Why trophy hunting could be key to saving Africa's wildlife
The lion or elephant in the photo should be stone-cold dead. The hunter posing with it should be ugly, fat and preferably American. Cue to social media outrage from celebrities, journalists and online nobodies. Few things generate more furious likes and retweets than old, white men killing...
The lion or elephant in the photo should be stone-cold dead. The hunter posing with it should be ugly, fat, and preferably American. Cue to social media outrage from celebrities, journalists, and online nobodies. Few things generate more furious likes and retweets than old, white men killing African mega-fauna.
Yet, as Barack Obama once said: ‘This idea of purity and you’re never compromised … you should get over that quickly. The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws.’
As counter-intuitive as it sounds, African trophy hunting is a powerful conservation tool. To be clear: we’re talking about regulated hunting in Africa and not poaching which, together with habitat destruction, are the biggest threats to African wildlife.