Your average shooting distance in your hunting-property ?


AH legend
Jul 31, 2012
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I have the luck,that I don't need to shoot so far in my property (Germany) on Game.
Normaly 80-120 m .This is a normal distance in most parts of my country.
Exeptions confirms the rules.
In the mountains you have distances till 300m round.
But there, no Guide accept this range ,when he didn't know you.
The widest shots, I make it on the shooting range -300m
No further opportunitys here.
But ,mostly once in a month, I make a controll shot with my guns on 200m(below).
Just to see that this is also working.
Always ready.
How far is normaly your distance ?
on wedesday morning . I shot the fist samba deer at about 200 metres,in the morning .off the shoulder running full tilt for the bush
then later in the afternoon I took a big ole hind at 468 metres of a rest.........she was totally unawares , and relaxed , just come out of a gully head ,where she would've bedded all day out into open grazing in a cow paddock
when stalking in the bush most shots are between 30 metres and 150.with some shots onto opposite faces in gullies out to 300
this was stalking in fringe country on the edge of farm land
I just looked back on to the last few critters and the distances (yards) were: 80,120, 40, 250, 65, 320.
These are typical distances. The cover ranged from open country coulees to bush and forest.
The closest ever was 4 yards and longest 700. (Not typical at all.)
Very interesting question.

Here in Georgia where I hunt the shots are typically short as the woods are so thick. I'd say 20-60 yards on average where I hunt. Now you can sit on a power line and shoot 300+ yards too, but I don't do that very often.

In Colorado where I elk hunt I would say the average shot is 60-120 yards, but again, in the right place you can have a really long shot, or really close one. Years ago I had a cow elk that I heard long before I saw, end up at about eight yards and even then all I could see was her head.
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I zero in at around 150-200yrds, put 3 slugs into the box to see if your on the mark.
150-300 normally with a few both longer and shorter possible. Length is limited by my ability since many times the horizon blocks my view of the far side of my hunting "property" :D

I just looked back on to the last few critters and the distances (yards) were: 80,120, 40, 250, 65, 320.
These are typical distances. The cover ranged from open country coulees to bush and forest.
The closest ever was 4 yards and longest 700. (Not typical at all.)

You beat me on both accounts. 569 is my longest and I was 16' up my tree :D so my shortest was 16'-3 '=1 foot longer than yours :)
In Colorado, jump shooting elk in the black timber 15 to 30 yards, shooting across several meadows 200 to 500 yards.
Where I whitetail hunt in Arkansas, 20-30 yards in the wooded area and up to 200-250 yards in the fields. The longest distance I have ever taken a shot while hunting though is about 75-80 yards. I doubt that I would take a shot over 200 yards.
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You beat me on both accounts. 569 is my longest and I was 16' up my tree :D so my shortest was 16'-3 '=1 foot longer than yours :)

I was on the ground the whole time. Snuck up on a sleeping deer. Backed out, left it sleeping and brought the kid in again to take the shot.
Seeing the shock on the kids face as they snuck in and could not see the deer. They looked back at me and I pointed down at their feet.
The kid just about jumped out of their skin.
The deer never woke up from that nap.

My hunt club in Arkansas is mostly planted in pine but we have some open areas. This food plot is only 60 yards from the base of the stand to the farthest part. Some shots down in the woods or on the creek edges are 30 yard shots.
I was on the ground the whole time. Snuck up on a sleeping deer. Backed out, left it sleeping and brought the kid in again to take the shot.
Seeing the shock on the kids face as they snuck in and could not see the deer. They looked back at me and I pointed down at their feet.
The kid just about jumped out of their skin.
The deer never woke up from that nap.

Those are the ones you find in the freezer around here. Haven't shot a deer farther than 35yds in the swampy Lanark scrub. You just have to setup some ground cover and wait very quietly because there is no stalking deer here.
I could in theory shoot a couple hundred hards here, but the deer like to graze in the clover outside my barn, so we just sit in the loft on a comfy chair reading a book until they are good and close. 40-50 yards max, but I'm pretty sure I that in a pinch I could hunt them by dropping a cinder block on their heads if I wanted to.
I could in theory shoot a couple hundred hards here, but the deer like to graze in the clover outside my barn, so we just sit in the loft on a comfy chair reading a book until they are good and close. 40-50 yards max, but I'm pretty sure I that in a pinch I could hunt them by dropping a cinder block on their heads if I wanted to.
I'm a meat hunter and your setup seems like a dream come true
Where I tend to hunt on my home property in Kansas, I have dense patches good tree cover (relatively so, for Kansas at least) that are surrounded by cattle pasture and crop ground. So I might sit in the thick for the morning where my line of sight visibility is only 50yrds or less, and then I might move midday out to an edge-line where I'm overlooking beans or corn stubble where I might be able to see for a mile or more. I have some other properties out in the hills (again, relative term for Kansas) where the valleys are dense enough that they limit shots to only 500-700yrds.

I swap hunts with work colleagues around the country, I've hunting in North Carolina and Minnesota where I can't see more than 50yrds, and also out in Arizona, Utah, and both Dakotas where I could see for miles on end.

I tend to look for spots where I can take a 100-200yrd gimme shot, or less. If I really want to stretch it out, then it's almost a challenge to find spots where 1,000yrd hunting sets are possible.
Usually shots are 60-120 metres in the woodland. Out in the open areas it can be out to 350. That's not a distance I like to shoot sika. They are a resilient animal. A poorly placed shot out there will ruin your day tracking. Fallow deer tend to keel over relatively easy.
My two buddies help out on the tracking
in areas of Kansas that I hunt, I can get out to ranges of almost 800 yards. though I wouldn't take a shot at an animal that far, shooting steel at 1000-1200 yards isn't new to me. personally, the furthest ive taken an animal at was 562 yards. I average between 380 and 450 yards. last season I took a buck at 485 yards. I shoot a match grade 300 win mag pushing (hunting load) 200g accubonds under...I forget the charge... of h1000 at 2850 fps. I can consistently shoot .25"-.5" groups at 100 yards.
I found some more info... and proof! haha...

there are actually six shots in there...

for a long time, I would write out the minutes of angle needed for certain distances. since ive adopted a ballistic calculator, its been a little faster getting the elevation and windage. but its just not plug in numbers and go. I had to verify and tweak if my hits were not what the calculator was telling me.


the distance to that tree line behind the deer you see in the field is about 385 yards.



the playing field! straight ahead to that tree line is just under 600 yards. this is where I took my furthest kill.


the doe I took at 562 yards.


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There is nothing so formal as specific distances in the hills I hunt and I can see animals out to over 2000 yds at times. I have stalked in from about 600 to a shooting distance of under 200 for an open sighted rifle but in other parts there may be a sudden sighting at anything from 50-70 yds out to a a few 100 that may be worth following up

Some close

Some far (about 1000yds down to the creek and don't forget that if you go down you have to come back up again)

Some is easy walking

Other areas, not so much



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LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

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Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia