Preaching to the choir on this website, of course, but as we all knew it would go. Along this line, and regarding elephant trophy import to the USA, I watched an impassioned speech from a well known anti, saying "what kind of message are we sending when a rich white man can kill an elephant for ivory, but a poor black man cannot kill one for meat?". A fair question. But while these dipsticks are worried about "what message is sent" I was actually worried more about the elephant. They would sacrifice the entire species to make sure that the "message" is soothing to their consciousness...............Hunters are a small minority in most countries. Be sure your voice is heard long before the ban takes place. Enjoy your hunting every year, but too cheap to join any advocacy group? Think of Botswana, Kenya, British Columbia, etc, etc. Vocal groups of "counter demonstrators" stand ready to bully you and shout out your free speech. Even if you don't agree with everything they may say, join SOME advocacy group. I choose the NRA and a few others. Be pro active. Those of you who enjoy living and hunting in the USA or Canada but do nothing extra are riding on someone else's back............remember Botswana......good hunting.............................FWB