What age to bring a kid on a Dangerous Game hunt?


AH legend
Jan 22, 2019
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Minneapolis, MN
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My son, father and I hunted PG in the summer of 2018. My son is now 15 and quite proficient with a rifle. We hunt together in NA a lot. Lord willing, this July we return to Namibia to hunt again. (This is a postponed 2020 hunt.)
What age do you all think is appropriate to bring a kid on a DG hunt? Hippo is for sure included and we may add on buff. My son will probably not be the shooter as he is not yet comfortable with the .375. We both will be using R8s, so a barrel swap is easy if he gains proficiency this spring, but I’m not going to rush it.
What have others done?
What do the PH’s think and recommend?
I know two separate hunters who brought teenage sons on big 5 hunts and allowed their son's to kill the full bag of big 5 in their teens, and neither one of those kids hunts today.

It depends on the kid.
............. My son ..............is not yet comfortable with the .375. .............. if he gains proficiency this spring, but I’m not going to rush it.
Sounds like the answer right there. At least for your son doing the shooting. If he is "just" tagging along, the kid just needs to be able to follow instructions.
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I personally understand the urge to let your son ( or daughter) hunt DG . I am bringing my son with me on a Cape Buffalo hunt in May. I want him to enjoy the hunt , hunt some plains game, and start planning and saving for his own Buff hunt some day. Part of the fun is planning, practice, gun/ scope choice etc. Being exposed to it , is way different than killing all of big 5. Need to have somethIng to look forward to. My two cents anyway
Sounds like the answer right there.
To be more clear: my question is primarily about bringing him along as part of the hunt and stalk. Today, I don’t think he is ready to shoot DG.

Is it too much risk to bring him along?

@Muskox what age did the people you know bring the kids? (My discretionary income won’t support a big 5 pursuit for him. College first!)
I personally understand the urge to let your son ( or daughter) hunt DG . I am bringing my son with me on a Cape Buffalo hunt in May. I want him to enjoy the hunt , hunt some plains game, and start planning and saving for his own Buff hunt some day. Part of the fun is planning, practice, gun/ scope choice etc. Being exposed to it , is way different than killing all of big 5. Need to have somethIng to look forward to. My two cents anyway
How old is your son? We too have had fun in the planing, talking and practice. He learned a tremendous amount on our first PG hunt. This time around will be a continuation of that education.
I was 17 when I took my first hippo and croc. I unsuccessfully tracked and stalked buffalo too. I was on a separate 1x1 hunt from my Dad, my Dad made me pay what I thought was a really significant portion at the time. I’m glad I had opportunity. It only made me want to hunt again after I finished college. Only you and your PH can determine your son’s maturity level if you feel he’s suited for being along on that hunt with you.
Mine is 23 ( yesterday) second trip for us coming up. I think 15 is plenty old enough to accompany on DG hunt. As long as he is capable of doing what he is told by the ph. walk quietly, dont talk when it is required, be still,if told etc. Some 15 year olds can do it no pblm. Some 15 year olds, no way.
I was 17 when I took my first hippo and croc. I unsuccessfully tracked and stalked buffalo too. I was on a separate 1x1 hunt from my Dad, my Dad made me pay what I thought was a really significant portion at the time. I’m glad I had opportunity. It only made me want to hunt again after I finished college. Only you and your PH can determine your son’s maturity level if you feel he’s suited for being along on that hunt with you.
Thanks for the input, it makes sense. The more I think about this the more I realize that he needs to earn the right to hunt the more complicated animals. This is a good forum to discuss this as many of my friends don’t have the experience.

Did you get brought along on any DG hunting before you were allowed to shoot DG?
I know two separate hunters who brought teenage sons on big 5 hunts and allowed their son's to kill the full bag of big 5 in their teens, and neither one of those kids hunts today.

It depends on the kid.
It may be a little hard to go back to jackrabbits after a full bag of the big 5.

Most North American (I’m making a geographical assumption there, feel free to correct me) game might seem pedestrian to a kid who has already shot an elephant and a lion.
I actually think that if the kid is a hunter then going back to small game or bigger game here in North America would be a piece of cake. Plus he would be on the top of creed points with his hunting friends for having hunted any or all of the big 5.

As for taking him on a big 5 hunt, if he wants to go take him. As long as he knows how to follow instructions and he is aware of the fact that he may be required to stay quite a ways behind the shooter then all should be well.

I know that when I was 15 if someone offered me this type of opportunity I would of been packed and ready to go in the morning even if they trip wasn't for a year or more. I would even be working on that 375 like it was a juicy hamburger. I do know that when I was 15 I was shooting anything that I could get my hands on and was having a lot of fun with a 12ga and 3" shells out in the duck blind. And while I was over 6' tall I was 120 lbs dripping wet at that age.
hi all

from a PH and outfitter point of view
some kids ive hunted with at 15, yes no problem at all......other 15 year old's , no way!!!
if your son is a hunter, listens and is not scared of african bush in general (spiders, snakes, animals) then it shouldnt be a problem and should stimulate his hunger to hunt DG later in his life
i think that call could be made between the parent and ph while on the hunt, if he not fit to go along then he stays in camp or on the truck.

hi all

from a PH and outfitter point of view
some kids ive hunted with at 15, yes no problem at all......other 15 year old's , no way!!!
if your son is a hunter, listens and is not scared of african bush in general (spiders, snakes, animals) then it shouldnt be a problem and should stimulate his hunger to hunt DG later in his life
i think that call could be made between the parent and ph while on the hunt, if he not fit to go along then he stays in camp or on the truck.

Thank you for the input. He has been bow hunting with me for a couple years now, so his level of patience and stealth has really improved. My main concern is safety. He and the PH got along very well on the last trip, so I suspect this time my son will be comfortable taking instruction.
Sounds like it shouldnt be a problem
Everybodys safety is the ph concern

My son has hunted Africa with me 4 times, plenty of plains game under the belt. Good shooter. At that age, he didn't want to do a dangerous game hunt because he wants to leave something undone so he has something to aspire to.

I'm really torn on what my opinion is here. On the one hand, if he wants to go, it will be a great experience even though he is not going to be shooting. On the other hand, I continue to focus on "not yet comfortable with the .375". Although he is psychologically ready and is proficient, it sounds like he is not yet physically ready for the hunt. And in all likelihood it will go very well and I am honestly not concerned that he will need to defend himself. More that he is going to be a boy in a man's experience and it just isn't time yet. He only gets to be a kid once. As much as we all want to push our sons to grow and achieve (and I'm as guilty or more than anyone), I think it is better to let him enjoy being 15, have a great father-son plains game hunt and take him dangerous game hunting when he's a bit older. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to do as a hunt when father and son are more or less equal- dad with more experience and getting a bit over the hill and son in his physical prime with things still to learn. I think that is how I'll be passing the torch when the time comes.
To be more clear: my question is primarily about bringing him along as part of the hunt and stalk. Today, I don’t think he is ready to shoot DG.

Is it too much risk to bring him along?


IMHO, If he can follow instruction, take him along with you. If you are going to be concerned, and thereby distracted, I'd think about the decision to bring him along.
Your PH will take all reasonable precautions to ensure everyones safety.
Likely covered above, but I wouldn't have my son (or daughter) on a DG hunt without a big bore rifle in their hands. My son tagged along on several DG hunts (after much prior experience hunting in Africa and shooting .375s-.458s) as a backup shooter with his .375. He was 21 on buff and 23 on elephant and hippo. Although the chance is slim, anything can happen at any time (especially when a dangerous animal is wounded.) I could never forgive myself if anything happened that I could've prevented, and thus, they must too be prepared for such an undertaking...
I think you have to ask yourself a few questions:
1. Is your family ok with your son accompanying you?
2. Do you trust the PH to be able to sort out any situation you might get into?
3. Do you trust your son to be able to obey all orders given by your PH?

If the answer to all those questions is ‘yes’, then I think you should absolutely take him. The last DG hunt I went on with my father was now a couple years ago, but it is still one of our main topics of conversation.

Unfortunately we all know hunters who were going to do something or bring someone on the ‘next’ hunt that never were to be due to all sorts of different circumstances. Trying to juggle African politics, US politics (for us), world politics, employment, work schedules, school schedules, health, and just life, none of us are guaranteed a ‘next’ hunt. I think this could be a great opportunity for your son to be part of one of the most enjoyable experiences of your life!

If I could make one suggestion for your hunt, hire a cameraman!
I am with Bert, be careful of spoiling him. He would probably be well capable of taking a buff, but what do you offer for an encore? A nice PG animal is plenty at that age, even an impala and a warthog, plenty to aspire to right there. Then you shoot the buff and he will respect you. Also you gsters must earn their rite of passage - a buff or an ellie later in not to be taken for granted.

As for him being on the hunt no problem at all, I bet he can out run and out climb the rest of you!
Just a thought on the 375, has he shot the 235gr loads? They are a bit less recoil. He can accompany you, take a couple PG with your rifle / 235gr (assuming they shoot close to impact as your other ammo) and hang back at the final approach to the buffalo for safety.

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

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Natural Bridge, Virginia