AH ambassador
Another slot filled..
Just 2 beds left available.. jump in now if you're interested!

Just 2 beds left available.. jump in now if you're interested!

What a great deal for anyone that can make it !!!!@Bos en Dal SAFARIS will be hosting a PH Course at its lodge/property from Sept 18-27th (10 days), 2025.
The course will be presented by Game Hunters/Gerhard Steenkamp
$1850 per person for an all inclusive course (housing/accomidation = 2x people per room rather than a typical "bunkhouse" arrangement that is common at most PH courses.. all meals (simpler fare than your typical meals on a safari, but plenty of it, and intentionally a bit "nicer" than what you'd experience at most PH courses), non alcoholic drinks (you can bring your own beer/booze if you'd like to have some by the fire at night), pick up and drop off at the airport, all training materials, all training, etc..etc.. )...
Certificates presented at the end of the course..
This course is set aside for AH members only, and is limited to 8x slots. 3 are already spoken for (myself, wife, and @roverandbrew ).
If youre not an SA citizen or living/working in SA currently you wouldnt be able to sit for the licensing exam, but the course material and training will be identical to what PH's experience, with a couple of minor twists (that I think are pretty awesome)..
Twist #1 - More focus on the "fun" skills like flora and fauna identification, trophy identification, hunt skills, shooting, etc.. and a little less focus on the legal issues (you'll still be trained on the laws.. but since you wont be sitting for the licensing exam, we'll spend more time on the practical exercises and less on the legal issues)..
Twist #2 - At the end of the course, there each new "PH" will guide another new PH on a hunt (hunt included in the price) for either an impala or a blesbok...
If you want to hunt something other than an impala or a blesbok, you are welcome to do so.. just pay the associated trophy fee for that animal..
If you want to come to camp early or stay a few days after the course and do some hunting, you are welcome to do so.. normal rates apply..
A $500 deposit is all that is needed to secure a spot.. as stated above there are only 5 spots left available.. first come is first served.. if interested, shoot me a PM and let me know you want a slot.. we'll need to secure with a deposit within a week or so, or we'll need to move on to the next person in line (I suspect the course will fill quickly.. Ive mentioned this idea to several people on AH previously who have all expressed interest, and this has been getting worked on for several months.. I think we're going to have much more interest than we're going to be able to have seats at the table... $1850 for 10x days in camp with a bunch of good people, some fun training, and a nice little hunt at the end is a pretty incredible value IMO)..
Hope to spend some time with a few of you guys in South Africa in Sept of 2025!
Seriously thinking about this and anyway, you should think about doing this at least once every year
Checking flight availability and prices from my Country right now to get myself overall cost idea.
Where should one drop? Johannesburg?
Very interesting. Can’t do this right now but would love the chance another time. Hopefully this comes back around in the future
Understand on timing. I’m usually booked well over a year in advance for hunts and family vacations. My 2025 is already fully booked (sailing charter in Croatia, Switzerland, pronghorn, South Dakota, Romania) and 2026 already has a trip to Japan in the spring and Zimbabwe in August.
So for me at least a year or more out would be helpful. I’d be very interested in a spring of 2027 option.
Honestly I think sept is a great time. Weather wise things haven’t gotten too hot yet. It’s dry and leaves are off the trees. End of Safari season.we realized this would potentially "compete" with people making other plans for international hunts, etc.. and we wanted to give everyone plenty of time to plan, make a decision, etc.. which is why we initially posted about it Mid November (well before show season and the Jan-Feb time frame when many book hunts for the year).. May-August arent really doable since that's the busy time of the year for Bos en Dal (and most other outfitters) with hunting groups.. We cant really take camp for 10 days when it otherwise could have been filled with people paying for hunts.. so our only real options were to go very early (March/April) which wasn't very appealing since we were announcing in November (not enough time for people to consider options, plan, etc)... or to go late (after season is largely over) in Sept/Oct..
I figured Oct is going to be way too hot.. and we're starting to get into a rainy time of the year which wouldn't make sitting outside by the fire at night too much fun... so we went with Sept..
all of that said, if early spring (US spring) is appealing to enough people, I'd be happy to see what we could do to put something together for maybe March/April 2026.. We'd just need to have at least 8 people committed to be able to pull it off..
Im going to have to check in with you after 2025... We're not sailing... but my wife and I are talking about hunting Croatia in 2026!
Job? Hell, jobs are overrated.Sure wish I could attend Dave. Wrong timing on dates for me. South Zone Dove opening weekend. I wouldn't have a job if I left for 10 days that time of year!!
You all will have a great time for sure!!
Does one need to bring his gun and ammos for the course / hunt? Or are these things provided by the school?Yes, Johannesburg / OR Tambo would be the best place to come into the country.. the Bos en Dal lodge is only about a 90 minute drive from there (super convenient and easy to get to from Joberg)..