Worried, need advice.....


AH veteran
May 16, 2013
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Namibia, South Africa, USA, Canada
I'm booked for an archery safari the end of next month. I'm beyond excited, or at least I was. I'm now concerned as the communication from the outfitter has dried up. I sent an e-mail to the outfitter a while back that took way too long to receive a reply. Not a big deal as it was only one message, but a bit disconcerting none the less. I sent another e-mail two weeks ago - no reply at all. I had asked if there were some current trail cam pics that could be forwarded to me,to aid in living in the moment in a more real sense as I have watched hundreds of archery YouTube hunts the last few months. A response of 'no, trail cam pics are not possible or practical right now' is not a desirable reply, but a whole lot better than no reply at all. So I sent an e-mail to the booking agent asking if the outfitter was OK as I have received no communication at all (also he has completely disappeared from social media). Now I get no reply from the booking agent! The e-mail I sent to the booking agent was only three days ago, and perhaps he is out of touch over the holiday weekend, but....

So, I've gone from being excited beyond the ability to sleep at night to being worried (not what I want when I have my favorite thing to do in this life as well as a small fortune invested). If this is the level of service I can expect I don't want to go... AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!

I sure could use some advice.......

Thanks in advance
Ok, not to down play your concern but, take a deep breath! Literally.

I realize you are newer to it. As I approached my first safari I wanted reassurance from the Outfitter as well. Expecting immediate responses was the biggest issue I had. I learned it is Africa and they do not tend to reply to email the same day.

I learned to chill a little more and remember some fact:

The time zone is out by 7 to 9 hours, depending where you and they are located.

It is hunting season on Africa.
If the Outfitter is the PH he may be in the field and working very long days and they are not at a computer.
No excuses for zero replies.

Have you tried phoning him?

With some more information people having used these guys may be able to provide some specific reassurance.
Who is your Agent?
Who is your Outfitter?
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Ipace, I think the best is that you call the booking agent tomorrow (Monday) if you send them a email 3 days ago it was Friday and as you say they can be out for the weekend.... The other thing that you did not receive a prompt and within 24 hours answer from the outfitter is not acceptable at all !

You did not mention where in Africa, and you did not mention what agent or outfitter/ph it is, so it's not very easy to give advice more than that. Wish you good luck to solve the problem that you should not have.
Many things could be happening from the outfitter being busy hunting to having no service at all to answer emails. Yes trail cam pics are nice but they not want to check cameras now or even be in that area.

Don't panic and be ready for a good hunt when you get there is all I would think of at this point.
I didn't mention either the outfitter or the booking agent as I really didn't want to mention names. The hunt is booked for the Kimberely area in RSA with Mike Birch with Hunt the Sun Safaris, and my booking agent is Doyle Bruner with KhioSan Safaris.

I know that it is hunting season in Africa and I can certainly make concessions for people being busy. But two weeks with no reply is, in my view, unacceptable. The outfitter quite literally has my dreams in his hands and the no response thing does nothing but throw water on those dreams :(

Prior to booking, the outfitter was quite prompt with replies even with a wounded hartebeest they were tracking (last year during hunting season). So why things are different now is beyond me. I asked the booking agent for information as I was concerned about the outfitter and genuinely wanted to know if he is OK.

I expected the booking agent to reply promptly, and was quite surprised to get no reply after three days from him (he is retired). I will call him tomorrow as recommended by Mbizi Safaris above.
................ But two weeks with no reply is, in my view, unacceptable. The outfitter quite literally has my dreams in his hands and the no response thing does nothing but throw water on those dreams :(

It's not about bashing the guy from my side, just a hope someone could help you out.

Two weeks is unacceptable.

I'll email and see what reply I get.
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I have to agree with Brick. I would relax and take some deep breaths. Please understand this isn't like hunting, or outfitting for that matter, in the US. These guys generally don't have just one place they hunt. So yes last year he may have been trailing a animal and able to communicate but he could be on another range three hours from cell service at the moment. For what it's worth he could be in a completely different country hunting right now. These guys are all over the place all the time running and gunning.
I have to agree with Brick. I would relax and take some deep breaths. Please understand this isn't like hunting, or outfitting for that matter, in the US. These guys generally don't have just one place they hunt. So yes last year he may have been trailing a animal and able to communicate but he could be on another range three hours from cell service at the moment. For what it's worth he could be in a completely different country hunting right now. These guys are all over the place all the time running and gunning.

True, and good point. But then again, this is not the first issue with responsiveness. I'm really am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt....
I sent an email to mike using his websites email address and invited him to view this thread and address the communication issues.
OK, it would appear that I'm somewhat guilty of 'farting before being spurred'. It hasn't been two weeks with no reply from the outfitter (I checked my sent messages),actually it has been eight days - although it seems like two months!

Deep breath, followed by another deep breath.

I went to Africa last summer after about 35 years of dreaming about it. The realization of the dream was a life changing experience. The result of that was when I got home from the first trip I immediately embarked on the journey of getting back. Crazy thing is that I'm MUCH more excited for the second trip than the first one (which has a significant impact on my perception of time).....
I sent an email to mike using his websites email address and invited him to view this thread and address the communication issues.

I have been right where you are for the most part but will support what others are telling you. Breath but do so knowing that you are not being unreasonable. 8 days is too long to hear nothing. The PHs and outfitters I have used have cell phones and internet service in most areas of RSA. Shame on the booking agent for not responding!
Even when Pieter was doing everything almost by himself he would respond to emails when he awoke in the morning and I was sound asleep in Kansas City which is a seven hour time difference.
I understand. I have been planning my next trip since months and months before my first. I think everyone understands your concern but don't let it ruin your trip. I say that because I tend to get worked up about things and am a worry wart so I have the tendency to worry myself sick about the little stuff. I'm sure that you'll have a great trip and I can't wait to read your hunt report when you get back.
Just found this reply to my email a few moments ago.

"Thanks for the heads up will email him immediately.

Sent from Mike's iPhone"
Just found this reply to my email a few moments ago.

"Thanks for the heads up will email him immediately.

Sent from Mike's iPhone"

Thank you kind sir. The response to this thread has been overwhelming! The milk of human kindness has not dried up!
Just found this reply to my email a few moments ago.

"Thanks for the heads up will email him immediately.

Sent from Mike's iPhone"
And reply immediately he did. :)

I feel a LOT better now (yes I'm something of a worry wart). My hat is off to AfricaHunting.com!

Thank you!!!! :)
No need to get stressed out... Yet. Here's the thing. The PH is a PH, not a travel agent & confidont. Maybe y'all are FB, Twitter. Instagram pals... Probably not. Here's the thing. You are a client, coming in on aparticular date. In the meantime, he has clients, hunters, life, etc... Happening. I know, trust me, it's hard not to feel like we are not the only one. But, we are not. And many times, service, signal, data, overages, eric play a factor. Rest easy..... It will be fine.

Trust me.... I have had these same thoughts.... And I consider my ph & US Reps my friends.
And reply immediately he did. :)

I feel a LOT better now (yes I'm something of a worry wart). My hat is off to AfricaHunting.com!

Thank you!!!! :)


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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's