White Rhino Hunt


New member
Jul 2, 2024
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Good day Team,

I love this site and plan on reading as much hunting information as possible. I have been to Africa 4 times and just need to finish my big 5 with a white rhino. I leave in a couple of days and now my outfitter is claiming I have new processing charges....so I am asking an experienced Rhino Hunter in this forum if I need to pay or have they paid for a collection cost, a security transport cost, an insurance policy on the horn, and a monthly charge of 150 a month untill its exported to the shipping broker in about 18 months. I obviously can afford all these charges, but what triggers me, it's that the person charging all these fees is a third party Taxidermist in Africa. I called them today, and they want to quote me in addition to all these charges. It all sounds kinda shady but maybe not. Can someone please shed some light on my question? Kind regards and Thank you.
I didn’t have all of those fees with mine. It seems like a money grab. Hopefully some of the other outfitters that hunt rhino will chime in.
:S Welcome:
Good day Team,

I love this site and plan on reading as much hunting information as possible. I have been to Africa 4 times and just need to finish my big 5 with a white rhino. I leave in a couple of days and now my outfitter is claiming I have new processing charges....so I am asking an experienced Rhino Hunter in this forum if I need to pay or have they paid for a collection cost, a security transport cost, an insurance policy on the horn, and a monthly charge of 150 a month untill its exported to the shipping broker in about 18 months. I obviously can afford all these charges, but what triggers me, it's that the person charging all these fees is a third party Taxidermist in Africa. I called them today, and they want to quote me in addition to all these charges. It all sounds kinda shady but maybe not. Can someone please shed some light on my question? Kind regards and Thank you.
I would not do this. There should be no hidden charges unless in writing up front yes even in Africa. A white rhino comes at a very high cost. I would call your outfitter to get to the bottom of this and if not satisfactory choose another outfitter and taxi!!!
Who are you hunting with?
Use an outfitter and taxidermsit who regurlaly handles rhino trophies.

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expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Btw.... Brad Clemens took deposit money from Dy
. Brad was living in Great Falls as of a few months ago. He keeps running and hiding. Sound familiar. None of you posting have any idea what is really going on. Brad is a pathological liar. Don't believe any quote or anything that comes out of his mouth. He is a horrible person...1st hand knowledge and his name is toxic to many in the hunting world.
We have been very busy hunting! Lots of pictures and videos in process!

expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!