"You Can't Even Talk About IT" John Stossel


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Mar 26, 2009
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You Can't Even Talk About IT - John Stossel

Anyone catch John Stossel's most recent production? "You Can't Even Talk About It"

One segment dealt with why the false ideal of prohibiting hunting of a species will protect it from extinction.

Worth a watch--

ABC 20/20 - How to Save Endangered Tigers: Kill Them?
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why hunting is the best conservation

DuggaBoy, Thank you for that great post... I am glad that they put this on prime time television. Something that hunters have known for years... perhaps others out there will wake and smell the coffee.
DuggaBoy this is an excellent post, and I really hope that it opens up the eyes of a lot of people out in the world that.

Thanks again for this great post.

I saw it!

I saw it and I was astonished that the anti was so opposed :nonono: to the idea though Stossel could site many instances where it had saved species from extinction!

Ya can't change some people's minds...In other words, "Don't confuse me with the facts!"
Great post... would like to emphasize that by allowing trade and farming options through controlled mechanisms, it makes the product cheaper and more readily accessible, therefore significantly reducing the pressure on natural (wild) populations. The poacher would not be paid enough to risk his life for something that is available at the town farm.
With pressure reduced on natural populations, conservation measures in the field would have much more success. But this brings us to the 'canned lion' scenario again... One could argue that canned hunts reduce the pressure on natural populations and also give more opportunity to more people (personally i cannot call them hunters) to collect a lion trophy. I will not refute the possibility of it having some positive effects, as long as it is not classified as HUNTING. Some of that money should be channeled into keeping lion territories wild... does anyone know if that is practiced?
Great Post!! The only problem is it's a tough sell to convince the anti's - as what ever you say or do is wrong!! Hopefully the right people see this & keep up the good work of raising animals & maybe the Tiger can come back in strong numbers as the Elephant & Rhino's are!!
Thanks for the editing help .
Maybe ,I'LL learn how to do the link-thing.
DuggaBoy, I'm glad you posted that. I can't watch videos where I'm at for the next couple months but that article was great. I'm glad to see someone with some sense being able to get so public with his views.
Absolutely fantastic piece. It's hard to argue with facts.
This is one of the oldest "truths" which the animal rights persona as exemplified by the "lady" being interviewed just cannot come to terms with. Man cultivates those plants which have value, he does not cultivate the weeds.
Thanks DuggaBoy! An excellent post on a topic that should not be of the extreme controversy and polarization it has become.

It seems quite indisputable that the method of placing a value on an animal (American Bison, African Elephant and White Rhino) will increase the population where a previous total ban will likely aid in its extinction.

People such as the woman in the video (wildlife trade advisor Judy Mills) are so very typical of the adage; "There are none so blind as those who will not see".

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