

.......... And even though Africa has a wider variety and number of predators and scavengers than many other areas of the world, surely there is always SOME need to cull animals in ANY population?
Oh, you forget one predator. This is a predator that will be let loose shortly. Incredibly effective at population control, distinguished at it even. Excellent example in Kenya's recent history.(repeating history, no one wants to learn from it)

........... I guess my point in writing was just to ask for some more enlightenment on the topic - or is there none? Is this just a junk political move, bowing to pressure from the antis?
After reading Capstick's little "Tall Grass adventure tales" he wrote about Disney's BAMBI lovers being the issue then.
Today's version for Botswana: Dereck and Beverly Joubert

I commented to a similar extent on this topic on a Facebook page, and two guys called me an idiot just because I hunt - all hunters are idiots they said, and hunting is ALWAYS harmful - period! Wow! Pretty black and white world they live in, eh?

Look in a squirrel nest you find nuts!

They also said that hunting makes elephants mean - what, if any, truth is there to this? I have never hunted elephants and will likely never have the treasured opportunity (unless I win the lottery! :)) so I know nothing of the subject. .........

Not hunted them, but many experienced folk talk/write of poachers steel chunks being shot into them to cause irritation.
Also, constant poaching pressure does not provide for much time for rest.

I was educated on the realities of African wildlife and its continued existence during PH school.
They have to pay there way, that is it.
That is sadly against our first world view of huge national parks and untouched spaces that affords the idea of intrinsic value, etc.
Canada has 33 Million people, in 9,984,670 km2
RSA 49 million in 1,219,912 km2

Wonder why, as the second largest country in the world we can afford the ideal of wildlife having its own free space.

When the real hungry predators are loosed I think the results will be devastating.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
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Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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